Poreclă Sile this Millennium Pseudonime sile_this_millennium

sâmbătă, 26 septembrie 2009

ASTA E TARE IONA :"totul e facut ca sa te fiarba"(Millen) on Twitter

sindumitru (Millen) on Twitter

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Sile this Millennium , the first himself had idea with this the syntagm :Third ROMA the last step ago 3 years(2006)when born to internet because that is just his obsession...

Sep 26 3:58 PM
Iona says:
Tare si veşnic valabilă.
Sep 26 2:42 PM
sin says:
ASTA E TARE IONA :"totul e facut ca sa te fiarba"
Sin Dumitru (Adults) Wrote:


asta e tare , zău Iona :

"totul e facut ca sa te fiarba" !!!!!!!

3 comentarii:

Guest spunea...

Mercy María

Guest spunea...

Mercy María you are the Mercy María !!!

Guest spunea...

Mercy María you are the guess !!!


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