Poreclă Sile this Millennium Pseudonime sile_this_millennium

sâmbătă, 31 octombrie 2009

Romania the crisis has reached its peak in the Halloween

BEIJING, CHINA - SEPTEMBER 15:  Folk artists m...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Blogger 8sin49 said...

This photos go to the suggestive
symbolism by our the humanity in the
solution without the skyline of just
the limite of field...

October 31, 2009 3:03 AM

Red Sexton

Photo Effects

Cioclu Roşu

Sile this Millennium: ... privind cu amaraciune ce se intampla acum in Romania.

Sile this Millennium: ... privind cu amaraciune ce se intampla acum in Romania.

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Romania the

crisis has reached its peak in the Halloween



[~Collage Sile this Millennium~]

Ziare.com Halloween day

Casa arde, noi ne certam pe galeti

Casa arde, noi ne certam pe galeti

"Cand casa arde, ce facem?
Punem mana pe galeata cu apa sa stingem focul
sau ne certam pe culoarea galetii?"
, intreaba Marie Rose Mociornita,

Galeata rosie , galeata galbena
,galeata verde,...
Adaugat 31.10.2009
Galeata rosie , galeata galbena ,galeata verde, galeata portocalie

Comportament tipic oltenesc

(sa ma scuze oltenii patrioti

dar proverbul se refera

strict la ei ca si bancurile cu olteni)

daca iti arde casa vine si olteanu...

[mai mult]

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