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duminică, 10 februarie 2008
Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog:Yes, We Can Change You !
Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog
Jocuri cu cifre si securisti. Paradoxul corbului
de Adrian PATRUSCA
"25% din magistrati sunt din fosta Securitate", spune Basescu. 25% din 9 inseamna 2 si ceva. Noua este numarul judecatorilor de la Curtea Constitutionala. Inseamna ca, potrivit algoritmului prezidential, mai mult de doi dintre ei sunt securisti. Probabil, insa, ca algoritmul trebuie schimbat la Curtea...
sâmbătă, 9 februarie 2008
Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog:Entry for February 09, 2008- Romanian Campaign this gun shoot businessman from Constantza
Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog
The contributions will be used for the Campaign Against Illegal Guns to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Thank you so much.
For all Romanian political men!
Games with figures and ex Securitate agents. The raven paradox
"25% of magistrates come from the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania", Traian Basescu claims. 25% of 9 is a little more than 2. In the Constitutional Court there are 9 judges. According to the presidential calculation, it means more than 2 of them are ex Securitate collaborators. But the calculation needs to be changed in the Constitutional Court, probably. Since the judges were appointed on political criteria (3 by Presidency, 3 by the Chamber of Deputies and 3 by the Senate), it is easy to reckon that they chose the most obedient ones instead of the best qulified ones. Up there (like in all the institutions politically based) they needed some puppets to obey order,s not to analyze them. And for a puppet there is no better rope than one's ex Securitate record. Therefore in the Constitutional Court there must be more ex Securitate collaborators than the 25%, the average for the entire magistracy in Romania. But which is the true percentage, in fact? Is it 35% or 45%? What if we consider that most Court judges come from the primordial soup consisting in the 1989 National Salvation Front, from Ion Iliescu's apprentices stil lively roaming about all Romanian parties and institutions? Since we know the coup d'etat was authored by those in the second and third layers of the Communist nomenclature, then which is the real percentage of ex Securitate members in the Constitutional Court? 55%? 65%? This is a game of figures that may as well go on, maybe up to 100%. An innocent game, based on suppositions, no doubt, but fueled by the ignorance of the truth, by rumors and bizarre coincidences. One such coincidence is that the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) is now being beaten with the Constitutional club for it is time for the records of magistrates to be tackled. And the 9 judges are some of these judges. There is also rumored that, the night before the announcement on the sentence in the Norica Nicolai case, some of the 9 received from Cotroceni Palace some fragrant pages from their own records. Rumor has it this is how a hallucinating decision emerged, a decision by which the Constitutional Court dared modify the very Constitution of Romania. We don't know whether it is true or not. What is serious is that it may be true. It is serious that we live with suspicion and assumptions about the institution that has become the key to Romanian politics, since nothing moves or unlocks without the Constitutional Court's consent. Because the Constitution is imbecile and meant for several interpretations, depending on interests, because there is a battle for power being fought, the Constitutional Court has got to rule Romania and even modify the Constitution. If the Constitutional Court is studded with ex Securitate members, then the latter rule Romania. Real news, you will say! And still. If this is the truth, let it be at least announced and made official, a Socialist Republic of Romania redivivus, actually a Securitate Republic of Romania redivivus. This way we can learn which way to play and which filth we live with and we should stop flirting with the EU and the NATO. These people who are welcomed by brassbands when paying visits to Bucharest or those we run into in the world's chancelleries should know whom they talk to. But maybe we can decide we don't like to be perceived by everyone as the outcast of Europe, as the Trojan house left by Nicolae Ceausescu in the car park in Targoviste. Maybe we can decide we aspire to be honorable and our pride is offended because of so much suspicion and rumor. If so, then politicians must decide to unbury the truth at once. And if politicians prove unable and unwilling, then there is need of huge pressure from civil society. The CNSAS-Constitutional Court incident may be turned into a spring board for unmasking the ex Securitate collaborators. And it is with the very Constitutional Court this must start. Apart from rumors and coincidences, it must be decided on how many ex Securitate collaborators are assigned to interpret the Constitution of Romania everytime government and Presidency get into conflict. As for the change of the law settling the Court's activity, a change Romanian Liberals have been planning, I am skeptical about it. According to the Liberal plan, magistrates who had no connections with politics should be appointed judges. Very well! There will no more ex party members, but chaps appointed by parties instead, chaps grateful or easy to blackmail. Or the judges will be appointed by the Superior Council of Magistracy, although the latter institution has so far proved to be a nest of conservavatives opposing reform. Moreover, only 3 of the 9 judges may be replaced in 2008. The mandates of the remaining 6 will be up in 2010 and 2013. Mandate duration is settled in the Constitution. Law change is no use, since staff may not be changed. The only way to get rid of them is unmask them. Unlike politicians, magistrates get sanctioned if proved to have been involved in political police activities: they are sacked from magistracy. The key is still in the CNSAS, an institution headed by officials appointed on political criteria, which goes for the Constitutional Court too. Therefore the CNSAS too is subject to pressure and blackmail. Will this institution be strong enough to go beyond this status and assault the raven mate?"
joi, 7 februarie 2008
Yahoo! 360° - Home - Welcome to Save Britannia.- Third Roma last step
Yahoo! 360° - Home
" * Welcome
* Petition
This site has been set up to persuade the government and Gordon Brown in particular, to not scrap Britannia from our fifty pence piece.
This is another example of the deliberate erosion of our Britishness, our heritage and our culture.
This is one step too far in that process, and we urge everyone to make a stand against this NOW.
It may only be a coin today, but we must draw the line somewhere and make our voices heard.
What will be next, Christmas, Easter, Christianity, Our National Anthem, - Who knows.
What we all know, is that we are sick to death of it and it MUST STOP NOW.
Rule Britannia!"
miercuri, 6 februarie 2008
Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog:Mister Bill Gates becomind The New Pharaoh Akhenaton [ATON] of this period ...
Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog
Entry for February 06, 2008 - Mister Bill Gates The Pharaoh Akhenaton [ATON] of the INTERNET
Entry for February 06, 2008 - Mister Bill Gates The Pharaoh Akhenaton [ATON] of the INTERNET magnify
"If Microsoft becoming Microsoft&Yahoo nr1 in IT of The World this Mister Bill Gates becoming The Pharaoh Akhenaton [ATON] of the INTERNET once just Big Brother of THIRD MILLENNIUM....this is the just New Age with an virtual Pharaoh :Bill Gates........
Sile this Millennium
"Egyptian" by Mika Waltari ...and I am fascinating the Historical Egypt in the century XIV .î.Chr....I like Pharaoh Akhenaton [ATON] of this period ..."
My Blog
My Blog
" Exclusive interview with Bill Gates
Bill Gates's audacious move on Yahoo! challenges Google. In an exclusive interview, he outlines his thinking
* Transcription of the interview
Transcription of the Bill Gates interview
Full text of the interview between John Waples, Business Editor of the Sunday Times, and Bill Gates
John Waples, Business Editor, Sunday Times
The Company has morphed five times since its inception. Are we getting to a stage now where Microsoft has to morph again and it is time for a structural change?
Bill Gates, Chairman, Microsoft
No. There are two tracks that are somewhat separate. There are technology discontinuities, where we need to bet on something and then there are management structural phases, where the way we organise and do things are different. And those two things are really separate. The latter is much more an internal thing in terms of how we are getting our people to work together, making decisions, etc. Steve has driven all of that for a long time.
I wouldn’t say 80,000 versus 40,000 people is one of those discontinuities. Steve made a lot of changes when he became CEO in terms of the processes and delegation where he and I were making a lot less of the decisions. But I don’t think we are at some boundary. It is up to him. He thinks about those things all the time; I get to think about just the technology discontinuities. It is always a matter of degree but there are always big things happening, such as software running and the internet, natural user interface, advertising models, and the importance of the mobile phone.
John Waples
I suppose the point I am trying to make is does Microsoft all hang together now in one company? Does MSN work alongside Vista? Is there a point at which some of it gets spun out in several businesses?
Bill Gates
No. We’ve done a few spinouts. We have sold Expedia, which became a very successful travel company and that was quite some time ago. We sold Slate magazine, where we were planning on doing what journalism on the internet would look like. Slate did some wonderful things but it came to the point where hiring that kind of talent and keeping it vigorous was not our central skill. We are a software company, so Don Graham at The Washington Post bought that. Actually it has done very well, which I am pleased to see, and it keeps pioneering things. If you want to see cool ways of journalism on the internet I think they are at the cutting edge of that.
In terms of online, email and anything software-centric, that is a core part of the company. We always do reorganisations but what I was saying about the five phases is where we really look at the whole process of how things are reviewed and how the pot people think of their jobs, that is what has changed. Phase one where the top guy writes the majority of the code reviews is not the phase we are in today.
John Waples
You became Chairman and you have become an iconic figure throughout history. Does Steve now step up and fill those more public shoes?
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Bill Gates: Microsoft şi Google vor pierde cândva supremaţia
Adrian Popa
Miercuri, 06 Februarie
Preşedintele gigantului software avertizează: primul loc este o poziţie pe care oricine o ocupă doar temporar
Bill Gates, preşedintele Microsoft, avertizează: orice lider, indiferent cine este acesta şi din orice domeniu, la un moment dat pierde poziţia fruntaşă, informează „The Sunday Times“.
„Microsoft va pierde poziţia de lider în domeniul producerii de software, în 10, 20 de ani, nu ştiu“, a adăugat miliardarul. De aceea, Gates este de părere că Google poate fi detronat şi el de pe poziţia solidă pe care o deţine în industria serviciilor pe internet.
Gates a avut dintotdeauna o fascinaţie aparte pentru afacerile pe internet. El este unul dintre primii oameni care au prezis marele boom ce va avea loc în mediul on-line. De aceea, încă din 1995, Microsoft şi-a creat propria companie de servicii pe internet - MSN. De fapt, de fiecare dată când a existat o provocare, Gates a acceptat-o. A văzut marile succese înregistrate de playerele muzicale, respectiv iPod, şi a scos propriul competitor - Zune. A văzut succesul consolelor video gen Play Station şi a concurat cu propria creaţie - xBox 36o.
Microsoft şi-a arătat „colţii“ la Google
După ce mai multe surse au dezvăluit faptul că Google s-a oferit să ajute Yahoo! în tentativa de a scăpa de oferta ostilă de preluare făcută de Microsoft, aceasta din urmă a ripostat, informează „Financial Times“. Cel mai mare producător de software din lume a ameninţat Google că va face tot posibilul ca deţinătoarea celebrului motor de căutare să ajungă pe mâinile autorităţilor antimonopol, în cazul în care nu stă deoparte. Google deţine o cotă de piaţă solidă - 75% - în domeniul serviciilor pe internet. De aceea, orice mutare a sa ar putea fi văzută ca o tentativă de întărire a poziţiei autoritare pe care o deţine.
Deja autorităţile antitrust din SUA şi Europa îi studiază cu atenţie mişcările. La rândul său, Google a spus că integrarea Yahoo! de către Microsoft va micşora competiţia în piaţă, iar în cele din urmă Microsoft ar putea să devină monopolist şi pe internet, aşa cum este în industria de software.
Este puţin probabil ca Yahoo! împreună cu MSN să ajungă curând să depăşească Google. Cele două companii au o cotă de piaţă luate împreună de numai 20%. „Orice alt scenariu nu pare să înăsprească competiţia în piaţă. Numai Yahoo! împreună cu Microsoft pot reprezenta un adevărat rival pentru Google“, a declarat şi Steve Ballmer, directorul general al Microsoft.
Compania nu are suficienţi bani în „buzunare“ pentru a plăti pentru Yahoo! în cazul în care aceasta acceptă oferta de preluare. Managerii vor împrumuta bani, pentru prima dată în istoria de 31 de ani a companiei."
[Evenimentul zilei] "
sâmbătă, 26 ianuarie 2008
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