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Despite efforts, Creationism Creeps into U.S. Classrooms

Posted: 23 May 2008 11:19 AM CDT

If we were to state the obvious, there are 2 sides: creationists and evolutionists. Creationists are mostly religious people, and they believe humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe were created in their original form by a deity. Of course, evolutionists accept the scientific theory of biological evolution by natural selection or genetic drift. The flag leaders of the two sides are priests and scientists. But what happens when some of the flag leaders switch sides?As a survey shows, 1 in 8 biology teachers in U.S. presents creationism or intelligent design in a positive light in the classroom. This comes despite a ban of the federal court against it. The survey has a 3% margin of error and it was conducted on a random sample of 939 teachers who filled out surveys between March 5, 2007, and May 1, 2007 on questions concerning the teaching of evolution.

It was funded by the National Science Foundation and another interesting thing that it revealed was that between 12 percent and 16 percent of the nation’s biology teachers are creationists, and about one in six of them have a “young Earth” orientation, which means they believe that human beings were created by God in their present form within the past 10,000 years. How can this be?

Study leader, Michael B. Berkman, a political scientist at Penn State University states his mind:

“The status of evolution in the biology and life sciences curriculum remains highly problematic and threatened. his issue [the teaching of evolution] is particularly interesting in that context because the public opinion on it is in many ways so far away from where the experts are”

[Comment by Sile this Millennium 2008-05-24 00:14:38 Dear friends thank you a lot for this piece of information,I adapt onself to my Blogs.]

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"Profitorii aromanilor"

"-- O parte a comunitatii aromane din Romania organizeaza cu mare fast, la Bucuresti, "Ziua Nationala a Armanilor", pe fondul intensificarii presiunilor interne si regionale pentru recunoasterea ramurii balcanice a poporului roman drept etnie separata de poporul roman.

Printre promotorii noii doctrine se remarca si o oarecare "Comunitate Armana din Romania" (CARO), care sustine ca "isi reafirma dorinta ca armanii sa fie inregistrati de jure drept minoritate nationala si ca limba armana sa devina limba de comunicare". Pretentiile CARO sunt condamnate de Academia Romana, care a precizat intr-o luare de pozitie: "Aromanii sunt o parte integranta a poporului roman, iar limba lor este romana, caracterizare data de oamenii de stiinta romani si straini, din Evul Mediu si pana astazi. Acestea sunt date istorice imposibil de schimbat, caci limba, argumentul de baza, pune in evidenta acest lucru. Unitatea limbii romane vorbite la nordul si la sudul Dunarii este atat de concludenta, incat se poate spune nu numai ca aromana (ca si meglenoromana si istroromana) si dacoromana sunt asemanatoare, ci ca sunt chiar identice in trasaturile lor fundamentale, constituite de-a lungul secolelor (cu unele exceptii in vocabular, cel mai sensibil la schimbari, in contactele cu alte limbi)". La randul sau, marele istoric Nicolae Iorga scria ca "macedo-romanii sau aromanii nu sunt o unitate nationala neglijabila in Peninsula Balcanica, din contra, ei constituiesc o populatie foarte numeroasa in Epir, Macedonia si in alte regiuni din partea medie si meridionala a Peninsulei Balcanice(..)unde se afla nucleuri foarte importante de romani". Pretentiile crearii unei minoritati armane transforma discursul mitologic in unealta politica. O Recomandare, neobligatorie - 1333/1997, a APCE privind "limba si civilizatia Armanilor", e prezentata tehnic ca o forma de recunoastere a "natiunii armane", ceea ce nu reflecta realitatea. "Vrem ca limba noastra sa se predea in scolile unde sunt elevi aromani, iar acest lucru se poate rezolva cu un simplu ordin de ministru al Educatiei", declara
Costica Canacheu, deputat PD-L si unul dintre promovatorii crearii falsei minoritati aromane. Discursul lui Canacheu da insa apa la moara "comunitatii moldovenesti" instrumetate de organele de informatii rusesti de peste Prut si este insa chiar impotriva dispozitiilor presedintelui Traian Basescu privind apararea identitatii romanesti in spatiul carpato-dunareano-pontic."C O L L A G E :
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"Vinuri "Baron Philippe de Rothschild" au fost prezentate saptamana aceasta la Bucuresti, in cadrul Diamond Art & Wine Club, intre care si un Chateau Mouton Rothschild 2001. Evenimentul a fost insotit si de un recital de exceptie Pedro Negrescu&Friends. Dincolo de valoarea sticlelor, un alt aspect a retinut atentia, si anume expozitia de opere de arta semnate de artisti celebri special pentru aceasta casa de vinuri legendara. Etichete semnate Marc Chagal, Saul Steinberg, Robert Wilson, Jean Cocteau, Andy Warhol sau Pablo Picasso au putut fi admirate cu aceasta ocazie."

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Despite efforts, Creationism Creeps into U.S. Classrooms

Posted: 23 May 2008 11:19 AM CDT

Comment by Sile this Millennium 2008-05-24 00:14:38 Dear friends thank you a lot for this piece of information,I adapt onself to my Blogs.

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