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joi, 30 iulie 2009

In the Clouds... Webtel.mobi Competition Winner....With ones photo from Stumble!

Ok , this is fine ?!!!

3 -invite your friends :Xineann with once photo from Stumble!


Xineann I like them

Raphanus sativus
Wild radish

Orobanche fasciculata
Clustered broom-rape

Centaurium venustum

Calystegia soldanella
Beach morning glory

Dodecatheon clevelandii
Shooting star (white variant)

Lathyrus vestitus var. alefeldii
San Diego pea

Stylomecon heterophylla
Wind poppy

Fritillaria pinetorum
Pinewoods fritillary

Solanum douglasii
White nightshade

Erigeron glaucus
Seaside daisy

Xylococcus bicolor
Mission manzanita

Silene laciniata
Indian pink

Sarcostemma cynanchoides
Climbing milkweed

Collinsia heterophylla
Chinese houses

Keckiella cordifolia
Heartleaf penstemon

Fritillaria biflora
Chocolate lily

Calochortus striatus
Alkali mariposa lily

Nemophila menziesii
Baby blue eyes

Pectocarya linearis
Slender pectocarya

Viola pedunculata
Johnny jump-up

Castilleja exserta
Purple owl's clover

Heliotropium curassavicum
Wild heliotrope

Ribes californicum
Hillside gooseberry

Erodium botrys
Longbeaked storksbill

Mimulus cardinalis
Scarlet monkeyflower

Calochortus catalinae
Catalina mariposa lily

Linanthus dianthiflorus
Ground pink

Plantago lanceolata
English plantain

Sisyrinchium bellum
Blue-eyed grass

Eriogonum fasciculatum
California wild buckwheat

Delphinium patens
Spreading larkspur

Cardamine californica
Milk maids

Eremalche rotundifolia
Desert five spot

Iris douglasiana
Douglas iris

Lilium humboldtii
Humboldt lily

Mentzelia laevicaulis
Giant blazing star

Aquilegia formosa

Madia elegans
Common madia

Cichorium intybus

Camissonia bistorta
Sun cups

Erodium moschatum
Whitestem filaree

CCalochortus albus
Fairy lantern

Silene verecunda ssp. platyota
White catchfly

Clarkia unguiculata
Elegant clarkia

Mimulus brevipes
Yellow monkeyflower

Tragopogon porrifolius
Purple salsify

Castilleja affinis
Indian paintbrush

Trichostema lanatum
Woolly blue curls

Lepechinia fragrans
Fragrant pitcher sage

Bloomeria crocea
Golden stars

Brodiaea terrestris ssp. kernensis
Earth brodiaea

Ferocactus cylindraceus
Barrel cactus
Fouquieria splendens

Gilia brecciarum
Argus gilia

Chaenactis glabriuscula
Yellow pincushion

Marah macrocarpus
Wild cucumber

Mirabilis californica
Wishbone bush

Thanks for visiting!
You may contact me at: mmlcharters[at]calflora.net.

© M. Charters, 2005, Sierra Madre, Ca.

Last login: 1 hour agoXineAnn is a woman in a relationship from North by Northwest.
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But the only way to renew the World is to repeat what the Immortals did in illo tempore, is to reiterate the creation. ~Mircea Eliade, Myth and Reality

An Imaginary Life

An Imaginary Life

Summary: "Recently I've taken up Graffiti. It's cheaper than being a writer."

"You are sitting on King Ahn!"

I had an imaginary friend. His name was King Ahn and I do still think of him. I hope he's doing well. Or at least better than the imaginary friend in this video, who is so sad.


Today: Back to paranormal.

XineAnn's Cat of the Day

Dan Dennett: Cute, sexy, sweet, funny | Video on TED.com
Jul 29, 12:14pm (3 reviews) evolution, humor, science, darwin http://www.ted.com/talks/dan_dennett_cut...

Daniel Dennett on why women are sexy, why babies are cute, and why honey is sweet (7:45)

Onexposure - 1x.com - Photo: Zebra by Michael.H.Schulze
Jul 29, 4:16am (2 reviews) animals, photography http://1x.com/photos/member/24963/26643/

Good night

The Crow Paradox : NPR
Jul 28, 12:47am (15 reviews) birds, science http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story...

Crows: 1, Researchers: 0

        Wild crows can recognize individual people. They can pick a person out of a crowd, follow them, and remember them -- apparently for years. But people -- even people who love crows -- usually can't tell them apart.

        There are crow scholars who raise, study, and even live with a crow. But once that crow flies off and joins a group, these researchers say they can no longer tell their crow apart from the others.

        Crow video

        Crow Quiz: Are you as smart as a crow?

        How to alienate a crow (Crow researchers)

Onexposure - 1x.com - Photo: Catching aphids by jimmy hoffman
Jul 27, 9:44pm (3 reviews) nature, photography, bugs http://1x.com/photos/member/13504/26604/

It's what's for dinner

Fr. Hardon Archives - Angelology
Jul 26, 8:15pm (1 review) religion, theology, angels http://www.therealpresence.org/archives/...

Angelology Archives

You can take the girl out of Catholic school, but you can't take Catholic school out of the girl. Right, ani?

        Seraphim: The highest choir of angels, the angel attendants or guardians before God's throne. They praise God, calling, "Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts". One touched Isaiah's lips with a live coal from the altar, cleansing him from sin. Seraphim have six wings, two cover their faces, two cover their feet, and two are for flying.

        Cherubim: Cherubim rank second highest in the nine choirs of angels. The Old Testament reveals no evidence the Jews considered them as intercessors or helpers of God. Closely linked in God's glory, manlike in appearance and double-winged, they symbolized God's power and mobility. The New Testament alludes to as celestial attendants in the Apocalypse In Catholic tradition, these angels have an intimate knowledge of God and continually praise Him.

        Thrones: Angels of pure Humility, Peace and Submisssion, residing in the area of the cosmos where material form begins to take shape. The lower choirs need Thrones to access God.

        Dominions: Angels of Leadership, regulators of the duties of the angels, making known the commands of God.

        Virtues: The Spirits of Motion that control the elements. Sometimes referred to as "the shining ones", they govern all nature, have control over seasons, stars, moon, and sun. They are in charge of miracles and provide courage, grace, and valor.

        Powers: Warrior Angels (potentates_ defending the cosmos and humans against evil spirits who attempt to wreak chaos through human beings. The chief is said to be either Samael or Camael, both angels of darkness.

        Archangels: Archangels, "chief angel", are most frequently mentioned in the Bible. They may be of this or other hierarchies as St. Michael Archangel, who is a princely Seraph. Archangels are God's messengers at critical times in history and salvation as in The Annunciation and Apocalypse. A feast day celebrating the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael is celebrated throughout the Church Sep 29. A special part of the Byzantine Liturgy invokes the "Cherubic Hymn" which celebrates these archangels and guardian angels. St. Michael is the patron and protector by the Church from the time of the Apostles. The Eastern Rite places him over all the angels, as Prince of the Seraphim. Described as the "chief of princes", he is the leader of heavenly forces in their triumph over Satan. Gabriel first appeared in the Old Testament in the prophesies of Daniel, he announced the prophecy of 70 weeks and appeared to Zechariah to announce the birth of St. John the Baptist. Gabriel also proclaimed the Annunciation of Mary. Raphael first appeared in the book of Tobit, announcing "I am the Angel Raphael, one of the seven who stand before the throne of God."

        Principalities: In the New Testament, Principalities are a type of spiritual being that is now quite hostile to God and humankind. Along with the principalities are the powers; and cosmological powers; Dominions and Thrones. They were created through and for Christ. Hostile to both God and humans due to sin, Christ's ultimate rule over them expresses the reign of the Lord over all in the cosmos.

        Angels: Angels are closest to the material world and humankind. They deliver the prayers to God and God's answers and other messages to humans. Angels can access any and all other Angels at any time. They are most caring and willing to assist those who ask for help.

Onces blog - StumbleUpon
Jul 25, 5:25pm (257 reviews) stumblers, poetry http://once.stumbleupon.com/
She wants to write

She wants to write; she struggles
With an angel, images are parboiled, ideas do not flow
At once and where she wants them. She demands to know
Just how it is that others write so freely, snuggle,
Fondle, knead words and sounds together,
Capture arias on napkins and motifs on the page;
Emanations of kinetic life on balconies of rage
And righteous indignation flaunts the comic flight of feathers
In outrageous colours never landing on igneous peaks
But forming xenoliths of grammar from the crystals of an age. Fear,
Perhaps. The answer for the muted mind lies somewhere near
A comic line of serendipity, anomalies of life: some there are who speak
In tragic eulogies, they place the goddess upright on the half shell;
her beauty swells―
The curse of fishermen and saints―
and some are simple poems in themselves.


Onexposure - 1x.com - Photo: Hydrangea by Lifeware
Jul 25, 5:22pm (1 review) nature, photography http://1x.com/photos/member/6769/26445/

Good morning

塗鴉新相片集 - a set on Flickr
Jul 25, 4:10am (1 review) cats, celestial, arts, books, sets http://www.flickr.com/photos/14210053@N0...
Cats, Books, Stars

Many fine drawings of cats, moons, stars, books, and more in this set.

Thank you, Janine


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