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duminică, 7 august 2016

Rusia pregătește armata pentru un cutremur catastrofal, ce ar putea avea loc până în septembrie 2016 - Infoalert.ro | Ştiri şi noutăți din întreaga lume infoalert.ro| De Infoalert

Mega-Cutremur pe Continentul American? Celebrul om de stinte Mehran Keshe: Un Mega-Cutremur va lovi Continentul American pana in Septembrie 2016

In 17 Aprilie 2016, celebrul om de stinta Mehran Keshe a dat un interviu pentru Russia Today in care a explicat ca un mega-cutremur de magnitudine foarte mare, se va produce pana in Septembrie 2016 si va rupe pur si simplu continentul american in doua bucati.
Un raport incendiar al Ministerului Apărării (MAp) de la Kremlin, avertizeaza ca  președintele Putin a autorizat o redistribuire imediată a trupelor militare în Districtul Militar Est (EMD), trupele fiind în curs de pregătire pentru ceea ce ar putea fi o serie de cutremure masive și tsunami-uri care ar lovi în următoarele două săptămâni Peninsula Kamceatka,  și avertizează în continuare că regiunile Statele Unite ale Americii-Canada-Alaska, nord-vestul Oceanului Pacific ar putea fi în pericol și mai mare decât Rusia.

Conform acestui raport, această mișcare fără precedent pe timp de pace cu mii de soldați ai Federației Ruse deplasandu-se spre „coridoarele de protecție” pre-alocate, se datoreaza unui „avertisment de urgență”, trimis Consiliului de Securitate (SC) de omul de știință Mehran Keshe care a spus ca un puternic cutremur cu magnitudinea de 5,8 care a lovit Regatul Tonga a fost „ultimul pilon care trebuia să scadă”, iar placa din Pacific se pregătește pentru o „noua aliniere catastrofala”.
In 3 Octombrie 2015, Keshe a avertizat ca se va produce un cataclism teribil care va duce la separarea continentelor americane, afectarea zonelor vestice si sudice ale SUA, a Mexicului, a insulelor carabiene, dar si coasta estica a Asiei, Noua Zeelanda.

Vulcanii activi, Placile Tectonice si „Cercul de Foc”
In Octombrie 2015, la trei luni după ce omul de stinta Keshe, a averizat de pericolul  unor seisme iminente, atât Peninsula Kamceatka cat si Alaska de Sud, au fost lovite de cutremure cu magnitudinea de 7.1 respectiv 7,3, facandu-l pe Președintele Putin să înceapă primul său program de reajustare a trupelor EMD în fața acestui orizont amenințător.
In ceea ce privește mișcarea accelerată a plăcii din Pacific, Keshe a folosit „tehnologia Magrav” pentru a realiza „evaluările sale predictive”, evaluari care s-au dovedit precise avand in vedere ca nu mai putin de 8 cutremure au lovit această regiune, cea mai gravă tara afectat fiind Ecuador, in urma caruia cel puțin 233 de oameni si-au pierdut viata, în Japonia au fost declarati 41 de morți, in timp ce mii de alti oameni au fost dati disparuti, iar 250.000 au rămas fără adăpost.

Ecuador, dupa cutremurul din 17 Aprilie 2016
In principiu vor avea loc o serie de cutremure cu intensitati de 6, 8 grade, dupa care vor urma in Mexic si in Golful Mexic mega-cutremure cu magnitudinea de 10-16 grade si unul de 20-24 grade pe scare Richter. In istoria recenta a omenirii nu s-au inregistrat cutremure cu magnitudinea mai mare de 10 grade si nici nu ne putem imagina astfel de cutremure.
Scara Richter este logaritmica si de exemplu, un cutremur cu magnitudinea 10, are o amplitudine a undelor seismice de 10 ori mai mare, iar energia eliberata de cutremur este de 30 de ori mai mare de cat a unui cutremur de 9 grade pe scare Richter.
Pe coasta vestica a SUA vor fi cutremure de 6-11 grade. Limita de timp ar fi Septembrie 2016, dar ele pot aparea oricand. Aceste cutremure vor inregistra circa 20 de milioane de victime, dar multe altele vor urma dupa.
Intr-un video publicat pe Youtube, Kesha explica ca in interiorul globului terestru s-a acumulat o cantitate imensa de energie, care va fi eliberata brusc, ducand la ruperea scoartei terestre. In video apare din cand in cand o harta a sudului Statelor Unite(de ex la min 5:05) fiind marcate cu roz cele 10 state afectate. Sever ar fi afectate Florida, Texas si Utah. Keshe insa nu ofera detalii unde se va rupe teritoriul SUA si nici cum va fi afectat teriroriul SUA.
Surse – whatdoesitmean.cominfoalert.ro
Nu stiu cat de sigure sunt cele descrise de omul de stinta Kesha si daca timpul prezis este cel corect, dar ceea ce ramane cu adevarat ciudat si ridica multe semne de intrebare, este faptul ca Rusia a deplasat alte cateva mii de de trupe in Peninsula Kamceatka dupa cutermurele din zona, cat si faptul ca aceste stiri au ajuns si la televiziunile centrale, chiar daca nu s-a pus mult accent pe ele.

Sa nu uitam ca si SUA se pregateste pentru o iminenta catastrofa, nu stim insa daca din cauze naturale sau economice, sau poate si una si alta. – O serie de evenimente petrecute în ultimul timp în Statele Unite arată că „elitele americane se pregătesc pentru ceva mare”
Ce va urma insa si cand, numai Bunul Dumnezeu stie.

 16 Mai 2016

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April 17, 2016 
Russia Prepares For Catastrophic Earthquake, But Warns America Is In Worst Danger
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A stunning new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin has authorized the immediate redeployment of troops in the Eastern Military District (EMD) in preparation for what could be a series of massive earthquakes and tsunamis to hit the Kamchatka Peninsula within the next fortnight—and further warns that the United States-Canada-Alaska northwestern Pacific Ocean region may be in even more danger than Russia.

18th Machine Gun Artillery Division Troops in Sakhalin Redeployment 17 April 2016
According to this report, this unprecedented peacetime movement of thousands of Federation troops to their pre-assigned protective corridors was based upon an urgent warningcommunication sent to the Security Council (SC) earlier today by Doctor-Scientist Mehran Keshe that said this afternoons powerful 5.8 magnitude earthquake that struck the Kingdom of Tonga was the alst lynchpin to fall as the Pacific Plate is preparing for a catastrophic new alignment”.
Doctor-Scientist Keshe, we have previously noted, is the inventor ofmagrav technology(Western code name code name Khibiny) used by Federation military forces in their secretive defense weapons used to cripple American warships like was done against the USS Donald Cook this past week.
In using adifferent aspect of his magrav technology, this report continues, Doctor-Scientist Keshe this past October (2015) issued his first dire pronouncement about the Pacific Plate warning that a   world-changing mega-tremor with the power to split up continents was imminent”.

Three months after Doctor-Scientist Keshe’s October 2015 warning, this report notes, both the Kamchatka Peninsula and Southern Alaska were hit with7.1 and 7.3 magnitude earthquakes causing President Putin to begin his first realignment of EMD troops in the face of this looming threat—and which we, likewise, reported on in our 9 February report Putin War Move Sends Shockwave Through West As Pacific Tsunami Threat Rises.
During this past week, this report grimly states, Doctor-Scientist Keshe’s use ofmagrav technology to make his predictive assessmentsregarding the accelerated movement of the Pacific Plate has proven accurate as no less than 7 powerful earthquakes (and today’s Tonga quake making 8) have struck this region—the worst being the South American nation of Ecuador where at least 233 are dead, and in Japan where a further, at least, 41 are dead, thousands still missing, and another 250,000 left homeless

Ecuador earthquake damage 17 April 2016
Joining Doctor-Scientist Keshe’s dire pronouncements regarding the Pacific Plate, this report continues, is American Doctor-Scientist Roger Bilham of the University of Colorado Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) who yesterday warned too that The current conditions might trigger at least four earthquakes greater than 8.0 in magnitude, and if they delay, the strain accumulated during the centuries provokes more catastrophic mega earthquakes.”
And to if Doctor-Scientist Bilham’s mega earthquake fears are realized, this report concludes, Doctor-Scientist Keshe’s assessment of what this could entail is nothing less then catastrophic as he had previously warned that North and South America will “split” and mega tsunamis could “strike America and Asia killing 40 million people”.
Though this report gives no date for any expected earthquake, tsunami or volcano eruption to occur as the sciences involved in doing so are far from adequate, it is more than curious to note that the MoD has ordered all of its top commanders and political office holders from the Far East Pacific Ocean regions to be in Moscow on 27 April for what this report says is a readiness conference

April 17, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, inc

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