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luni, 13 iunie 2016

O Europă în pericol ! de Doru ANTONIE - Sursă : „ ANIMA NEWS „



O Europă în pericol ! 

Rasfoind paginile ingalbenite de timp ale ziarului “EGALITATEA”, nepretuita comoara descoperita intamplator, pe care am inceput sa o aduc la lumina in articolul anterior, m-am cufundat uimit in citirea unor articole si analize atat de actuale, parca ar fi fost scrise in zilele noastre. S-a impus sa fac o analiza paralela intre doua situatii: una care s-a desfasurat cu peste 150 de ani in urma si una care se desfasoara in acest moment in Europa. Voi incerca sa radiografiez cu ochiul scrutator al arhivarului, impactul cultural, social si economic al populatiei evreesti in Romania si Europa in general, in secolele XIX si XX, si impactul produs de invazia musulmana in secolul XXI, pe batranul continent.


IN TRECUT – Secolele I - XX

Conform datelor continute de WIKIPEDIA, sosirea primilor evrei pe teritoriul actual al Romaniei, este legata de instalarea puterii romane pe teritoriul Daciei, la inceputul erei noi.
Din izvoare confirmate, se stie ca evreii au fost invitati de diversi domnitori din Moldova si Tara Romaneasca sa vina si sa isi profeseze diversele meserii in orasele care se dezvoltau in acea perioada. La curtea lui Stefan cel Mare, pe langa medical personal evreu al domnitorului, a fost si un logofat evreu, Ithak, fiul lui Beniamin Sor. La Bucuresti, in jurul anilor 1550 este pomenit un grup de evrei condus de David Ibn Usa, liderul lor religios.
Sinagoga Mare din Iasi, a fost construita intre 1657 si 1671, ceea ce arata cat de dezvoltata si puternica era comunitatea evreiasca in acea perioada.

Sinagoga Mare din Iași
In secolul al XVI-lea, ca urmare a pogromurilor din Ucraina, un val de evrei askenazi, vorbitori de idis, a venit in Romania. Evreii sunt mentionati ca platitori de breasla la Bucuresti, in timpul lui Brancoveanu. In 1740, se vorbeste despre puternice comunitati de evrei la Roman, Bacau si Galati. Incepand cu anul 1740 si pana in prima parte a secolului al XIX-lea, datorita inaspriri situatiei evreilor in Galitia, un nou val de evrei se refugiaza in Moldova si Transilvania.

Incurajati de idealurile liberale vest- europene de solutionare umanista a problemei minoritatilor si a emanciparii evreiesti, evrei au sprijinit Revolutia dela 1848 si Unirea Principatelor Romane. Barbu Iscovescu, Solomon Halfon, Davicion Bally, Hillel Manoh, si multi alti evrei au participat la revolutia pasoptista din Tara Romaneasca. Pictorul revolutionar Constantin Daniel Rosenthal a fost arestat de autoritatile austro-ungare, dus la Budapesta si torturat pana la moarte.

Desi istoria comunitatii evreiesti din Romania a trecut prin momente dificile, cele mai multe create de interese politicianiste de conjunctura, cand trebuia gasit “acarul Paun” care sa plateasca pentru greselile altora, sau perioade de marasm economic cand, de multe ori, populatia evreiasca a fost nevoita sa plateasca un pr t aberant, totusi evrei nu au reprezentat in niciun moment un pericol pentru siguranta si stabilitatea tarii, sau pentru viata sociala si cultural a populatiei. Din contra, comunitatea evreiasca a dat un numar impresionant de oameni de cultura, de stiinta, de afaceri si chiar politicieni.
Adevarul este ca, venirea evreilor in Romania a dat un imbold puternic economiei si culturii si a produs o puternica emulatie in randul romanilor. Romania semi-feudala in agricultura si care abia batea la usa capitalismului industrial, a beneficiat enorm de infuzia de capital uman si cunostiintele profesionale diverse, aduse de evrei.

Dezvoltarea comunitatii evreiesti a fost impresionanta, astfel Recensamantul din 1899 arata ca israeliti constituiau 19% din populatia urbana a Romaniei si 38% din populatia urbana a Moldovei.
Cu rabdare, diplomatie si discernamant, liderii evrei au reusit sa isi creeze o retea de scoli, sinagogi, spitale si asezaminte de cultura care au intretinut viu spiritul si constiinta de popor ales si au trait si supravietuit, an dupa an, cu speranta ca visul lor de a se intoarce in Tara Promisa de Dumnezeu, se va indeplini.
In zilele de 30 si 31Decembrie 1881, s-a desfasurat la Focsani primul Congres Sionist al asociatiilor “Iubitorilor Sionului” (Hibat Tion sau Hovevei Tion), din Romania. Scopul acestui congres era sionismul practic – recolonizarea cu evrei a Tarii Israel (Israel, numele primit de Iacov dela Dumnezeu, pentru Tara Promisa), aflata sub stapanire turceasca. La congres au participat 56 de delegati care au reprezentat 33 de organizatii sioniste locale, reprezentand peste 70 000 de membri. Presedintele congresului a fost Samuel Pineles din Galati, iar secretar a fost David Rintzler. S-a intonat pentru prima oara “Hatikva” – azi imnul national al Statului Israel, a carui muzica se bazeaza pe o melodie popular romaneasca.
Primul val de emigranti sionisti spre Israel (Palestina ocupata de turci), a iesit din Romania in anul 1882, fiind condusi de Mose David Iancovici. Acesti emigranti au fondat coloniile Rosh Pina (foto) si Zihron Iacov.

Rosh Pina astăzi

De-a lungul istoriei, s-a incercat de nenumarate ori cu forta, sau prin santaj, rezolvarea “problemei Israelite” - asimilarea comunitatilor evreiesti in randul populatiei locale. In ziarul EGALITATEA, dela 1890, citim un articol despre cum s-a incercat rezolvarea “chestiei Israelite” in Romania acelor ani, prin totala transformare a evreului, prin anihilarea lui ca nationalitate distincta: parasirea nationalitati, a datinilor si chiar a superstitiilor evreiesti.
In articolul “Subterfugii si pretexte”, semnat de Ploesteanu, citim printre altele:

“Absorbirea nationalitatii evreesti e un nonsens; de zeci de veacuri de cand Evreii nu mai alcatue o natiune, ci doar un popor, o familie mare, si precum familia are drept de a-si pastra traditiile sale, a-si venera mosii si stramosii sei, caci aceasta n’o impedica de a iubi si traditiile terei si natiunii sale, de a admira pe toti patriotii sinceri din present si trecut, tot astfel Evreii pot fi evrei fara a inceta sa fie fii buni ai Statului caruia apartin, iubindu-si tara, venerand pe eroii romani si dorind splendoarea nationalitatii romane, careia se simt ca apartin. Cetateanul, spre a fi folositor Statului, nu trebue sa-si abnege credintele religioase, nici de a se incuscri cu cutare sau cutare familie; nici de a nu tine la trecutul si existent familiei sale; singurul lucru ce Statul modern e indrept a cere membrilor sei e sa fie supusi legilor ce natiunea si-a dat prin delegatii sei si de a lucre si munci cu spor si onestitate pentru prosperarea proprie, a concetatenilor si a Statului; infine de a avea aceleas nazuinti inalte pentru binele comun.
In ce priveste aceste consideratii si chear peste aceste consideratii, Evreul face parte integranta din natiune; cauta de a-i deveni folositor si nu are alte aspiratii decat acelor mai buni Romani.
Faptul asimilarii acestora e o suficienta dovada, ca prin cultura si educatie o pot deveni cu totii, fara a-si renege credinta sau convingerile intime, si fara a-si altoi single.”

NOTA: Textul citat respecta forma gramaticala autentica a ziarului EGALITATEA.
Poate sa fie ceva mai evident decat acest text care arata modul de gandire si comportamentul comunitatii evreiesti raportat la statul si populatia locala in care locuieste ?!?! Binele statului si al populatiei gazda, este telul evreului si interesul comun este sa traiasca in liniste si bunastare. Nu au existat niciodata planuri subversive si actiuni destabilizatoare impotriva natiunii gazda. Aceasta situatie trebuie comparata cu destabilizarea si pericolul adus de valul de migranti musulmani in Europa secolului XXI.
Nu avem spatiu suficient pentru a aminti contributia si realizarile evreilor in toate domeniile sociale, stiintifice, economice si politice ale Europei in ultimile doua secole. Numai enumerarea laureatilor Premiilor Nobel de origine evreiasca ar umple cateva pagini din acest articol.
Urmatoarele pagini de analiza referitoare la situatia actual din Europa, sunt edificatoare si publicul trebuie informat si sensibilizat pentru a constientiza pericolul care ne paste.
Pana la urma, chiar daca nu mai traiesc in Europa, poate doar in vacanta, milioane de evrei au, totusi, radacinile si pe Vechiul Continent care trebuie sa fie pastrat in actuala forma.

AZI – Secolul XXI

Probabil ca nu gresesc daca afirm ca, cel mai fierbinte si exploziv subiect, atat la figurat cat si la propriu, este “invasia musulmana a Europei”, asa cum este definita de European Economic Forecast Report, care estimeaza ca “trei milioane de refugiati musulmani, violatori si jihadisti vor inunda Europa in 2016”, dublu fata de cei 1.5milioane de migranti care au sosit in 2015.
Pe langa cei peste un million de refugiati din Siria, Irak si Afganistan, sositi in Europa in 2015, peste o suta de mii de africani din Nigeria, Gambia, Senegal si Guinea, au sosit illegal in 2015 in Europa, conform datelor publicate de FRONTEX (European Union Border Control Agency). Pe coastele Libiei se afla, in acest moment campati, alte sute de mii de africani care asteapta vremea buna sa traverseze Mediterana.
Conform explicatiilor date de Der Spiegel, traficantii care se ocupa de aducerea migrantilor in Europa, au gasit o metoda facila de a transfera riscul si costul operatiunilor ilegale pe spatele contribuabilului European. Astfel, barcile supra incarcate cu migranti sunt duse dincolo de cele 12 mile marine distanta dela tarmul libian, care reprezinta limita apelor teritoriale, dupa care declanseaza semnalele de ajutor pentru ca vasele care patruleaza in sudul Mediteranei, parte a EU in operatia SOPHIA, vor veni sa ii salveze, conform legii maritime internationale.

Luna trecuta, Comisia Europeana si-a dezvaluit intentiile, cand a propus Parlamentului European sa adopte planul Comisiei de a acorda dreptul de calatorie, fara viza, la peste 80 de milioane de musulmani Turci. Daca aceasta propunere va fi adoptata, va insemna  


Facand complet abstractie de problemele de securitate (terorism, crima, subminare, etc.), in acest context, plus surpriza alegerii primului primar musulman al Londrei, populatia Regatului Unit va fi convinsa sa voteze pentru Brexit. Ca si in alte momente ale istoriei, Insula se va separa de Continent pentru a isi salva interesele.
Europa, si aici ma refer la tarile fara prea multa influenta in luarea deciziilor importante, va ramane sub controlul Angelei Merkel care numai ea poate sti unde vrea sa impinga tarile din EU.
In acest timp, sfidand Comisia Europeana si termenii Tratatului Schengen de calatorie libera si granite deschise, Austria a inceput constructia de garduri la patru dintre trecerile de frontiera cu Italia, inclusiv Pasul Brenner din Alpi. Ungaria si tarile vecine din Balcani membre ale Uniunii Europene, au reintrodus propriul lor control la granite.
Presiunea economica a milioane de turci saraci, someri si needucati, asteptand momentul sa ajunga in Europa, va fi sufficient sa scufunde Vechiul Continent.
Magnitudinea fenomenului care a lovit Europa intr-un interval de timp suspect de scurt, nu este considerata ca o simpla criza de emigratie, ci este un fenomen coordonat si se numeste “HIJRAH”, adica, un JIHAD prin emigratie.
Hijrah-ul, sau Jihadul prin emigratie, este, conform traditiei islamice, migrarea sau calatoria lui Mohamed si a adeptilor sai dela Mecca la Yathrib, care a fost redenumita de el Medina, in anul 622. Dupa efectuarea Hijrah-ului, pentru prima data, Mohamed a devenit, dintr-un predicator de idei religioase, un lider politic si militar. Aceasta experienta a produs noile sale “revelatii” indemnand pe adeptii sai sa comita violente impotriva necredinciosilor. Semnificant este ca, pentru calendarul Islamic, conteaza Hijrah-ul, si nu nasterea lui Mohamed sau ocazia primei revelatii, pentru inceputul Islamului, ceea ce inseamna ca nu este in totalitate fara o componenta politica si una militara.
Emigrarea pentru cauza lui Alah, inseamna relocarea intr-o tara noua cu scopul de a duce Islamul acolo, si este considerat in Islam, un act de un merit urias. Coranul spune ca “cine emigreaza pentru cauza lui Alah, va gasi pe Pamant multe locuri si bogatie”.
“Cine emigreaza pentru cauza lui Alah si a Profetului sau, si moartea il va ajunge, rasplata sa va deveni datoria lui Alah, si Alah este iertator si milostiv”
Este evident ca ceea ce se intampla, in acest moment, nu este o simpla criza umanitara, ci, este un Hijrah de o magnitudine uluitoare.

In Februarie 2015, Statul Islamic a publicat un document intitulat: “Libya: Poarta Strategica pentru Statul Islamic”. Documentul ii indeamna pe musulmani sa mearga in Libya si sa traverseze de acolo, ca refugiati, in Europa. Documentul le mai spune potentialilor jihadisti ca in Libya sunt o multime de arme ramase din arsenalele lui Gaddafi, care pot fi obtinute foarte usor, si traversarea catre Europa se poate face usor cu barci simple. S-a dovedid ca jihadistii planuiesc sa “inunde” Europa cu cel putin 500 000 de “refugiati”.
Statistica Natiunilor Unite arata intr-un raport ca 75% din migranti sunt barbati tineri intr-o conditie fizica excelenta. Ziaristul Canadian Mark Steyn a afirmat ca: ”aceasta nu este demografia unei populatii civile stramutate de razboi, aceasta este demografia unei armate”. In campul de refugiati dela Calais, Franta, din 3455 de refugiati, 2861 (82.8%) sunt barbati.
Peste un million de refugiati intr-un singur an, va transforma Germania si Europa pentru totdeauna, suprataxand bunastarea economiilor natiunilor bogate, si alterand peisajul cultural dincolo de recunoastere.
Este foarte posibil ca Europa pe care o cunoastem dela 1945, in 2020 sa nu mai existe. Migrantii musulmani au in plan sa schimbe Europa conform legilor si religiei lor. Sharia va fi legea fundamentala iar valorile democratiei, castigate in multe sute de ani de sacrificii dureroase, vor fi abolite. Dorim sa avem sansa sa ne ducem prietenele si sotiile la Paris, Roma, Berlin, si oriunde in Europa noastra, fara sa fie nevoie sa le acoperim fata.

Al 14-lea Dalai Lama, el insusi un refugiat din 1959 cand a parasit impreuna cu peste 120 000 de tibetani tara refugiindu-se in India pentru a scapa de regimul chinez, a declarat la sfarsitul luni Mai pentru Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ca: "Europa, de exemplu Germania, nu pot deveni tari arabe”. “Din punct de vedere moral, eu cred ca refugiatii pot sa fie admisi doar temporar”, a spus Dalai Lama. " Cand ne uitam la fata fiecarui refugiat, in special la copii si femei, putem simti suferinta lor. Telul trebuie sa fie ca ei sa se intoarca acasa si sa ajutam la reconstructia tarilor lor”, a concluzionat Dalai Lama.


A Europe in danger! 

Browsing the pages yellowed by time of the newspaper "EQUAL" priceless treasure discovered by chance that I started to bring to light in the previous article, I plunged surprised in reading some articles and analyzes both the current as if it was written Nowadays. Analysis was ordered to make a parallel between the two situations: one that took place over 150 years ago and one that takes place at this time in Europe. I will try to radiography eye gaze at the archivist, the impact of cultural, social and economic impact of Jewish population in Romania and Europe in general, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and the impact of the Muslim invasion in the XXI century, the old continent.

IN THE PAST - Centuries I - XX

According to data contained WIKIPEDIA, arrival of the first Hebrew in present-day Romania, is linked to the installation of Roman power in Dacia at the beginning of the new era.
From sources confirmed, it is known that the Jews were invited by various rulers of Moldova and the Romanian Country to come and practice their trades in different cities that were developing at the time. At the court of Stefan the Great, besides the medical staff of Prince Jew was a Jew chancellor, Ithak son Benjamin Sor. In Bucharest, around 1550 is commemorated by a group of Hebrew by David Ibn door, their leader religiously.
Great Synagogue of Iasi, was built between 1657 and 1671, which shows how developed and powerful was the Jewish community at that time .

Great Synagogue of Iasi

In the sixteenth century, following the pogroms in Ukraine, a wave of Ashkenazi Hebrew, Yiddish-speaking, came in Romania. Jews are mentioned as payers guild Bucharest, Brancoveanu's time. In 1740 it talks about the strong community of Hebrew, Roman, Bacau and Galati. Since 1740, through the first part of the nineteenth century, due to tightening of the situation of Jews in Galicia, a new wave of Hebrew refuge in Moldavia and Transylvania.

Encouraged by Western European liberal ideals of humanistic solving the problem of minorities and Jewish emancipation, Hebrew and supported the 1848 Union of Romanian Principalities. Barbu Iscovescu, Solomon Halfon Davicion Bally, Manoh Hillel, Hebrew and many others attended the forty-eighter in Country Romanian revolution. Revolutionary painter Constantin Daniel Rosenthal was arrested by Austro-Hungarian authorities, he went to Budapest and tortured to death.

Although the history of the Jewish community in Romania went through difficult times, most created by political interests conjuncture, when I had found "the switchman Peacock" to pay for the mistakes of others, or periods of decay economically when, often, the Jewish population had to pay a pr t aberrant, however Hebrew at no time were not a danger to the safety and stability of the country, or social and cultural life of the population. On the contrary, the Jewish community has given a large number of men of culture, science, business and even politicians.
The truth is, the arrival of Jews in Romania has given a fillip to the economy and culture and produced a powerful emulation among Romanians. Romania semi-feudal agriculture and barely knocks industrial capitalism benefited enormously infusion of human capital and knowledge diverse professional, made ​​by Hebrew.
Development of the Jewish community has been impressive thus Census of 1899 shows that Israelis constitute 19% of the urban population and 38% of the urban population of Moldova.
With patience, diplomacy and discernment, leading Hebrew were able to create a network of schools, synagogues, hospitals and cultural places that maintain alive the spirit and consciousness of people choosed they lived and survived, year after year, hoping that their dream of returning to the promised Land of God will come true.
in the days 30 and December 31, 1881, took place in Focsani first Zionist Congress of associations "lovers of Zion" ( Hibat or Hovevei tional tional) in Romania. The aim of this congress was practical Zionism - Hebrew recolonisation of the Country Israel (Israel, the name Jacob received from God to the Promised Land), under the Turkish rule. At the congress attended by 56 delegates representing 33 local Zionist organizations, representing over 70 000 members. Congress president was Samuel Pineles of Galati and the secretary was David Rintzler. Was sung for the first time "Hatikva" - today the national anthem of Israel, whose music is based on a song popular Romanian.
The first wave of immigrants Zionists for Israel (Palestine occupied by the Turks), came out of Romania in 1882, the Mose led by David Iancovici. These immigrants have founded colonies Rosh Pina (photo) and Zikhron Ya'akov.

Rosh Pina today

Throughout history, has tried many times by force or through blackmail, solving the "problem Israelite" - assimilation of Jewish communities in the local population. In newspaper EQUALITY, from 1890 we read an article about how they tried to solve the "stuff Israelite" in Romania those years, the total transformation of the Jew by the annihilation of as a distinct nationality: leaving the nationalities of traditions and even superstitions Jewish.
In Article "subterfuges and pretexts" signed by ploesteanu we read inter alia:

"Absorbing Jewish nationality is nonsense; tens of centuries when Jews made ​​up no longer a nation, but a nation, a big family, and as the family has the right to preserve its traditions, to worship their ancestors estates sei, because it prevents n'o to love and traditions Earth's and his nation, to admire all patriots sincere in present and past, so Jews are Hebrew without ceasing to be good sons of the State which belong loving and country, worshiping heroes and Romanian Roman splendor wanting nationality, who feel that they belong. Citizen, to be useful the State must not abnege religious beliefs, nor to marry with this or that family; neither of you not in the past and existing family; The modern state is the only thing going down is to ask members to be subjected sei nation of laws and gave the delegates sei and work and work with honesty and increase the prosperity of their own fellow citizens and the State; Infiniti to have the same high aspirations for the common good.
Regarding these considerations and error over these considerations, the Jew is part of the nation; search of becoming useful and has no other aspirations than those best Romans.
The fact assimilating them is sufficient proof that through culture and education can become all without to deny their faith or beliefs intimate, and without ever slips single. "
NOTE: The text quoted observe grammatical forms EQUALITY authentic newspaper.
It may be more evident than this text showing the mindset and behavior of the Jewish community reported to the State and the local population where he lives?!?!
Good State and the host population, is the goal of the Jew and the common interest is to live in peace and welfare. There were no plans never subversive and destabilizing actions against the host nation. This situation must be compared to the destabilization and danger brought by the wave of migrant Muslims in Europe XXI century.
We do not have enough space to remember the contribution and achievements of Jews in all areas of social, scientific, economic and political realities of Europe in the last two centuries. Only listing Nobel Laureate Jewish would fill several pages of this article.
The following pages of analysis on the current situation in Europe, are edifying and public should be informed and sensitized to realize the danger that we are doomed.
After all, even if it still live in Europe, can only vacation millions of Hebrew, however, have roots on the Old Continent that must be preserved in its current form.

TODAY - XXI Century
Probably not wrong if I say that the hot and explosive subject, both figuratively and literally, is "InvAsia Muslim Europe", as defined by European Economic Forecast Report, which estimates that "three million refugees Muslims , rapists and jihadists will flood Europe in 2016 'double 1.5milioane those migrants who arrived in 2015.
Besides the more than one million refugees in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, arrived in Europe in 2015 over a hundred thousands of Africans from Nigeria, Gambia, Senegal and Guinea, arrived illegally in Europe in 2015, according to data released by FRONTEX (European Union Border Control Agency). On the coasts of Libya is in this moment Campos, hundreds of thousands of Africans awaiting good weather to cross the Mediterranean.
According to explanations given by Der Spiegel, the traffickers dealing bringing migrants in Europe have found an easy way to transfer risk and cost of illegal operations behind the European taxpayer. Thus, boat overloaded with migrants are taken beyond the 12 nautical miles away from shore Libyan representing the limit of territorial waters, after which trigger signals help vessels patrolling in the southern Mediterranean, part of the EU in operation SOPHIA will come save them in accordance with international maritime law.

Last month the European Commission unveiled its intentions when he proposed to the Parliament to adopt the Commission's plan to grant the right to travel without a visa to more than 80 million Muslim Turks. If this proposal is adopted, will mean the end of Europe.
By doing completely ignore security issues (terrorism, crime, subversion, etc.), in this context, plus the surprise election of the first Muslim mayor of London, the UK population will be persuaded to Brexit vote for. As in other moments in history the island will separate the Continent to save his interests.
Europe, and here I refer to countries without much influence in important decisions, it will remain under the control of Angela Merkel that only she can know where he wants EU to push countries.
Meanwhile, defying the European Commission and Schengen Treaty terms of free travel and open borders, Austria began construction of fences at four border crossings with Italy, including the Brenner Pass in the Alps. Hungary and its Balkan neighbors EU members, have reintroduced their own control at borders.
Economic pressure of millions of Turks poor, unemployed and uneducated, waiting for the moment to arrive in Europe, will be sufficient to sink the Old Continent.
The magnitude of the phenomenon that hit Europe in a time suspiciously short, is not considered as a mere crisis of emigration, but is a phenomenon coordinated and is called "Hijrah", ie, a JIHAD by emigration.
Hijrah site, or Jihad through emigration, is, according to Islamic tradition, migration or journey Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib, which has been renamed it Medina, in the year 622. After the Hijrah's for the first time Muhammad became a preacher religious ideas, a political and military leader. This experience has produced its new "revelations" urging his followers to commit violence against unbelievers. Signifier is that for calendar Islamic counts Hijrah site, and not the birth of Mohammed or when the first revelations to the beginning of Islam, which means it is not entirely without a political component and a military one.
Emigration for the cause of Allah, means relocation to a new country in order to bring Islam there, and is regarded in Islam, an act of merit giant. The Quran says that "whoever emigrated for the cause of Allah, will find on earth many places and wealth."
"Who emigrates for the cause of Allah and His Prophet, and death it will reach the reward will become duty to Allah, and Allah is forgiving and merciful "
it is obvious that what is happening in this moment is not just a humanitarian crisis, but the magnitude is a breathtaking Hijrah.

In February 2015, the Islamic State published a document entitled "Libya: Strategic Gate for the Islamic State". The document urges Muslims to go to Libya and cross there as refugees in Europe. The document you say that potential jihadists in Libya are plenty of weapons left over from Gaddafi's arsenals, which can be obtained easily, and crossing to Europe can be easily done with simple boats. Dovedid to the jihadis plan to "flood" Europe with at least 500 000 "refugees".
Statistics United Nations said in a report that 75% of migrants are young men in excellent physical condition. Canadian journalist Mark Steyn said: "This is not the demography of populations displaced by civil war, it is the demographics of an army." In the field of refugees from Calais, France, in 3455 by refugees in 2861 (82.8%) are men.
More than one million refugees in one year, will transform Germany and Europe forever, suprataxand welfare economies rich nations, and altering the landscape cultural beyond recognition.
it is very possible that the Europe we know from 1945 to 2020 no longer exist. Muslim migrants in Europe plan to change the law and their religion. Sharia will be the law and the fundamental values ​​of democracy, gained hundreds of years of painful sacrifices will be abolished. We want to have a chance to get our girlfriends and wives in Paris, Rome, Berlin, and anywhere in our Europe without having to cover their face.

The 14th Dalai Lama, himself a refugee since 1959 when he left with more than 120 000 Tibetan country fleeing to India to escape Chinese regime, said in late May for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that "Europe for example Germany can not become Arab countries. "" from the moral point of view, I believe that refugees can be admitted only temporary, "said the Dalai Lama." When we look at the face of each refugee, especially in children and women can feel their suffering. The aim must be for them to return home and help rebuild their country, "concluded Dalai Lama.



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