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duminică, 29 august 2010

Memories of chaos, rebirth 5 years after Katrina - U.S. news - Katrina: Five years later - msnbc.com

Memories of chaos, rebirth 5 years after Katrina - U.S. news - Katrina: Five years later - msnbc.com


Elaine - 771403 speak just true in This Time of New Age

God bless America. And please, God, continue your patience to "not give up on this land" even though immoral and incompetent leadership (on both sides of the aisle and in the downtown) continue to steer this once-great land to atheism/tin gods and fiscal bankruptcy (and as You and we know, the atheism is what is leading us to bankruptcy.)

Plain-spoken now we hope that The Christianity and New Orleans to resurrections like The Pheonix Bird !
Amin !

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Reply#84 - Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:27 PM EDT

Memories of chaos, rebirth 5 years after Katrina

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Image: Meredith Guy, 5, of Metairie, looks into a Katrina casket
Gerald Herbert / AP
Meredith Guy, 5, of Metairie, looks into a Katrina casket, where people placed notes and items, after an Ecumenical 'funeral service' for Hurricane Katrina at Our Lady of Prompt Succor Catholic Church in Chalmette, La., one day before the Aug. 29 fifth anniversary of the storm, which took over 1,000 lives and devastated the region.
updated 35 minutes ago

NEW ORLEANS — Two strangers shared an umbrella and a somber embrace Sunday as they scanned 163 names on a marble wall honoring those who died in Louisiana's coastal St. Bernard Parish when Hurricane Katrina wracked the region.

Gladys Nunez and Linda Wells didn't know each other before a service at the site — but both knew too many of the names etched onto the memorial, friends and neighbors who perished in the storm's chaos five years ago. Nunez wrapped her arm around Wells, who was visiting the site for the first time.

"I had to come see for myself and try to put this behind me," said Wells, 50, of Chalmette.

Nunez, 68, of Toca, said: "It's something we'll live with for the rest of our life. It never goes away. Katrina showed no mercy."

Memorials were planned across the Gulf Coast from New Orleans' Lower 9th Ward to Biloxi, Miss., to mourn the hundreds who died when Katrina hit on Aug. 29, 2005. For many, though, it also was a time to reflect on how far the region has come since then, everything that's been restored.

More than 100 people braved Sunday's soggy weather for the memorial service in Shell Beach, where parish officials read aloud all 163 names on the memorial. After a moment of silence, Diane Phillips, 51, of Hopedale, volunteered to lay a wreath in the bayou. Some wiped away tears as the wreath floated away. Phillips had two cousins and several close friends who died in the storm.

"I didn't think of one person when we did the wreath," she said. "You think of the whole entire parish and everything that we lost that day and everything that we've brought back since then."

Indeed, for many on the Gulf Coast — still reeling from the massive BP oil spill — the mood is still one of mourning. In New Orleans, the bells will toll at St. Louis Cathedral in honor of the dead.

Other ceremonies were to focus on rebuilding and moving on. A "healing ceremony" and march were planned in the Lower 9th Ward — where only about a quarter of the 5,400 homes that stood in the area before the storm have been rebuilt. Many still bear a constant reminder of Katrina, spray-painted circles indicating they had been searched and whether bodies were inside.

"I'm tired of the anniversaries," Barbara Washington, 77, said Saturday at a symbolic funeral and burial for the storm in Chalmette, La. She lost her home in New Orleans and is now living in a suburb. "I miss my home every day. I feel lost. But I also know we are getting back. We're survivors."

In the afternoon, President Barack Obama will speak at Xavier University — which, like 80 percent of New Orleans, was flooded when the levees failed. He will recall those who died and reassure those who have returned that he is committed to rebuilding.

Other events were planned throughout the region, including a reunion of those who evacuated to the Superdome and memorials in coastal St. Tammany and Plaquemines parishes.

At the symbolic burial Saturday in Chalmette, mourners filled a steel-gray casket with notes, cards and letters.

One, written by a child in red crayon, said: "Go away from us."

Video: Five years later, Gulf Coast revisits Katrina

Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Taierea capului Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul - zi de post

Taierea capului Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul - zi de post

Taierea capului Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul este praznuita pe 29 august.
Este ultima mare sarbatoare din anul bisericesc,
pentru ca pe 1 septembrie incepe un nou an.
Ziua Taierii capului Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul
este o zi de post.
Ni se cere sa postim in aceasta zi,
pe de o parte
ca sa nu ne asemanam cu Irod,
care din cauza ospatului fara masura,
a cerut ca Salomeea sa-i danseze
si drept rasplata i-a oferit
Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul

iar pe de alta parte,
ca sa ne asemanam cu viata
infranata a lui Ioan.

Sfantul Ioan Botezatorul

Sfantul Ioan Botezatorul s-a nascut in cetatea Orini, in familia preotului Zaharia. Elisabeta, mama sa, era descendenta a semintiei lui Aaron. Nasterea prorocului Ioan s-a petrecut cu sase luni inaintea nasterii lui Iisus. Nasterea sa a fost vestita de catre ingerul Gavriil lui Zaharia, in timp ce acesta slujea la templu. Pentru ca nu va da crezare celor vestite de ingerul Gavriil, Zaharia va ramane mut pana la punerea numelui fiului sau.

Exista o lunga perioada din viata Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul despre care nu avem informatii. Cunoastem ca s-a retras in pustiu, unde a dus o viata de aspre nevointe, pana in momentul in care a primit porunca sa inceapa sa predice. Rolul lui Ioan nu a fost numai acela de a pregati poporul pentru venirea lui Hristos, ci si acela de a-L descoperi lumii ca Mesia si Fiul lui Dumnezeu.

Taierea capului Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul

Din Evanghelie cunoastem ca Irod, la un ospat prilejuit de sarbatorirea zilei de nastere, a taiat capul Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul, la cererea Irodiadei. In acea vreme, Sfantul Ioan era intemnitat in castelul lui Irod de la Maherus. Ioan il mustrase pe Irod pentru traiul lui nelegiuit cu Irodiada, care era sotia fratelui sau. In ura ei de moarte, Irodiada a sfatuit-o pe Salomeea, fiica ei, care dansase si placuse oaspetilor si indeosebi lui Irod, sa ceara de la acesta capul Botezatorului ca rasplata.

Intelesul duhovnicesc al imbracamintei si hranei Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul

Din Evanghelia dupa Marcu, aflam ca Sfantul Ioan Botezatorul era imbracat in haina din par de camila, incins cu o curea de piele si ca se hranea cu lacuste si miere salbatica.

Camila poate simboliza atat curatia, cat si necuratia. Daca in Vechiul Testament ea putea fi privita ca un animal curat pentru ca era rumegator, ea putea fi vazuta si ca necurata, daca tinem seama ca avea copita despicata. Daca ramanem la prima semnificatie, cea de animal curat, camila simbolizeaza poporul ales, in timp ce necuratia prefigura neamurile pagane.

Faptul ca Ioan purta o haina din par de camila, simbolizeaza chemarea evreilor si a paganilor la Hristos.

Cureaua, provenita de la un animal mort, semnifica prin incingerea cu ea, omorarea patimilor.

Cat priveste hrana sa, trebuie sa stim ca albinele si lacustele erau considerate a fi curate in Vechiul Testament, semn ca Ioan se hranea doar cu cele placute Domnului.

Traditii si obiceiuri in ziua praznuirii sarbatorii Taierea capului Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul

In ziua de 29 august, cand praznuim Taierea capului Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul, exista credinta in popor ca nu trebuie sa se foloseasca cutitul, totul se rupea cu mana. In popor se vorbea si de inceperea unui post, numit "de la cruce pana la cruce", un post care tinea pana pe 14 septembrie (Inaltarea Sfintei Cruci), neconsemnat in calendarul crestin, care avea rolul de a-i curati pe cei care au savarsit omoruri sau alte pacate grave.

Tot in popor era intalnita si interdictia de a taia si manca fructe si legume cu forma rotunda, de exemplu pepenele nu era consumat in aceasta zi.

Sarbatorile inchinate Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul

Biserica a inchinat lui Ioan sase sarbatori: zamislirea lui (23 septembrie), nasterea (24 iunie), soborul lui (7 ianuarie), taierea capului (29 august), prima si a doua aflare a capului lui (24 februarie) si a treia aflare a capului sau (25 mai).

Adrian Cocosila

Calendar Ortodox


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