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sâmbătă, 29 decembrie 2007

U.S. fears spillover into Afghanistan - Washington Post- msnbc.com


U.S. fears spillover into Afghanistan 
- Washington Post- msnbc.com

U.S. fears spillover into Afghanistan
Bhutto assassination may mark start of extremist offensive, officials worry

A blow to U.S. war on terrorism

Dec. 28: The assassination of Benazir Bhutto is a major setback for U.S. policymakers such as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who strongly supported her return to Pakistan.
NBC's Andrea Mitchell reports.(...)"

Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog:collage:i70.photobucket.com/.../Benazir-Bhutto.jpg

Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog

Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog

Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog

Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog:Sudarsan Pattnaik:Lady in Istambul-jpg(image)

                                                   Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog

Benazir Bhutto Assassinated

[Updated: All Hell Breaks Loose]
© 2006–2007 Ironic Surrealism II — Sitemap — Cutline by Chris Pearson

"Artistul indian Sudarsan Pattnaik tocmai si-a desavarsit sculptura in nisip pe care a realizat-o si care o reprezinta pe Benazir Bhutto, fost premier al Pakistanului.
Sculptura a fost realizata ieri pe plaja Puri, la est de Bhubaneswar, pentru a celebra memoria lui Bhutto,"

["ZIUA": "Pakistanul in haos"]

FanBox Desktop:Let's share the colourful world!

FanBox Desktop:
Friday, December 28, 2007

colourful mind........

"me and my mind.........
all around me is you.....
and .......you.....
and ............you....."
May729 fans”


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