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vineri, 8 ianuarie 2010

Welcome 2010 - (Collage for new year) Ramas bun - la ultimul ziar din Sarindar- Стриптиз » Libo.Ru - Все самое интересное в сети


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Nr. 4725 de miercuri, 6 ianuarie 2010

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Ramas bun - la ultimul ziar din Sarindar


Sile this Millennium din Constanta (...@yahoo.com, IP: 92.81.231...)
2010-01-08 10:10

Dragi ziaristi si ziariste de la" Ziua" va impartasesc nostalgia si tristetea pentru disparitia "ziarului de hartie " Ziua ... l-am cumparat si eu in trecut odata cu fostul "Evenimentul Zilei "cu , care Ziua era la concurenta...Va felicit pe toti ,ca cititor atent si asiduu ....al ziarului conceput si realizat de dumneavoastra pentru publicatia care ati realizat-o: incitanta , plina de nerv dar mai ales plina de informatie....regret fostul ziar de hartie Ziua aproape ca si dumneavoastra ,in fine urez bun venit ziarului electronic ZIUA ONLINE care sper sa duca mai departe traditia ziarului ziua, un jurnal de marca al presei romanesti ,va urez un an bun la toti in 2010 !

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Skiff Reader: The Ultimate E-Reader

Posted by thecoolist




Skiff Reader Gallery



Skiff Reader: The Ultimate E-Reader | If you bought an Amazon Kindle DX in 2009, prepare for a heavy dose of buyer’s remorse. The Skiff Reader has overtaken the Amazon Kindle DX as the largest e-reader on the market, but its size isn’t what makes the Skiff so special. The Skiff Reader brings two new technologies to the large-scale e-reader market: a touchscreen e-ink display and “silicon thin-film-transistors on a flexible steel substrate”.

The Skiff Reader pushes the e-reader standard by featuring a full touchscreen display spanning 11.5-inches. The Amazon Kindle DX and smaller Kindle models don’t feature touchscreen e-ink, neither does that Barnes and Noble Nook (while the latter has an LCD touchscreen below the e-ink portion). This provides a new, finger-friendly world of navigation as you flip pages, highlight and select content modules and skim through your favorite ebooks.

The “silicon thin-film-transistors” technology is a bit more esoteric. In short, the technology used in the Skiff Reader makes it flexible– meaning it can bend and warp on a whim, giving it a more durable and rugged build in contrast to those crackable Kindles. The Skiff uses a metal foil design that merges with the thin film transistors to fit into a low-profile shape, in this case just a quarter-inch in thickness.

The Skiff reader is coming later this year, available at Sprint retail outlets and using the Sprint 3G network. While it’ll be some time until Skiff hits the streets, we can already hear the nervous hustle of the e-reader market trying its hardest to catch up.


Skiff Reader Gallery

Ramas bun - la ultimul ziar din Sarindar

7 ianuarie, 20:00

Carmen POPESCU: Povestea mea la ziarul ZIUA incepe in iunie 1994 cand o sectie intreaga lucram la un calculator, cand ne incalzeam merdenelele pe soba, cand la fiecare salariu aveam datorii consistente la Cola - la bufet, la Nicu (Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca!). A continuat cu ani mai buni, mai rai - poate financiar, insa din punct de vedere sentimental - a fost si ramane cea mai frumoasa gasca. Cele mai frumoase prietenii, poate chiar si iubiri ascunse, cele mai aprige dispute, cele mai dureroase momente (cand unii colegi ne-au parasit pentru o lume mai buna). Am crescut cu ziarul ZIUA, am invatat meserie la ziarul ZIUA, am invatat sa devin ceea ce sunt. Le multumesc tuturor colegilor mei si ii multumesc lui Mihai Palsu. Corina SCARLAT: Acum, dupa 15 ani petrecuti la ZIUA, am sentimentul ca am pierdut pe cineva drag din familie. Am venit la ZIUA in 1995 imediat dupa ce am terminat facultatea si, la inceput, nu ne-a fost usor, dar multi dintre noi suntem si acum. Am stat aici, fara sa ne vina sa plecam pana in ultimul moment, nevenindu-ne sa credem ca asa ceva poate avea sfarsit. Multi ani la rand m-am ocupat sa urmaresc tot ceea ce inseamna legi emise de Ministerul Muncii. Sa le critic sau sa le laud, sa informez cititorii ce drepuri au si ce trebuie sa faca pentru a beneficia de ele. Am pus mult suflet in ceea ce am facut si am multumirea ca am reusit, de cateva ori, sa schimb lucruri strambe din legislatia tarii noastre. Am scris despre turism si am sustinut, atat cat am putut, turismul romanesc. La ZIUA am invatat ce inseamna un ziar. In fiecare zi am venit cu drag si m-am simtit inconjurata de prieteni. Ne-am fost alaturi unul altuia la evenimentele fericite sau triste. A fost o experienta unica in viata pe care cei care n-au avut sansa sa fie alaturi de noi nu o pot intelege. Am fost cunoscuti ca singura redactie in care cu greu te poti angaja pentru ca nimeni nu pleca orice s-ar fi intamplat. A fost o etapa importanta in viata mea, o perioada fericita. Luciana POP: ZIUA a fost familia care m-a primit in 2005, cand toate usile mi se inchideau in nas si nu mai speram in nici o minune. Victor Roncea a fost cel care - la vremea la care Adi Patrusca era redactor sef, iar Mihai Palsu si Rasvan Moldoveanu erau redactori sefi adjuncti - mi-a dat o sansa la Externe. In redactia de pe Campineanu am trait cele mai frumoase zile pentru ca aici am intalnit OAMENI adevarati. Aici am trait un moment dureros al vietii, iar colegii de la ZIUA mi-au fost alaturi. Mi-au dat putere si m-au ajutat asa cum poate ei nu stiu nici azi, sa trec clipele grele ale pierderii tatalui meu si sa umple un gol imens. Le-am multumit atunci si le multumesc si acum, inca o data, ca mi-au dat putere atunci cand eram descumpanita, ca m-au luminat cand eram pe punctul de a ma prabusi. Le multumesc ca m-au facut sa ma simt ca intr-o familie si ca mi-au daruit cei mai frumosi cinci ani din viata. Bogdan GHEORGHE: Din cauza fumatului in birou, aproape 10 ani am stat "la cutie", dar cand, in cele din urma, am iesit din birou, am descoperit niste oameni deosebiti. In 12 ani de ZIUA, au fost multe momente frumoase, am sprituit la aniversari, dar am fost si la priveghiurile unor colegi (Nicu-soferul, Doctorul), una peste alta au fost peste 12 ani, cei mai frumosi ai vietii mele.

Camelia CIOBANU: Povestea merge mai departe Septembrie 1996. Eram in anul doi la FJSC. O colega de facultate mi-a spus: "vezi ca la ZIUA se fac angajari". Si m-au primit...Nu stiu cum e sa fii ziarist in alta parte. Eu aici am inceput si tot aici sunt si azi, 7 ianuarie 2010. In redactia asta frumoasa, nebuna, tanara, lipsita de inhibitii mi-am petrecut cei mai frumosi ani, cei mai plini de energie, cei mai surprinzatori si mai coplesitori. Le multumesc celor care cu voie sau fara de voie mi-au permis sa fac parte din aceasta poveste minunata, ZIUA, care REFUZ sa cred ca se opreste aici: - Sorin Ovidiu Balan (primul meu sef si cel care mi-a spus primul "da" profesional), lui Sorin Rosca Stanescu (NASUL), lui Adi Patrusca (cel mai bland, mai cald, mai uman si mai de bun simt redactor sef din Univers), dar si lui Mihai Palsu (cel care, din punctul meu de vedere, a facut tot ce e omeneste posibil pentru a salva ziarul). Lui Fefe nu-i spun inca nimic pentru ca petrecerea nu s-a terminat..... Gabi MOROIANU: Cu usile deschise ZIUA a trecut prin mai multe transformari, de la paginare ("aspectul" ziarului) si pana la locatie (de la Glina in Campineanu si apoi in Mille). Daca, la un moment dat, in Campineanu, eram toti, redactori, tehnoredactori, fotoreporteri la un loc (la propriu! - drept pentru care nu existau "secrete fata de colectiv" si o harmalaie de "nu se mai intelegea om cu persoana"), in Mille am avut fiecare sectie biroul ei. Urmarea: am stat zile (daca nu luni de zile!) cu usile deschise. Nu puteam sa stam unii fara altii, era prea multa liniste si, probabil (na, ziaristi, curiosi) nu mai stiam in fiecare moment ce fac ceilalti colegi! Sa ne vedem sanatosi, pe print, tot la ZIUA! Pup! Florin BARBUTA: Dureros, dar nu dureros pentru mine, care sunt tanar, ci mai dureros pentru cei care au familii. Dureros pentru Mihai Palsu pentru care am si voi avea intotdeauna respect. Un om cu un suflet extraordinar care m-a acceptat in echipa pe care am indragit-o si o indragesc. Echipa care mi-a fost ca o familie la care am tinut si tin inca. La ZIUA am vazut ce inseamna sa ai un sef bun care cunoaste bine economia si care e un bun indrumator. Asa i-am cunoscut pe Gabriela Moroianu si pe Eduard Ivascu. Gabriela mi-a fost ca o mama. Am primit cu bucurie reprosurile ei atunci cand am gresit, de unde mai pui ca a avut intotdeauna dreptate. De asemenea, fac parte din inima mea si colegii de departament precum Luminita (cealalta mama), Corina (o mama alaturi de care m-am simtit in largul meu), Carmen (o mama mai dura), Magda si George, sefii mai mari precum Edi, Rene, Fefe si Palsu. La fel de bine m-am simtit si in compania celorlalti colegi fata de care ma inclin. Sper sa revina curand ZIUA in forta. Diana PIRVU: Ziarul ZIUA pentru mine a reprezentat un punct de plecare spre viitor. Aici am avut ocazia sa intalnesc oameni profesionisti, oameni alaturi de care am cunoscut ce este mai frumos intr-o meserie. Nu voi uita niciodata cum o pustoaica de 21 de ani stingherita de profesionalismul pionilor de la ZIUA s-a integrat perfect in grupul unitar de presa al acestui ziar, datorita bunavointei ziaristilor acestui cotidian. Daca, pana sa ma angajez la aceasta publicatie, credeam ca presa ascunde o mare marsavie si un control inexplicabil, ei au reusit cu precadere sa imi demonstreze ca sunt niste oameni de calitate, fara de care nu as fi cunoscut valorile presei si oamenii din spatele unui ziar de calitate. The show must go on! Mihaela DAMIAN: Am petrecut primii 3 ani de munca intr-un colectiv frumos ce cuprindea toate varstele, caracterele, oamenii, tipurile de personalitate si sunt bucuroasa si mandra totodata ca am inceput asa cariera mea. Va multumesc tuturor celor care m-ati invatat, ajutat si ridicat... celor care, prin alte cuvinte, m-ati ajutat sa devin eu cea care sunt azi. Pentru mine, cu bune, cu rele, colectivul a fost ca o a doua familie si am avut de invatat de la fiecare cate ceva, indiferent daca era vorba de munca, viata, cariera, iubire, relatii. O perioada buna am fost cea mai mica din redactie.. a fost haios sa trec de la viata de liceu la cea a celor maturi. Iar asta a fost doar unul din multele motive pentru care am dat din coate si m-am chinuit sa stiu la fel de multe ca si cei mai buni dintre ei si pot spune ca in mare parte am reusit. Va multumesc inca o data! Pentru ca ati fost voi, eu voi sti sa ma ridic atunci cand am sa cad, voi sti sa aleg ce e bun pentru mine. Chiar si la final, nu pot zice ca am ramas fara nimic... ba din contra, am ramas cu prietenii strans legate... sper eu, ca pe viata. A fost inceputul maturizarii mele si am sa-l tin minte toata viata, precum si pe voi dragi colegi. Va imbratisez cu drag si sper sa ne auzim cu bine!

luni, 4 ianuarie 2010

Welcoming 2010 - 01.01- Colagge of Net

Welcoming 2010 - 01.01

Einstein's Problem

The author of this problem is Albert Einstein who said that 98% of the people in the world couldn't solve it.


There are 5 houses (along the street) in 5 different colors:
blue, green, red, white and yellow.
In each house lives a person of a different nationality:
Brit, Dane, German, Norwegian and Swede.
These 5 owners
drink a certain beverage:
beer, coffee, milk, tea and water,
smoke a certain brand of cigar:
Blue Master, Dunhill, Pall Mall, Prince and blend,
and keep a certain pet:
cat, bird, dog, fish and horse.
No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar, or drink the same beverage.


The Brit lives in a red house.
The Swede keeps dogs as pets.
The Dane drinks tea.
The green house is on the left of the white house (next to it).
The green house owner drinks coffee.
The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds.
The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
The man living in the house right in the center drinks milk.
The Norwegian lives in the first house.
The man who smokes blend lives next to the one who keeps cats.
The man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill.
The owner who smokes Blue Master drinks beer.
The German smokes Prince.
The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
The man who smokes blend has a neighbor who drinks water.

The question is: Who keeps fish?

Warning! Before looking at the solution you are strongly advised to get one of your own.
If you didn't solve the problem, try to continue on your own as early in the solution as you can.


the Big Picture
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January 1, 2010 Email to a friend Permalink

Welcoming 2010

People all around the world gathered in groups large and small last night to usher out the previous year, and welcome the arrival of 2010. Under a rare New Year's Eve Blue Moon, crowds watched fireworks, cheered, made resolutions, and counted down to midnight. 2010 is the year of the Tiger in the Chinese zodiac, signifying a year of bravery and courage. Collected here are some photographs of people across the earth as they welcomed the new year in many different ways. (38 photos total)

Fireworks explode beside the London Eye and The Houses of Parliament on the River Thames during New Year celebrations in London January 1, 2010. (REUTERS/Toby Melville)

People with their faces painted "2010" pose during the New Year celebrations in the central Indian city of Bhopal January 1, 2010. (REUTERS/Raj Patidar) #

Workers throw water on people to celebrate the end of the year in Montevideo, Uruguay on December 31, 2009. During the last working day of the year, workers traditionally throw water on people and discard old calendars. (REUTERS/Andres Stapff) #

St. Sylvester mummers (Silvesterklausen) perform in the village of Urnaesch in the region of Appenzell, December 31 2009. Three very different groups of mummers distinguished as the beautiful (Schoene), the ugly (Wueschte) and the less ugly (Schoe-Wueschte) dressed up in costumes made of twigs, cones, mosses and dried leaves proceed from house to house in small groups singing and ringing their bells wishing families a prosperous year. (REUTERS/Miro Kuzmanovic) #

People prepare for carbide-shooting, a tradition on the last day of the year to scare off evil spirits, in Zevenhuizen in the Netherlands on December 31, 2009. (VINCENT JANNINK/AFP/Getty Images) #

In this photo taken Thursday, Dec. 31, 2009, residents prepare to release a wishing lantern to usher in the new year in Chengdu in southwestern China's Sichuan province. (AP Photo) #

New Year's Eve fireworks based on the theme "Awaken the Spirit" explode over the Sydney Harbour from six barges three hours before midnight on December 31, 2009. Over 1.5 million Sydneysiders and tourists were expected to line the harbour foreshores to watch 120,000 pyrotechnics usher in New Year's Day. (KRYSTLE WRIGHT/AFP/Getty Images) #

Fireworks explode near Malaysia's landmark Patronas Twin Towers during the New Year 2010 celebrations in Kuala Lumpur on January 1, 2010. (SAEED KHAN/AFP/Getty Images) #

Fireworks light up the skies of downtown Beirut to make New Year's Day on January 1, 2010. (ANWAR AMRO/AFP/Getty Images) #

Pakistani youth celebrate New Year's Eve in Lahore, spraying artificial snow in the air on December 31, 2009. (Arif Ali/AFP/Getty Images) #

Youths celebrate New Year's Day with fire crackers in Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya January 1, 2010. (REUTERS/Noor Khamis) #

A couple kisses on New Year's eve in the center of Brussels, Belgium on December 31, 2009. This year, the theme of the celebration was the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. (KURT DESPLENTER/AFP/Getty Images) #

New Year's Eve crowds line Westminster Bridge before a firework display on December 31, 2009 in England. (Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images) #

Two women toast as fireworks explode during an outside party in Berlin's Kreuzberg district to celebrate the New Year on January 1, 2010. (TIMUR EMEK/AFP/Getty Images) #

People watch New Year's Eve fireworks over Venice's St. Mark square flooded by high water, early Friday, Jan. 1, 2010. (AP Photo/Luigi Costantini) #

Fireworks explode over the Quadriga sculpture on the Brandenburg Gate in celebration of the new year on January 1, 2010 in Berlin, Germany. Thousands of revelers descended on the area in front of the Brandenburg Gate to celebrate. (Miguel Villagran/Getty Images) #

Russians celebrate the New Year on Red Square in Moscow, with the Kremlin in the background, right, and St. Basil's cathedral in background, left, Friday, Jan. 1, 2010. Tens of thousands of people gathered on the Square to celebrate the new year, and view the fireworks as the clock on the Kremlin's Spassky Tower, right, struck midnight. (AP Photo/Mikhail Metzel) #

Revellers dressed up as San Fermin Festival bull runners celebrate the New Year in Coin, near the southern Spanish town of Malaga, early January 1, 2010. (REUTERS/Jon Nazca) #

400 spotlights illuminate the Eiffel Tower during the New Year's Eve in Paris, France on Thursday, Dec. 31, 2009. (AP Photo/ Michel Euler) #

Fireworks explode above downtown Jakarta's Welcome Monument, in Indonesia, early on Friday, January 1, 2010.(AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim) #

About two millions people observe fireworks from Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to celebrate the beginning of New Year's Day early in January 1, 2010. (GABRIEL LOPES/AFP/Getty Images) #

Fireworks explode over the statue of President George Washington in the Boston Public Gardens in Massachusetts on Thursday December 31, 2009. (Matthew J. Lee/Boston Globe staff) #

A couple kiss during New Year celebrations in New York's Times Square January 1, 2010. (REUTERS/Jessica Rinaldi) #

"Sushi," portrayed by female impersonator Gary Marion, dangles high above New Year's Eve revelers in a giant reproduction of a woman's high heel at the Bourbon Street Pub late Thursday, December 31, 2009 in Key West, Florida. The Red Shoe Drop has become a Key West tradition to herald the arrival of the new year, answering New York's Times Square ball drop. (ANDY NEWMAN/AFP/Getty Images) #

Fireworks from the Space Needle light up downtown Seattle, Washington to bring in the new year, as seen from Kerry Park, Friday, Jan. 1, 2009. (AP Photo/The Seattle Times, Cliff DesPeaux) #

Fireworks explode in the sky over the ocean as seen from Waikiki beach in Honolulu, Hawaii, on January 1, 2010 soon after the clock ticked mid-night announcing the first day of New Year. (JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images) #

Fireworks light the sky in front of Mayon Volcano during New Year's celebrations in Legazpi city, Albay province, south of Manila January 1, 2010. Mayon Volcano, known for its near-perfect cone shape in the coconut-growing central Bicol region, has been spewing ash and burning mud and rocks for more than two weeks. (REUTERS/Romeo Ranoco) #

A monk stands in front of a fire, burning old items which have been used in temples and shrines, during a New Year's Eve ceremony at the Zojo-ji Buddhist temple in Tokyo December 31, 2009. (REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon) #

A long-exposure photo created using sparklers shows children writing out "2010", celebrating on New Year's eve in Manila on December 31, 2009. (ROMEO GACAD/AFP/Getty Images) #

A sanitation worker cleans up garbage from the New Year's Eve celebration in New York Times Square in the early hours of New Year's Day Jan. 1, 2010. (AP Photo/Tina Fineberg) #

People admire the moment the sun rises above Mount Fuji, which is known locally as the "Diamond Fuji", from atop Ryugatake mountain in Fujikawaguchiko town, southwest of Tokyo on New Year's Day January 1, 2010. Mount Fuji, at 3,776 metres (12,388 ft), is believed to be sacred and is seen as a symbol of good luck, more so during the New Year period. (REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao) #

A New Year's reveller runs in for a dip in the icy sea during the Saundersfoot annual charity swim on January 1, 2010 in Saundersfoot near Tenby, Wales. Hundreds of brave swimmers ran in to to the sea to welcome in 2010 and raise cash for charity. (Christopher Furlong/Getty Images) #

A rescue diver watches as a man leaps from a bridge into the River Dove during a traditional New Year's Day annual charity event in Mappleton, central England, January 1, 2010. Teams paddle down a half-mile stretch of the river and then jump off a bridge into the River Dove, one of the coldest rivers in the United Kingdom. Contestants then have to run 500 yards to a pub. (REUTERS/Darren Staples) #

Malabon Zoo owner Manny Tangco blows a horn with children outside a Bengal tiger glass enclosure as they celebrate the coming Year of the Tiger in Manila December 31, 2009. (REUTERS/Cheryl Ravelo) #

People sprint into the water as they participate in the traditional New Years Dive in The North Sea, in the Hague, on January 1, 2010. This year saw some 8000 participants in the dive, one of 63 dives across the Netherlands. (ROBIN UTRECHT/AFP/Getty Images) #

Winter swimmers of the "Berlin Seals" association ("Berliner Seehunde") take the traditional new year swim in water at a temperature of at one degree celcius in the Orankesee Lake on January 1, 2010 in Berlin. (MICHAEL KAPPELER/AFP/Getty Images) #

Japanese young girls pray at Meiji Shrine in Tokyo, Japan, on New Year's Day Friday, Jan. 1, 2010. (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi) #

A woman enters the sea for a swim on January 1, 2010 in Vaasa, Finland to celebrate the New Year despite the outside temperature of -14 C. (OLIVIER MORIN/AFP/Getty Images) #

Displaying only the last 100 comments. You can read all 218 comments over here.
