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miercuri, 6 februarie 2008

Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog:Mister Bill Gates becomind The New Pharaoh Akhenaton [ATON] of this period ...

Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog

Entry for February 06, 2008 - Mister Bill Gates The Pharaoh Akhenaton [ATON] of the INTERNET
Entry for February 06, 2008 - Mister Bill Gates The Pharaoh Akhenaton [ATON] of the INTERNET magnify

"If Microsoft becoming Microsoft&Yahoo nr1 in IT of The World this Mister Bill Gates becoming The Pharaoh Akhenaton [ATON] of the INTERNET once just Big Brother of THIRD MILLENNIUM....this is the just New Age with an virtual Pharaoh :Bill Gates........


Sile this Millennium


"Egyptian" by Mika Waltari ...and I am fascinating the Historical Egypt in the century XIV .î.Chr....I like Pharaoh Akhenaton [ATON] of this period ..."

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