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sâmbătă, 9 mai 2009

Elisabeth you were always a good wife to me I dedicate this kiss !

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Times Online
"The Kiss by Constantine Brancusi (1908)

Modern Art Explained: what do you think?

Click here to see a bigger version of this work

Brancusi's influence on sculpture is sometimes compared to Picasso's on painting. But the Romanian artist's talent would have been lost to the world were it not for the patronage of his employer who - impressed with Brancusi's carving skill - funded his education at a craft college, where the peasant-born artist also learned to read and write. He spent most of his life, however, amongst the artists and intellectuals of Paris - developing a style that introduced abstraction and primitivism into sculpture.

What do you think of this work? Let us know below our by sending us an e-mail with your opinion to mae@thetimes.co.uk

Please include your full name

We’re not looking for art historians or academics. Whatever your thoughts, we want to hear them. We will print a selection of your comments, alongside our expert’s verdict, in Times2 on Tuesday, May 12. "

The kiss of Brancusi is in arts like   The Monad of Leibniz in philosophy, “The kiss “is   an universally essay   of   love turned into stone…
[concluding remarks : I   devote this words:    of the Birthday my wife , Elisabeth  to   May 12th , 2009 her Birthday 

Sile this  Millennium from country of Brâncusi , Romania

Artist: Constantin Brancusi
Artist's Lifespan: 1876-1957
Title: The Kiss
Date: 1908

Location of Origin: France
Medium: Sculpture
Style: Transcendentalism
Genre: Lovers

Mai inteleg ceva contemporanii din "Sarutul" lui Brancusi ?

Vineri, 08 Mai 2009, ora 23:33

In cadrul unei campanii de presa intitulata "Arta moderna pe intelesul tuturor", cotidianul britanic "Times" isi intreaba cititorii ce cred despre celebra sculptura "Sarutul" (foto) realizata de Constantin Brancusi in 1908.

Dupa cateva fraze foarte scurte de prezentare a sculptorului roman si a originalitatii si importantei operei sale, editorii le cer iubitorilor de arta, si nu numai, sa trimita intr-un mail pe adresa redactiei care sunt impresiile pe care celebrul "Sarut" in piatra le intipareste in sufletul lor.

Ei precizeaza ca nu isi propun sa afle opiniile istoricilor de arta sau specialistilor, ci doresc sa vada cum recepteaza oamenii obisnuiti din ziua de azi o opera de arta realizata cu mai bine de o suta de ani in urma.

Campania se incheie pe 12 mai iar cele mai interesante comentarii vor fi publicate pe site-ul cotidianului.

Ce au raspuns pana acum cititorii

"Sculptura este originala si nemuritoare. Mi-ar fi placut sa realizez eu insumi asa ceva", scrie Roy Tosen din Africa de Sud.

"Sarutul ca un intreg. Piatra pare ca se topeste", comenteaza si Eugene din Germania.

"Este o incantatoare opera de arta, foarte ingenioasa si perfect expresiva. Inteligenta si talentul artistului s-au contopit in aceasta lucrare", scrie si Jacques Francis, din Westcott, Marea Britanie.


Articol citit de 503 ori


Sursa: Ziare.com
Camelia Badea

The kiss of Brancusi is in arts like The Monad of Leibniz in philosophy, “The kiss “is an universally essay of love turned into stone…
[concluding remarks : I devote this words: of the Birthday my wife , Elisabeth to May 12th , 2009 her Birthday ]..
.[Vezi tot articolul]

Adaugat la: 09.05.2009

Elisabeth you were always a good wife to me I dedicate this kiss !

The kiss of Brancusi is in arts like The Monad of Leibniz in philosophy, “The kiss “is an universally essay of love turned into stone…
[concluding remarks : I devote this words: of the Birthday my wife , Elisabeth to May 12th , 2009 her Birthday ]

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