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marți, 6 octombrie 2009

Today Expressioniste from Stumble !

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele - Milano, Italy
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Expressioniste I like them

Online nowExpressioniste is a woman from Southern France now happily in, USA.
The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.
~ Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Color of Pomegranates / Sayat Nova (English subtitles). Part 1/7.
expressioniste rated 24 minutes ago (1 review)
COLOR of POMEGRANATES / Sayat Nova "Steeped in religious iconography, The Color of Pomegranates is a deeply spiritual testament to director Sergei Parajanovs fascination with Armenian folk art and culture. It is also a controversial work, which, coupled with another of hi...


Color of Pomegranates / Sayat Nova (English subtitles). Part 1/7.
2:22am (1 review) foreign-films, film, middle-eastern-studies, video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpNWe-ynp...


"Steeped in religious iconography, The Color of Pomegranates is a deeply spiritual testament to director Sergei Parajanovs fascination with Armenian folk art and culture. It is also a controversial work, which, coupled with another of his films, Shadows of our Forgotten Ancestors, led to his arrest and imprisonment in a Soviet Gulag for four years. The Soviets insisted he was guilty of selling gold and icons illegally and committing homosexual acts. In reality, his only crime was offending the tenets of socialist realism, both in his daring surrealistic form and in his choice of subject matter. While many of the popular films of this era in Soviet cinema were largely propaganda designed to serve the ideological interests of the regime, [writer=director] Parajanov chose to focus on the ethnography and spirituality of the Ukraine, Armenia, and Georgia." From the page.

A wonderful send from one of the most precious souls I know, my dear friend, Irisrina. Thank you, for this terrific video. This is the first part of seven clips from a much acclaimed film which came out some time ago now, based on the life and poetry of the beloved Armenian poet/minstrel, Sayat-Nova.

Student Life and Events at Expression | Expression College
Oct 5, 10:48pm (2 reviews) graphic-design, live-session-expression http://www.expression.edu/student_life/

Ozomatli in what was then the Meyer Hall performing for a live webcast which is now in the archives. Great, great time!! There are some others still here which I'd enjoyed like, Los Lonely Boys, great guys and band, Tears for Fears...more here which I'm not as keen on but others may enjoy, Three Doors Down, Seether..etc.

manachias blog - StumbleUpon
Oct 5, 9:37pm (162 reviews) stumblers http://manachia.stumbleupon.com/

Intelligent, funny, with a good eye for beauty, poetry and a sensitive soul. Thanks, Manachia, your blog is a true pleasure :)

Gadjo dilo (1997)
Oct 5, 8:53pm (2 reviews) movies http://imdb.com/title/tt0122082/

I watched, "Gadgo Dilo", online yesterday and was surprised at how much I loved it. I love movies which incorporate Gypsy music, whether it is the flamenco guitars or beautiful violin and accordion playing of Eastern Europe...Latcho Drom is an excellent example of a glimpse into this music as well as the Romani origins and migration...Anyway, this was a lively, unusual and engaging film for anyone looking for a change and willing to read subtitles.

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[collage Sile this Millennium]
Expressioniste I like them

Online nowExpressioniste is a woman from Southern France now happily in, USA.
The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.
~ Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Color of Pomegranates / Sayat Nova (English subtitles). Part 1/7.
expressioniste rated 24 minutes ago (1 review)
COLOR of POMEGRANATES / Sayat Nova "Steeped in religious iconography, The Color of Pomegranates is a deeply spiritual testament to director Sergei Parajanovs fascination with Armenian folk art and culture. It is also a controversial work, which, coupled with another of hi...


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