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joi, 7 februarie 2008

Yahoo! 360° - Home - Welcome to Save Britannia.- Third Roma last step

Yahoo! 360° - Home

" * Welcome
* Petition


This site has been set up to persuade the government and Gordon Brown in particular, to not scrap Britannia from our fifty pence piece.

This is another example of the deliberate erosion of our Britishness,
our heritage and our culture.

This is one step too far in that process, and we urge everyone to make a stand against this NOW.

It may only be a coin today, but we must draw the line somewhere and make our voices heard.

What will be next, Christmas, Easter, Christianity, Our National Anthem, - Who knows.

What we all know, is that we are sick to death of it and it MUST STOP NOW.

Rule Britannia!"


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