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luni, 19 octombrie 2009

The Future of Shopping

The Future of Shopping: "The Future of Shopping
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The Future of Shopping

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44 US Presidents from George Washington to Barack Obama morphed to the music Boléro by Ravel. High Definition Too slow? try this link

The Future of Shopping

Guys, imagine taking your wives out shopping and actually enjoying it. And ladies, what would you do to get rid of all the changing rooms and optimize your shopping time?
Guys, imagine taking your wives out shopping and actually enjoying it. And ladies, what would you do to get rid of all the changing rooms and optimize your shopping time?

A video by Cisco to demonstrate its architectural vision for "Borderless Networks". Company networks are undergoing so-called “de-perimeterization,” as online collaboration with partners, customers, telecommuters, and others outside the physical LAN becomes more and more important to doing business. At the same time, these users are able to connect to company resources with a wider variety of devices, including smartphones, Blackberries, and other handheld devices. This is great in terms of access, but not so great in terms of security. The old security model is dependent on “border patrol” via firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, DMZs, and other perimeter protection methods. In the new, borderless network, the focus shifts to protection of the data itself.

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