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luni, 5 noiembrie 2007

Yahoo! 360° - Home

Yahoo! 360° - Home
Yahoo! 360º Questions? Let’s Talk (Uhhh, Right Here).
Yahoo! 360º Questions? Let’s Talk (Uhhh, Right Here). magnify

photo by filipe bachomo

It seems everywhere I turn, people are talking about Yahoo! 360º. Unfortunately, much of this well-deserved chatter is happening over on the Yahoo! Mash Suggestion Board -- where we really can’t do much with it (or even keep tabs on it).

While we love hearing what’s on your mind, let’s keep the Yahoo! 360º discussion going here in THIS blog. That way we can leave the Mash forum for them to discuss their issues. So … tell us what’s on your mind with Yahoo! 360º -- we’re listening.

Darrell Jones

Yahoo! Writer & Traffic Director
Tuesday October 9, 2007 - 11:24am (PDT) Permanent Link | 1752 Comments
Updating Your Creative License
Updating Your Creative License magnify

Remember how fun it was the first time you created your Yahoo! 360° page?

Like Picasso with a mouse, you sat down in front of that blank screen (OK, maybe we started you with a loose template). Then you started moving this here, that there, adding this, removing that. Next thing you knew, you had your own little masterpiece. It was your corner of the Web, reflecting your personality — and what’s important to you and the people in your life.

Well, a lot has changed in your world since you first created that page. So it’s probably time to take a fresh look at your Yahoo! 360° page — and what you’re sharing with others. Not to mention rethinking the look and feel of the page itself.

For inspiration, a great place to start is our spotlight of interesting pages on Yahoo! 360°, a compilation of other people’s pages. You might see something you like. Also check out your friends' pages for revelations you might not have considered. Then dig in and play around with all the possibilities. (You might be surprised with all you can do.)

So consider your creative license now officially renewed. And be sure to comment here on pages you like and about tips for making your page fresh and innovative.

Darrell Jones

Yahoo! Writer & Budding Artist

Friday August 10, 2007 - 11:11am (PDT) Permanent Link | 1190 Comments
Coming Soon to a Screen Near You (Uhhh, Like Now!)
Coming Soon to a Screen Near You (Uhhh, Like Now!) magnify

Thanks for your heartfelt comments on last week’s entry about how to share photos using Flickr. All the discussion about bringing fun moments to life brings up another interesting point: It’s easy (and fun) to share video on Yahoo! 360º too.

A simple way to add video to your Yahoo! 360º page is by using Jumpcut. Part of the Yahoo! network, Jumpcut lets you upload, edit, and share video (and photos).

Just think how entertaining it would be to let friends and relatives watch video highlights of that birthday party, going-away party, or bachelor party (better yet, hold-off on a public viewing of that bachelor party video).

Here’s how to add video to your Yahoo! 360º page:

* Create a movie on Jumpcut
* Click on the movie to highlight it
* Click the "Post" link beneath the movie
* Copy the "Player" link for movies

Once you’ve copied this Jumpcut link, go to your Yahoo! 360º blog, compose an entry, click the “View HTML Source” box, and paste the code in there (if you want, before pasting the HTML, type in a description of the video, such as “Here’s Chris’ birthday video”)

When it’s posted, there’ll be a Jumpcut “player” in your posting, just waiting to show off your video. And FYI, if you see other videos on Jumpcut that you want to share, just follow the same steps to post them. So get those videos posted. Let’s share them with others who love Yahoo! 360°, and comment about them here.

Darrell Jones

Yahoo! Writer/Film Noir Fan

Friday August 3, 2007 - 10:16am (PDT) Permanent Link | 316 Comments

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