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joi, 5 noiembrie 2009

Arte & Popcult - Gâlceava intelectualilor seria a 3-a

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Arte & Popcult

Archaelogical sites of Chichén-Itzá in Yucatán...Image via Wikipedia

Image by Chris DeversSail Boston, Tall Ships 2009: Mircea, bow via Flickr

Istoria literaturii române de Nicolae Manolescu

Istoria literaturii române de Nicolae Manolescu

Catastrofa la nivel înalt (episodul3)

04 Noi 2009 6 comentarii
Nu ştiu dacă sunt mulţi cei care au luat cunoştinţă de răspunsul pe care i l-a dat, de curând, Nicolae Manolescu, la Craiova, unui reporter al revistei „Mozaic“ (vezi nr. 2, 2009) când a fost întrebat de ce l-a exclus pe Adrian Marino din „lista“ sa.

Catastrofă la nivel înalt (episodul 2)

Catastrofă la nivel înalt (episodul 2)
Oricât ar părea de paradoxal, primul lucru pe care l-au semnalat cei mai mulţi recenzenţi se referă la faptul că Nicolae Manolescu îşi asumă încrezător corvoada scrierii acestei „istorii critice“ în lipsa oricărei metode critice.

Istoria Literaturii Române de Nicolae Manolescu

Catastrofă la nivel înalt

(episodul 1)

02 Noi 2009 | 6 comentarii | 3685 vizualizari
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Din raţiuni diverse mi s-a părut nepotrivit să scriu mai devreme despre ultima ispravă a lui Nicolae Manolescu. Dacă aş fi intervenit printre primii, comentariul meu critic - oricât de argumentat - ar fi fost probabil asumat unei atitudini subiective, chiar resentimentare, din cauza faptului că am fost exclus, ca autor, din această controversată istorie literară.

Nicolae Manolescu, preşedintele Uniunii Scriitorilor :

„Ştefan Agopian fie a absentat de la întrunirile USR, fie e complice”

„Ştefan Agopian fie a absentat de la întrunirile USR, fie e complice”
Intrat în cursa pentru preşedinţia Uniunii Scriitorilor (USR), Ştefan Agopian l-a acuzat pe Nicolae Manolescu că a cheltuit banii scriitorilor fără transparenţă şi în folosul propriu. Nicolae Manolescu răspunde punct cu punct fiecărei acuzaţii.

Papercraft Self Portrait - 2009

I made this as my costume for Halloween 2009. It was kind of inspired by big-head mode seen in videogames. I really wanted to get the faceted geosphere look with wireframe.

Software used:

3ds Max 2009
Mudbox 2010
Photoshop CS3
  • The head was modeled in 3ds Max based off of photos I had Jen take. The final triangle count was 370. I designed it so it could fit over my head, sit on my shoulders and then be held down by a jacket.
  • The texture with wireframe overlaid. Original texture was 4096 square.
  • The texture was done with Mudbox 2010 and Photoshop CS3. The projection features work great to get a texture down quickly. After that I used the new export screen to PSD feature to clean up the texture and remove shadows. It works better then anything else I've tried because you can export an image 4 times the size of your actual screen resolution.
  • I used Pepakura to break the model up into printable sections. I only really used it to get some UV's out of it. Unfortunately the base version of the program only supports 1024 textures. The benefit of using Pepakura is that it ensures that all your UV's are the same scale relative to each other (extremely important when you are printing and folding) and it can calculate how big the folded model will be. You can also export a wire frame overlay with tabs for gluing in vector format.
  • I then loaded the new UV's into the second UV channel on the model in max. I used TexTools to transfer the texture from the original texture page to the Pepakura UV's. Max's projection tools were causing problems at hard angles around the ears and wouldn't pad. Textools did it perfectly and padded the texture. I doubled the texture page to 8192 because I didnt want any detail loss. It printed at 157 dpi. I cropped each piece out and sent to the printer. It ended up being 28 letter sized pages.
  • Cutting and folding up the pieces as they are coming out of the printer. I used 61 pound matte paper.

  • I then loaded the new UV's into the second UV channel on the model in max. I used TexTools to transfer the texture from the original texture page to the Pepakura UV's. Max's projection tools were causing problems at hard angles around the ears and wouldn't pad. Textools did it perfectly and padded the texture. I doubled the texture page to 8192 because I didnt want any detail loss. It printed at 157 dpi. I cropped each piece out and sent to the printer. It ended up being 28 letter sized pages.
  • Cutting and folding up the pieces as they are coming out of the printer. I used 61 pound matte paper.
  • The work space.

  • Added in my right eye.

  • More images can be found here:

Link to ZME Science

Negative thinking might not be so negative after all

Posted: 04 Nov 2009 06:49 AM PST

sadA study conducted by professor Joseph Forgas at the University of New South Wales showed that bad moods can actually turn out good for you, as it makes people less gullible by increasing their ability to judge and also is a big memory boost.

The study proved that people who were experiencing bad moods were more critical and paid more attention to the surrounding environment than happier people, who were more likely to believe everything that they were told.

“Whereas positive mood seems to promote creativity, flexibility, cooperation, and reliance on mental shortcuts, negative moods trigger more attentive, careful thinking paying greater attention to the external world,” Forgas wrote. “Our research suggests that sadness … promotes information processing strategies best suited to dealing with more demanding situations.”

To conduct this study, the team actually conducted several experiments that began by inducing happier or unhappier moods to the subjects, by recalling a past event or by watching movies. In one of the experiments, they were asked to analyze the truth (or lack of it) behind urban myths and rumors; the result was that those in sadder moods were less likely to believe what they were told and showed an increase of analytic ability.

The sadder people were also less likely to make rash decisions or those based on racial or religious beliefs and made fewer mistakes when recalling a past event.

“Positive mood is not universally desirable: people in negative mood are less prone to judgmental errors, are more resistant to eyewitness distortions and are better at producing high-quality, effective persuasive messages,” Forgas wrote.

It’s been known for quite a while now that a good mood can increase work capacity, concentration and creativity, but not so much effort has been put into understanding what happens to you when you are feeling unhappy.

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Fishing boat sunk by giant jellyfish

Posted: 04 Nov 2009 06:28 AM PST

A while ago I was telling you about how big and how dangerous jellyfish can be; it’s all about size this time, as a fishing boat capsized, throwing it’s three members overboard after failing to haul up a net that was too heavy, loaded with giant Nomura jellyfish.

Jellyfish captured in China

Jellyfish captured in China

Each of these aquatic giants can grow up to 2 meters in diameter and easily weigh over 200 kgs. They seem to be more and more of a problem, especially around Japan, and swarms of them are actually not an uncommon sight.

“Jellies have likely swum and swarmed in our seas for over 600 million years,” says “jellyologist” Monty Graham of the Dauphin Island Sea Lab in Alabama. “When conditions are right, jelly swarms can form quickly. They appear to do this for sexual reproduction.”

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Dumitru Sin spunea...

Gâlceava intelectualilor seria a 3-a

Dumitru Sin spunea...

"(...)Activitatea de foiletonist convins, timp de trei decenii, a lui Nicolae Manolescu părea să aducă acele minime argumente care să confirme o posibilă reuşită, ceea ce, din păcate, nu s-a întâmplat. Aşa cum, în intervenţiile lor de până acum, au sugerat şi alţi critici (printre care Cornel Ungureanu, Irina Petraş, Florin Mihăilescu, Mircea Muthu, Sanda Cordoş, Alexandru Goldiş, Paul Cernat, Bogdan Creţu, Nicoleta Sălcudeanu, Ion Buzera, Doris Mironescu, Daniel Cristea-Enache, Şerban Axinte, Constantin M. Popa, Teodor Codreanu etc.), ne aflăm în faţa unui produs hibrid, ceva indecis între plagierea lui Călinescu şi politizarea tendenţioasă.

Cu toată stânjeneala de care sunt capabil, mă văd obligat să declar de la început inutilitatea istoriei manolesciene care îl plagiază nepermis pe Călinescu şi, după cum se va vedea - printr-un efect retro -, mai mult obscurizează lucrurile decât să le clarifice. După acest preambul, nu atât de optimizant pe cât aş fi dorit, în cele ce urmează voi încerca să semnalez cât mai succint în ce constă superfetaţia critică a acestei masive lucrări.(...)"

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