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marți, 6 noiembrie 2007

People and Places

People and Places: "Photo Gallery: Romantic Rome Part of the Places of a Lifetime series from Traveler magazine Click here to find out more! 1 of 10NEXT Photo: Sant Angelo Bridge Photo: Sant Angelo BridgePhoto: The PantheonPhoto: Romans on lunch breakPhoto: Tiber river boatPhoto: Nuns in St. Peter’s SquarePhoto: Man in Piazza del CampidoglioPhoto: Italian businessmenPhoto: Diners near PantheonPhoto: Pigeons in St. Peters SquarePhoto: Ruins of the Roman Forum ENLARGEWALLPAPER Statues of angels designed by 17th-century sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini decorate the Sant’Angelo Bridge."

Mr. Cioroianu's Romania

The Romanian foreign minister's public statements are representative of Romania's official view. Mr. Cioroianu's words have been taken seriously abroad and analyzed as such, although they have been criticized and mocked at home, causing indignation and absolutely motivated protests. Or how can there be dialogue with a state, unless you start from the idea that Romania's most important institutional actor in foreign affairs expresses the Romanian message?

As a foreign minister in a European country, Mr. Adrian Cioroianu expressed a perfectly anti-European message, opposing not only the EU's fundamental principles, but also all the game rules in the European system. In November 2007, Cioroianu expressed a hallucinating message sending not only ourselves back in history, in the era of the Totalitarian system and the Nazi intolerance. There is one more thing, even more serious and harder to forgive, since he is a minister in a European government and he is supposed to know (or at least to realize) that the European solidarity rule always works when such messages are at stake. They work either positively, which can't possibly be the case now, or negatively, by delimitation and quarantine. Given the context, he has done great harm to Romania's interests. Even if Romanian politicians can be forgiven for their lack of experience and knowledge, even if the dirty political disputes in Bucharest can also be forgiven, there is one limit no one can cross.

This is about Europe's historical memory, the one that registered the dreadful deeds of the Nazi legislation, which later on was used as model for the Soviet assassinations. That legislation allowed for the separation, within the same nation, between groups of superior category and groups who had to be isolated and then turned into ghettos and concentration camps. Against this memory they tried to build a different kind of Europe, based on other principles and rules. Romania is the first EU state that has expressed something else by Adrian Cioroianu's message. And it will undoubtedly be sanctioned as such.

How can Romania possibly be the first to say tremendously foolish things again? How can Romanian diplomacy be headed by a historian unaware of how dramatical it is to refer to the Egyptian exile's symbol, for it is impossible not to make a connection between our minister's foolish words and the episode the Jews went through, ending up with the exodus Moses led?

Cioroianu's message is innovative in one more sense. The massage of Romania's top diplomat sounds like this: The Europeans' difficulties have so far been caused by the communities of non-EU citizens on national territories. But at home we have got a problem with some of our own citizens and out of the blue we want to collect them all and exile them to Egypt!

But is this Romania's message too? Of course it isn't. One needs to think only about Romania's traditional tolerance and interethnic cohabitation. The message expresses one more thing: our politicians' inability to find domestic solutions to priority problems. The commitments made in Brussels have proved just words. And Mr. Cioroianu's Romania will pay for it instead of Mr. Cioroianu himself.

Cristian UNTEANU

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In cazul 'Prodi KGB' nu se moare intamplator

Romano Prodi - KGB Agent?

The latest rumour doing the rounds is that Romano Prodi was a KGB contact in Italy. The same rumours also have it that this was what Litvinienko was meeting Scaramella on the 1st November to discuss, and to hand over papers relating to. This speech was made last week, in the European Parliament, by a UKIP member:
"Mr President, I should like to pay tribute to my constituent, Mr Alexander Litvinenko. Alexander was fearless in exposing the political gangsters that now run Russia, and the creatures of the KGB and FSB that still hold political office in Europe. For his bravery, he paid the ultimate price.

In April, I made two speeches in this Parliament repeating allegations made to me by Alexander that Romano Prodi had been an agent of some kind of the KGB. Alexander told me that the key figure to understanding Mr Prodi’s alleged relationship with the KGB in the 1970s was a man named Sokolov, also known as Konopkine, who worked for TASS in Italy.

Since Alexander can no longer testify to this effect, as he was ready, willing and able to do, I am pleased to provide this service for him posthumously."
But these allegations cannot be dismissed, as the mainstream media is doing. From Wikipedia:On April 2, 1978, Prodi and other members of the faculty of the University of Bologna passed on a tip about a safe house where Aldo Moro, the former Prime Minister kidnapped by the Red Brigades, was detained. Bizarrely, Prodi claimed he had been given the tip by the founders of the Christian Democratic Party, contacted from beyond the grave via a séance and a Ouija board. While Prodi thought the word Gradoli referred to a town on the outskirts of Rome, it likely referred to the Roman address of a BR safehouse, located at via Gradoli 96. Later, other Italian members of the European Commission claimed that Prodi had invented this story to conceal the real source of the tip, which they believed to have originated in the Italian extraparliamentary left.So he recieved the whereabouts of a prisoner of a communist group from a seance? Pull the other one. He has something, at least, to conceal.Of course, if he was a spy, how many KGB contacts are there within the European Union? And was he actually a spy? I know that in Blairite Britain the truth is hard to come by, but I believe that we have the right to know. Unfortunately, I can't look in his MI5 file. Where are the documents that Litvinienko gave to Scaramella? And are we currently being ruled by the Russian Mafia? Somehow, I don't think that we'll get answers.
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Posted by David Webster at 8:05 AM

Litvinenko “Prodi KGB” Case Mustn’t Be Dropped 4 December 2006
Posted by David in Europe, UKIP, World.

The allegation that Romano Prodi, current Italian PM and formerly European Commission President, is the KGB/FSB’s man in Italy has continued to be pushed by UKIP. The Guardian and Sun reported it in just a few dismissive lines, but after Mr Litvinenko’s death and the contamination of his friend, Mr Scaramella, as well as numerous aircraft and sites across the UK, it deserves wider investigation.

Gerard Batten took the floor in a moving and important speech about the death of the former KGB Colonel Alexander Litvinenko. Mr Batten knew Mr Litvinenko and has been key to letting the world know some of the most extraordinary details of the whole Russian poisoning affair. This speech is here slightly altered as it was spoken under Parliamentary privilege.

I should like to pay tribute to my constituent, Mr Alexander Litvinenko. Alexander was fearless in exposing the political gangsters that now run Russia, and the creatures of the KGB and FSB that still hold political office in Europe. For his bravery, he paid the ultimate price. In April, I made two speeches in this Parliament repeating allegations made to me by Alexander that Romano Prodi had been an agent of some kind of the KGB. Alexander told me that the key figure to understanding Mr Prodi’s alleged relationship with the KGB in the 1970s was a man named XXXXX, also known as XXXXX, who worked for TASS in Italy. Since Alexander can no longer testify to this effect, as he was ready, willing and able to do, I am pleased to provide this service for him posthumously.

The work that Mr Batten has done on this case over the months has done much to bring into the light the evidence of high level infiltration of both the Italian government and the EU institutions by former Russian secret service operatives. In the light of the current situation he should also be applauded for his courage and his dedication to unearthing the truth.

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"Posibila colaborare a lui Prodi cu KGB-ul a devenit un subiect de prima pagina, in luna noiembrie, abia dupa decesul fostului agent de contraspionaj rus, refugiat in Marea Britanie, Alexander Litvinienko.

Mai multe voci au afirmat, in acest context, ca otravirea acestuia cu polonium 210 a fost dictata de serviciile rusesti tocmai pentru a proteja identitatea conspirativa a fostului presedinte al Comisiei Europene si actual premier al Italiei. Colaborarea lui Prodi cu KGB a fost anuntata cu sase luni in urma de catre Gerard Batten (United Kingdon Independence Party) care afirma ca Alexander Litvinienko avea confirmarea acestui lucru de la fostul adjunct al FSB, Anatoly Trofimov, mort prin impuscare in conditii neelucidate la Moscova cu un an in urma, in 2005.

Publicatia The EU Reporter , care apare la Bruxelles, confirma in 3 aprilie 2006 versiunea lui Batten prin vocea unui fost agent KGB, a carui identitate nu a fost, insa, divulgata. Desi citat de catre Batten, Alexander Litvinienko nu a afirmat niciodata public ca ar fi avut informatii care sa sustina ca Romano Prodi ar fi fost recrutat si ar fi colaborat cu serviciile secrete sovietice si mai apoi cu cele ruse. Dimpotriva, in cadrul unui interviu acordat, influentului cotidian La Republica in martie 2005, acesta afirma ca inca din 2004 el afirmase ca nu are informatii care sa indice o posibila conexiune intre Romano Prodi si activitatile KGB-ului in Italia.

Respectivele afirmatii au fost facute la solicitarea lui Mario Scaramella, pe vremea cand acestea isi desfasura activitatea in cadrul comisiei Mitrochin, constituite de parlamentul italian, la cererea lui Silvio Berlusconi, presedinte al partidului Forza Italia si premier in acea vreme, pentru a investiga posibila colaborare a unor politicieni italieni de stanga cu fostele servicii secrete sovietice. Aceasta nu a fost singura intrevedere dintre Scaramella si Litvinienko. Pe 1 noiembrie 2006, exact in ziua si in locul in care se crede ca Litvinenko a fost otravit cu poloniu 210, cei doi s-au intalnit la Itsu, un restaurant japonez din Londra, pentru a discuta despre moartea ziaristei ruse Anna Politckovskaya, asasinate in apartamentul ei din Moscova, aflate si ea in stransa legatura cu comisia Mitrochin, ca si multi alti dizidenti din era Putin.

Ulterior, agravarii starii lui Litvinenko si apoi decesului acestuia, s-a afirmat ca si Scaramella fusese contaminat cu aceeasi substata, poloniu 210, lucru, pe care prin vocea avocatului sau, el nu l-a confirmat, solicitand efectuarea unor analize medicale. Intersul lui Scaramella in cazul Prodi are si o conotatie politica. In ultimii trei ani, suprematia lui Silvio Berlusconi in topurile de popularitate ale politicienilor italieni a fost pusa la incercare doar de Romano Prodi. Aceasta pare sa fie singura persoanlitate a stangii italiene capabile sa contrabalanseze influenta carismaticului si mediatizatului lider al partidului Forza Italia. Legaturile dintre Scaramella si Berlusconi sunt evidente, comisia Mitrochin, este opera lor si ambii au motive sa il urmareasca pe Prodi.

Romano Prodi a negat orice legatura cu KGB, in absenta unor probe elecvente, conexiunea sa cu serviciile secrete sovietice si apoi ruse este o simpla speculatie, nu este insa, o speculatie faptul ca doi agenti ai acestor servicii despre care s-a considerat ca ar fi confirmat aceasta conexiune, Litvinenko si Trofimov au fost asasinati, intr-un mod care sa nu lase dubii ca decesul ar fi survenit in urma unui accident intamplator.

Sursa: Cronica Romana, 7 Decembrie 2006
Autor: Mircea Marin
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Oprescu: “Un nefericit nesimtit” ZIARUL ZIARUL - STIRI, MONDEN, POLITICA, SPORT: "Oprescu: “Un nefericit nesimtit”"

Senatorul PSD Sorin Oprescu a declarat, ieri, ca Vasile Dancu (foto) a avut o copilarie nefericita si o maturitate nesimtita, ceea ce ar explica afirmatiile acestuia despre eliminarea din PSD a „javrelor batrane”, pentru care partidul e doar o „carpa de sters pe picioare”. „Vasile Dancu a avut o copilarie nefericita si o maturitate nesimtita. Trebuie sa discutam cu totii modul asta de abordare”, a precizat Oprescu. Intrebat daca se poate pune problema unui Congres extraordinar in PSD, Oprescu a raspuns: „Dancu trebuie sa revina la un limbaj urban, nu acolo unde se situeaza acum, la nivelul semnelor, dupa care putem avea si discutii”.



Fata din Ziarul



Publicat la: 2007-11-06 în categoria Actualitate | Autor: Radu Cosma

Istoricul Cioroianu, pus in fruntea MAE de liberali, expert in denigrarea Maresalului Antonescu, intre altele, vine acum, in 2007, cu o formula bomba de rezolvare a problemei tiganesti: deportarea acestora in desertul Sahara si formarea de batalioane disciplinare! Ulterior acesta s-a mai nuantat si a dat inapoi nu inainte de a fi pus la zid de politicieni si de societatea civila.
In timp ce romanii din Italia erau expusi atacurilor generalizate ale italienilor furiosi de uciderea sotiei ofiterului de marina de catre tiganul Romulus Mailat, ministrul de externe, Adrian Cioroianu, impreuna cu logodnica sa, soprana Alexandra Coman vizitau Muzeul de Egiptologie din Egipt, unde seful diplomatiei se afla pentru doua zile in vizita oficiala. Vizita s-a desfasurat netulburata in cel mai fierbinte moment al crizei din Italia. Intors din Egipt Cioroianu a venit cu o idee geniala: sa-i deporteze pe tigani in tara piramidelor. El a afirmat la o emisiune tv: „eram pe drumul dintre Alexandria si Cairo, la sfarsitul vizitei, in plin desert si ma gandeam daca nu cumva am putea cumpara un teren din desertul ala egiptean, sa-i plasam acolo pe astfel de oameni care ne fac de ras“. Ciroianu si-a completat ideea precizand ca „oamenii care comit astfel de fapte nu trebuie trimisi in regim de celula, cu televizor, ar trebui pusi la muncile cele mai dure si formate, probabil, batalioane din alea disciplinare”.
Ieri Cioroianu si-a cerut scuze pentru declaratia sa, si a spus ca i se pare si lui surprinzatoare afirmatia sa. Ministrul roman de externe a alimentat valul de xenofobie si extremism indreptat impotriva romanilor identificati in plan european cu tiganii datorita omonimiei rrom roman si datorita politicii dusa de regimul Iliescu care a lansat si impus aceasta sintagma.
Noua organizatii au cerut demisia ministrului Cioroianu „ca o dovada de respect fata de legislatia nationala“.
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Comentarii: Sylvia - Canada (06-11-2007, 3:59)
Acest ministru are perfecta dreptate. Rromii sint niste animale care trebuiesc tratate ca atare. intreaga Europa este ingrozita de ei.Se incearca si trecerea peste ocean dar americanii stiu foarte bine ca locul tiganilor nu este aici si din aceasta cauza sufera si oamenii cumsecade. Felicitari domnule ministru iordan - rromania (06-11-2007, 7:30)
De la rrom ne tragem la roma ne ducem, in stoluri! Avem si cu cine, cu cioroianu, lider de zbor Alba - Brad (06-11-2007, 8:06)
Mai, Cioroianule !! Cu ce tupeu l-ai denigrat pe Maresalul Antonescu ?? Ca ideile tale sunt de 100 de ori mai extremiste. Astept sa-ti ceri scuze PUBLIC pentru aceste acuze. Iar tu.. VALEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!. dallin - IS (06-11-2007, 9:36)
Are dreptate ministru.In desert cu tiganii.Cred ca si acolo e lux pt ei.

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