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joi, 10 septembrie 2009


~photo :Nikki Abney


Yes ...short and efficiency suggest presentation it was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bravous!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our Partnershipwww.nikkiabney.comSkype: nikki_abney
If you can work when other people play, you can play when other people work.
From the Heart of Nikki Abney,
NEVER Give Up!
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To: Dimitrio, From: Nikki Abney, My Upline Did It...We ALL Can Do It!
Thursday, September 10, 2009 9:07 AM
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"Dimitrio" , NikkiAbney@gmail.com
Hi Dimitrio,This is Real!

I MADE $10,000 again last night! ... actually, at 2 am this morning. It is so much fun ...Who in the world does not want to make this kind of money. By the end of the day ... about 2 more hours, I will have all of the $10,000 in my bank account.
Look at the dates! Just like before ... it took 2 weeks for me to make $10.000!!!!!!
Hello Michele,We, at TVI Express congratulate you on cycling out of the Express Board and achieving yet another milestone in this journey of success. Your user ID thetruth has just cycled out of the Express Board.A payout of USD 10,000 has been transferred to your online eWallet.You also have the option to convert your commission into eVoucher(s) and below given are the steps to do so:User Back-Office -> eVouchers > Purchase eVouchers > Pay using existing eWallet > Validate Transaction PasswordWe are pleased to see you succeed and are certain that your journey with TVI Express will be even more worthwhile. "There's no limit to what a man can achieve, if he has the aptitude to see way down the road."All The Best!TVI Express TeamTouching Lives Globally!

REMEMBER THIS? ..... Another look at the last time I made $10,000.
YAY!!! I made $10,000! ... August 14th! Thank You Lord!

Our Partnership
www.nikkiabney.comSkype: nikki_abney
If you can work when other people play, you can play when other people work.
From the Heart of Nikki Abney,
NEVER Give Up!

Romania a implinit 1 an de criza


9AM NEWS - Editia de DimineataRomania a implinit 1 an de criza

Romania a implinit 1 an de criza

Romania a implinit 1 an de criza

In urma cu un an, actiunile celei de-a patra banci din Statele Unite ale Americii (SUA), Lehman Brothers, isi injumatateau valoarea. La numai o saptamana, banca de investitii solicita protectia legii falimentului, moment din care se considera ca s-a declansat criza.

Romania a fost afectata de criza la cateva saptamani dupa prabusirea Lehman Brothers din septembrie 2008. Insa, nici macar dupa ce a fost lovita de criza financiara, Romania nu credea ca va fi afectata, avand in vedere cresterea economica record de 8%, estimata pentru 2008, noteaza Cotidianul.

Intrebat daca vom fi loviti de raul economic care lovea una dupa alta economiile tarilor din intreaga lume, premierul Romaniei de la acea data, Calin Popescu Tariceanu, declara pe 15 septembrie 2008: "Raspunsul este clar nu, (n.r. criza financiara internationala) nu va avea efecte asupra economiei si asupra cetatenilor“.

Fostul premier nu este singurul politician care nu a vrut sa recunoasca adevarul. Presedintele Romaniei a tot negat faptul ca Romania este in criza, pana in 15 iunie 2009. La aproape trei trimestre de la izbucnirea crizei, Basescu le-a dat trezirea romanilor: "Romania intra in re-ce-si-u-ne".

Intre timp peste 600.000 de persoane au ramas fara un loc de munca, peste 100.000 de firme si-au suspendat activitatea "gratie" impozitului forfetar, Romania a contractat un imprumut de circa 20 miliarde de euro de la Fondul Monetar International, ministerele si-au redus personalul cu 20%, iar economia s-a contractat cu 8,7% in trimestrul al doilea.

Mugur Isarescu sustine ca economia se va pune pe picioare in T4, daca nu chiar din T3. Motivatia? Potrivit guvernatorului BNR, productia industriala, cea care teoretic da primele semne pozitive, si-a revenit inca din prima parte a anului.

Fostul sef al Fed ne avertizea insa ca "Natura umana va mai da nastere si altor crize"
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Romania a implinit 1 an de criza


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