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vineri, 9 noiembrie 2007

Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog

Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog

Scandalul romanilor din Italia, creatie a KGB?

[Scandalul romanilor din Italia, creatie a KGB?] Campania anti-romaneasca din Italia a fost planificata si declansata cu stiinta unora dintre actualii guvernanti din Peninsula, presupusa crima si inexistentul viol comise de Mailat constituind doar detonatorul crizei, relateaza Ziua in editia de vineri. Jurnalistii prezinta o adevarata teorie a conspiratiei care ajunge la concluzia ca Rusia si fostul KGB au planuit toata criza italiano-romana din ratiuni economico-politice.

Au mai fost crime cu mult mai oribile decat fapta lui Mailat, comise de romani, insa dupa cateva zile, evenimentele au cazut in uitare, ca tot ceea ce apare in paginile presei. De aceasta data, avem de a face cu o autentica criza in relatiile romano-italiene, in principal din cauza actiunii autoritatilor de la Roma, isi incep argumentatia ziaristii de la "Ziua".

Cioroianu ar putea fi dat pe mana Parchetului de Consiliul antidiscriminare

Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog
Spuneti voi ce sunt: tigan, rom, roman, european sau nici una?

[Spuneti voi ce sunt: tigan, rom, roman, european sau nici una? ] Ziare.com publica un articol scris de un cititor de-al nostru, publicat in cadrul dezbaterii "Tiganii sunt romani?". Cel care a scris textul de mai jos a semnat simplu, Gheorghe. Publicam acest text pentru ca exprima un punct de vedere asupra statutului tiganilor in Romania si pentru ca, pentru Ziare.com, opiniile cititorilor conteaza.

Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog

Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog


" Criza din Italia a fost planificata de guvernantii de la Roma, spre satisfactia Moscovei. Premierul Prodi si primarul Veltroni sunt doi comunisti care au facut stanga-mprejur de la antirasism la xenofobie

KGB's involvement

-- The rulers in Rome planned the ongoing crisis in Italy to serve Moscow interests. Both PM Romano Prodi and Rome mayor Walter Veltroni are Communists who shifted from anti-racism to xenophobia.
There is an item of news that could have passed unnoticed that fired the bomb made ready by Kremlin's friends. Seemingly without a reason, the left rulers got to deliver far right speeches.

The former president of the European Commission signed an ordinance, although aware it would make Brussels officials protest. But Romano Prodi's connection to the KGB can be one explanation. Alexandr Litvinenko, the ex KGB agent poisoned, said: "Prodi is our man." The same Romano Prodi warned the Red Brigades who had kidnapped Aldo Moro that the police were after them.

Walter Veltroni is the other leader of the anti-Romanian campaign. He leads the party governing Italy and he has been a Communist all his life. In September 17, 2007, the mayor of Rome was playing the fighter against racism. But just a few days later he came up with tough statements against the Romanian immigrants in Italy.

It is Russia that is making full use of this latest crisis. On the one hand it gives an example to Ukraine, which aspires to get EU membership, warning it can suffer what Romania has now been suffering. On the other hand, Moscow is sure the scandal is delaying the building of the Constant-Trieste oil pipeline.

And Rome is now taking its revenge for failing to grab a piece from the great Romanian privatization. Moreover, the country may get significant funds from the EU in order to settle the immigration problem at electoral campaign times. (...) "

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Friday November 9, 2007 - 01:28pm (PST) Edit | Delete | Permanent Link |

Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog

Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog

"Nationalist split is final

-- The split between the nationalists in the Parliament of Europe is final. After the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party) had withdrawn from the "Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty" group, yesterday Alessandra Mussolini announced her withdrawal too, as a means to protest against Corneliu Vadim Tudor's insult against her.
Alessandra Mussolini, a MEP representing the Socialist Alternative, informed by press release: "I have announced the president of the Parliament of Europe that to stay in the Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty" group is no longer appropriate, given the release by Corneliu Vadim Tudor, a vice president of the Romanian Senate and also a president of the "Greater Romania" Party, who offended my family severely, and also given the freely expressed view on the security of Italian citizens, under permanent aggression from Romanian citizens." As none of the sides involved in the Vadim-Mussolini conflict has taken a step back, the nationalist "International" seems dismembered for good.

The president of the PRM comments: "The ITS was a castrating group because of limiting our freedom to move." He claims the decision is irrevocable, because of Alessandra Mussolini's severe statements. When asked if the PRM is looking for a different affiliation, the party president answers for the time being they will be waiting for the results of the Euro-elections in Romania, depending on which they may get invitations to join other political families in Europe. He has mentioned that affiliation to the Liberal or the Socialist groups is out of question. (A.I.)"


Centrul Constantei, impanzit de afise cu rromul Mailat
Rromul acuzat ca a jefuit si omorat o femeie in Italia nu este vazut cu ochi buni nici la Constanta. Ba mai mult, constantenii au tinut sa reactioneze fata de faptele comise de Nicolae Romulus Mailat. Astfel, in spatele unor sugestive gratii, in apropierea unui liceu dintr-o zona centrala a Constantei, au fost lipite afise cu mesajul: „Criminalul din Italia, Romulus Mailat. Nu este roman, este etnic tigan. Pentru impunerea unei imagini corecte a Romaniei in lume“. Poza il infatiseaza pe Romulus Mailat, implicat in incidentul din Italia soldat cu moartea unei femei, in spatele unor gratii. Pe afis mai este tiparita si o adresa de internet a organizatiei care ar fi postat afisele. Unul dintre afise este lipit pe un gard din apropierea unui liceu constantean, situat in plin centrul municipiului, iar cel de-al doilea, la inaltime, pe un panou de firma. La adresa de internet de pe afis poate fi gasit un comunicat semnat de Biroul de presa al Noii Drepte, care anunta lansarea unei campanii dupa cele intamplate in Italia: „Luand act de antiromanismul care a cuprins Italia in urma crimei savarsite de etnicul tigan Romulus Mailat, Noua Dreapta a luat initiativa organizarii unei campanii care vizeaza eliminarea confuziei asupra etniei criminalului, asociat in mod eronat de politicienii si presa italiana cu poporul roman”. „Membrii si simpatizantii Noii Drepte sunt invitati alaturi de toti romanii ofensati, umiliti si afectati de confuzia creata intre romi si romani“, se mai precizeaza in comunicat. (A.A.)

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