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miercuri, 10 iunie 2009

Euroalegeri: Un nou val al fascismului in UE?


Euroalegeri: Un nou val al fascismului in UE?

Numarul neasteptat de mare de voturi obtinut de extrema-dreapta din Europa la europarlamentare, chiar si in Marea Britanie, unde pentru prima data, acesta tara a trimis doi reprezentanti ai Partidului National Britanic in Parlamentul European, poate insemna ca ne confruntam cu o amenintare a fascismului? Sau, de fapt, avem de-a face cu un vot al protestului al carui impact va trece repede?

Cotidianul britanic The Guardian a cerut opinia unor renumiti istorici, care si-au exprimat verdictul in privinta acestui fenomen si al impactului pe care il are asupra Uniunii Europene.

“Hitler nu a folosit Twitter”

Ar trebui sa fim ingrijorati de ascensiune extremei-dreapta, dar sa nu ne panicam. Nu-mi plac aceste analogii tampite istorice, pentru ca nu retraim anii treizeci. Istoria iti poate limita optiunile daca gandesti in functie de ea. Acum traim intr-o lume diferita in care partidele se organizeaza diferit”, este de parere Michael Burleigh, autorul cartii “Al Treilea Reich”, adaugand ca Hitler nu a folosit Twitter.

Istoricul britanic a atras atentia ca adevaratul pericol poate veni din Europa de est si statele baltice, care au fost lovite de o criza economica severa si de multe turbulente. Aceste tari au o experienta foarte mica in ceea ce priveste democratia si politicile, cat si partide care vin de nicaieri si castiga locuri in PE.

“Votul de protest al oamenilor speriati”

Profesorul de istorie Richard Overy, autorul cartii “Era morbida: Marea Britanie intre cele doua razboaie” vede un pericol in ascensiunea extremei dreapta in Europa, pe care o traduce ca o consecinta a atmosferei de frica, anti-emigranta, xenofoba si foarte ostila stangii din statele membre.

De asemenea, el considera ca temele de politica externa precum terorismul si cresterea puterii Chinei au fost preponderent pe agenda partidelor de dreapta. “Cu toate acestea, nu trebuie sa interpretam acest vot ca un inceput al unei noi ere fasciste. Acum partidele de extrema dreapta se bazeaza pe teama: t
eama de imigranti, de extraterestrii, de a fi europenizat. Ei nu au, ca fascistii anilor douazeci si anilor treizeci, o versiune a ordinii sociale si nici nu pot sa inlocuiasca un regim al democratiei cu unul autoritar”, a precizat Overy, intarind ideea ca “votul a fost un protest al oamenilor speriati”.

Romania si partidul ei “obraznic” de extrema dreapta, un motiv de neliniste

“Nu-mi pot imagina ce haos va provoca in Marea Britanie o eventuala ascensiune a extremei dreapta prin Partidul National Britanic la alegerile generale. Aceasta tara are o traditie democratica foarte puternica, dar nu cred ca votul de protest va avea acelasi efect si la alegerile nationale”, a declarat Kathleen Burk, profesoara de istorie moderna si contemporana la Universitatea din Londra.

“Statele de care imi face u griji sunt Austria, care totusi i-a primit inapoi pe nazisti in 1938, Romania, care are un partid de extrema dreapta orbraznic si Ungaria, unde comunitatea roma reprezinta o mare problema”, a adaugat acesta.

Alte pareri

Un alt istoric cunoscut, Eric Hobsbawm, autor al lucrarii “Secolul extremelor”, a pus o alta problema care apare dupa aceste euroalegeri: criza partidelor de stanga. “Democrat-socialii trebuie sa propuna o noua versiune de politici si sa-si modifice componenta”, a explicat acesta.

“Faptul ca recesiunea a produs cresterea populismului si o scadere a increderii populatiei in politicile democratice mi se pare ingrijorator. Oameni care, acum o generatie, nu erau cinici in privinta politicilor actuale, acum si-au schimbat atitudinea”, crede, pe de alta parte, profesorul David Kynaston.

Publicat: astazi
Autor: Corina Cristea

Din dosarul 9AM: Alegeri europarlamentare.

ZIUA indreapta imaginea Romaniei
-- BBC a retras ieri fotografia prin care a portretizat "traditiile si portul romanesc" cu o tiganca batrana cu broboada, sort si papuci de plastic * Ambasadorul britanic la Bucuresti nu vedea nimic anormal
Ziarul ZIUA a reusit sa indrepte imaginea tarii noastre de "Romania - the land of gypsies", facuta din lipsa de profesionalism de British Broadcasting Corporation - BBC. Corporatia publica de media a Marii Britanii, BBC, a retras ieri de pe portalul sau o fotografie realizata de AFP in Romania care reprezenta tara noastra prin imaginea unei femei de etnie roma. Actiunea BBC confirma puterea presei si a opiniei publice romanesti la nivel european.
BBC a comis gafa de a portretiza tara noastra, traditiile si portul popular printr-o batrana tiganca imbracata cu un sort de piata si incaltata cu papuci de plastic, aflata la vot sub simbolul national - drapelul tricolor. ZIUA a reactionat imediat in apararea imaginii Romaniei, prin articolul de ieri "BBC isi bate joc de Romania" si doua adrese oficiale, una catre ministrul de Externe Cristian Diaconescu si alta catre ambasadorul la Bucuresti a Majestatii Sale Regina, Robin Barnett, exprimandu-si de zamagirea pentru modul neprofesionalist in care ziaristii britanci au ales sa atace Romania si solicitand MAE sa intreprinda masurile necesare pentru repararea imaginii Romaniei.
La vot cu bavarezi, husari si o tiganca

"Dat fiind faptul ca duminica au avut loc alegeri in 19 state din Uniunea Europeana, uLa vot cu bavarezi, husari si o tiganca
"O doamna romanca voteaza", scria sub fotografia infatisand o tiganca cu broboada care introducea, zambind larg, buletinul in urna. Imaginea a fost postata de BBC alaturi de alte fotografii, intr-un fel de concurs despre alegerile din UE. "Dat fiind faptul ca duminica au avut loc alegeri in 19 state din Uniunea Europeana, unii alegatori s-au imbracat in straie traditionale pentru a merge la vot. Puteti ghici care este originea fiecarui costum traditional?", suna textul chestionarului. Dupa ce erau trecute in revista cele sapte poze, venea si raspunsul. "In sensul acelor de ceasornic, stanga sus: studenti la Conservatorul din Viena; femei ale minoritatii slave din Spreewald, Germania; un mandru husar din Ungaria; o doamna romanca voteaza; un sloven la vot, bavarezi din sudul Germaniei".nii alegatori s-au imbracat in straie traditionale pentru a merge la vot. Puteti ghici care este originea fiecarui costum traditional?", suna textul chestionarului. Dupa ce erau trecute in revista cele sapte poze, venea si raspunsul. "In sensul acelor de ceasornic, stanga sus: studenti la Conservatorul din Viena; femei ale minoritatii slave din Spreewald, Germania; un mandru husar din Ungaria; o doamna romanca voteaza; un sloven la vot, bavarezi din sudul Germaniei"
Romi, romani, Romania
Ambasadorului Marii Britanii i-am atras atentia ca aceasta gafa impardonabila a suscitat via atentie a romanilor cat si o emotie generala, care se reflecta in sutele de mesaje primite ieri de ziarul ZIUA si disponibile pe www.ziua.ro. Cititorii nostri se intreaba intemeiat cum s-ar simti Coroana daca imaginea Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii ar fi reprezentata pe postul public de Televiziune al Romaniei doar prin minoritati ca pakistanezii sau indienii, obtinute in urma colonialismului agresiv britanic. Dovada ca romanii s-au simtit jigniti a fost evidentiat si de Televiziunile de stiri din Romania, prin prezentarea acestui caz in editii speciale. In contextul in care la nivel european si international se duce o campanie de identificare a romanilor cu tiganii, actiunea BBC a parut ca se inscrie in aceasta operatiune. Faptul ca in Romania traiesc in numar mare de membri ai minoritatii roma, o etnie migratoare prezenta de altfel in toata Europa, nu poate deveni reprezentativa pentru "portul popular romanesc" si traditiile nationale romanesti bimilenare, oricat de mult am imbratisa "diversitatea, toleranta si drepturile omului", dupa cum ne sfatuieste ambasadorul Marii Brinatii in Romania. Din pacate, acest fapt, pe care nu a putut sa-l inteleaga amabasadorul Majestatii Sale, desi ar fi avut aceasta datorie, a fost insa inteles rapid de BBC, care a retras fotografia in urma scandalului creat.
Un album pentru BBC
Purtatorul de cuvant al Ministerului de Externe, Alin Serbanescu, ne-a asigurat ca va remite conducerii postului BBC un album despre portul si traditiile romanesti, pentru a nu se mai repeta aceasta greseala in viitor. Pana la scuzele de rigoare ale postului britanic ii sugeram ministrului de Externe sa-i trimita si ambasadorului Marii Britanii un astfel de album.


Ziua Logo
Obama vrea o confruntare cu Israel
-- Presedintele american Barack Obama a avut luni o convorbire telefonica cu premierul Israelului Ben jamin Netanyahu asupra procesului de pace din Orientul Mijlociu. Cotidianul "Haaretz" analizeaza con vorbirea sub titlul: "Netany ahu e convins ca presedin tele Obama tinde spre o confruntare cu Israel pentru a multumi lumea musulmana".
Barack Obama in timpul convorbirii cu Ben jamin Netanyahu
Aceasta este concluzia la care a ajuns premierul israelian
dupa ce a analizat discursul rostit de Obama la Cairo,
in ziua de joi 4 iunie 2009, dezvaluie "Haaretz".
Netanyahu a impartasit aceasta opinie membrilor
Guvernului si colaboratorilor apropiati: Statele Unite
actioneaza pentru imbu natatirea relatiilor cu lumea
musulmana si araba, si, in acest scop, o anume
confruntare cu statul evreu nu ar putea fi decat benefica
politicii Statelor Unite. In cursul zilei de luni 8 iunie,
Netanyahu i-a telefonat lui Obama si i-a facut cunoscut
ca are intentia sa sustina, peste o saptamana,
un discurs politic, in care va detalia liniile politicii sale
privind pacea si securitatea in Orientul Mijlociu si
tratativele israeliano-palestiniene. Obama s-a aratat
deosebit de interesat, l-a asigurat pe Netanyahu ca va urmari discursul sau si cei doi lideri au convenit
sa pastreze intre ei "o legatura deschisa si continua".
Obama l-a in cunostintat oficial pe Netanyahu ca luna viitoare va da publicitatii un Program de pace
pentru Orientul Mijlociu.


luni, 8 iunie 2009

BBC :Mother of OBAMA vote in Romania for UE

Ziua Logo
Nr. 4556 de marti, 9 iunie 2009

BBC isi bate joc de Romania
Poate stiti bancul cu tiganca bolnava care se duce la doctor... Daca nu-l stiti, nu-i nimic. Important este ca asistenta ii spune ca domnul doctor este plecat si o intreaba: "Cine sa-i spun ca l-a cautat?" "Ho, doamna!", vine raspunsul.
Nu stiu daca jurnalistii de la BBC stiu poanta, dar cam asa au gasit cu cale sa reprezinte imaginea alegatorului roman imbracat in costum popular. "O doamna romanca voteaza", scrie sub poza infatisand o tiganca cu broboada care introduce, zambind cu gura pana la urechi, buletinul in urna. In spatele ei troneaza drapelul Romaniei. Imaginea a fost postata ieri pe site-ul BBC, alaturi de alte fotografii, ce se doresc a fi un test despre alegerile din UE. "Dat fiind faptul ca au avut loc alegeri in noua state din Uniunea Europeana, unii alegatori s-au imbracat in straie traditionale pentru a merge la vot. Puteti ghici care este originea fiecarui costum?", suna textul chestionarului. Este drept ca toti cei imortalizati zambesc, dar niciunul nu arata ca "doamna romanca", desi or avea si ei tiganii lor. Si nici nu au steagul tarii natale in fundal.
Dupa ce treci in revista cele sapte poze, vine si raspunsul. "In sensul acelor de ceasornic, stanga sus: studenta la Conservatorul din Viena; femei ale minoritatii slave din Spreewald, Germania; un mandru husar
Îmi permit sa le aduc aminte confratilor englezi, cu a caror familie regala suntem inruditi, de povestea Reginei Maria dupa o vizita in tara-i natala, ocazie cu care s-a intalnit cu "varul George", respectiv Regele George al V-lea. Acesta i-a spus ca britanicii ii considerau pe romani "un neam inapoiat, inrudit cu popoarele din India". "De ce oare romanii mei, cei mai simpatici din lume la ei acasa, sunt cei mai putin iubiti in lume? Chiar n-a putut nimeni sa-i arate lumii asa cum sunt? Si nimeni nu se apleaca asupra dreptului lor istoric?", se plangea Regina Maria in 1935. Pentru colegii jurnalisti de la BBC, in anul de gratie 2009, pare-se ca romanii tot neam inrudit cu India au ramas.
P.S. Speram ca BBC sa-si ceara maine scuze.
Margarita GEICA
din Ungaria; o doamna romanca voteaza; bavarezi highlanders din sudul Germaniei".

Nazismul ecologist: Anglia “sa-si reduca populatia la jumatate”!

June 8th, 2009 · Comentati (1 comentariu)

Unul din cei mai influenti consilieri pe probleme de mediu ai guvernului britanic a afirmat, la o importanta conferinta, ca pentru a face Marea Britanie “sustenabila”, populatia sa de peste 60 de milioane trebuie redusa la jumatate.

Conform London Times, citat de reteaua LifeSiteNews.com, Jonathon Porritt a declarat, la conferinta anuala a Optimum Population Trust (OPT) tinuta sub egida Societatii Regale de Statistica, faptul ca populatia tarii trebuie redusa la jumtatate pentru a scadea “presiunea asupra ecosistemului”.

“Fiecare persoana din Marea Britanie are un impact asupra mediului mult mai mare decat o persoana din tarile in curs de dezvoltare, asa incat reducerea populatiei noastre e o cale de a micsora impactul.”

Membru de vaza la Partidului Verzilor si presedinte al Optimum Population Trust, Porritt este una din vocile cele mai radicale din miscarea ecologista britanica. Fiu al Lordului Porritt, el ocupa si functia de consilier principal la Parlament si este totodata consilier al Printului de Wales.

Conferinta din 2008 a OPT s-a incheiat cu o rezolutie care solicita autoritatilor britanice sa impuna o “politica privind populatia”. Cu un an inainte, Trust-ul, reactionand la stirile despre o usoara crestere a ratei nasterilor in Marea Britanie, a afirmat ca guvernul ar trebui sa impuna un numar de maxim doi copii per familie, similar cu politica din China.

In februarie 2009, Porritt a fost din nou in atentia presei dupa ce a afirmat ca britanicii care au mai mult de doi copii sunt “iresponsabili.”

Totodata, el a deplans faptul ca tara sa are inca un “nivel relativ inalt de sarcini duse la nastere.”

Sugestiile lui Porritt privind reducerea populatiei au fost salutate de profesorul Chris Rapley, directorul Muzeului Stiintei din Londra, care a sustinut in timpul congresului OPT ca o crestere a populatiei ar putea submina eforturile de reducere a emisiilor de gaz de sera. “Umanitatea emite anual in atmosfera echivalentul a 50 de miliarde de tone dioxid de carbon. Trebuie sa reducem cu 80% emisiile, iar cresterea populatiei va face acest tel mult mai dificil,” a declarat Rapley, pentru Times.

In raspuns, unele mijloace media mai sceptice l-au invitat pe Porritt sa dea un exemplu si sa fie primul voluntar in aceasta campanie de reducere a populatiei.

“Sa fie el primul,” scrie Don Surber, jurnalist la Charleston Daily Mail. “Jonathan Porritt a ramas fixat intr-o gandire de tip secolul XIX. Afirmatia sa ca englezii au un efect mai negativ asupra lumii decat locuitorii tarilor in curs de dezvoltare este o combinatie amuzanta de logica maltusianista cu ‘povara omului alb’.” [aluzie la poemul lui Rudyard Kipling "White Man’s Burden" care acuza imperialismul colonial al britanicilor asupra Lumii a Treia, n. red.] (Altermedia)

Nota Altermedia: “Miscarea ecologista” din care face parte si Porritt nu are, in sine, nimic romantic si nici idealist. Este o miscare de stanga, puternic politizata si sustinuta financiar de cei care au interesul agitarii marotei “incalzirii globale provocate de om”, ale carei “consecinte catastrofale” pot fi reduse, desigur, doar… scazand populatia planetei. Acolo unde nu se poate atinge acest tel “cu binisorul”, el trebuie impus prin forta - vezi politica criminala a regimului chinez, ale carui campanii de avorturi fortate si amenzile imposibil de platit aplicate celor care nu respecta interdictia de a avea un singur copil sunt invizibile pentru “aparatorii drepturilor omului”.

Din pacate, ecologismul atrage in special tineri idealisti si preocupati sincer de problematica mediului, care sunt manipulati fara scrupule si carora li se inoculeaza ideile maltusianiste. Evident ca ei nu ajung niciodata sa cunoasca adevarul, rezervat doar “celor alesi”. In acest context, originea nobiliara a lui Porritt apare ca aproape fireasca: nici unul din multiplele “cluburi de reflectie” (precum Bilderberg) care hotarasc soarta lumii nu admite altceva decat elitisti si nobili.

A se remarca si faptul ca Porritt deplange ca in Anglia nu se fac mai multe avorturi.

Ingrijorator este faptul ca si in Occidentul “democratic”, aparent incompatibil cu astfel de politici de forta care incalca flagrant noua religie a “drepturilor omului”, se fac auzite tot mai multe astfel de voci care cer reducerea fortata a populatiei.

Vezi si: premiera in Romania a documentarului “Iarna Demografica”, co-organizata de Asociatia Altermedia.
Aparitie editoriala: “Razboiul impotriva populatiei - Economia si ideologia controlului mondial al populatiei

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Monumente UNESCO din Tara Bucovinei (I) Euro-alegerile: apatie si castiguri pentru dreapta, eurosceptici si nationalisti

1 response so far ↓

· 1 Liviu Nănău // Jun 8, 2009 at 3:50 pm


miercuri, 3 iunie 2009

THE MORTAL 20th -CENTURY :My love, I cannot live without you


From The Sunday Times
October 14, 2007

My love, I cannot live without you

French philosopher Andre Gorz wrote his terminally ill wife a moving letter before their joint suicide last month. Here we publish it in Britain for the first time

The joint suicide of André Gorz, the French philosopher and founder of the magazine Le Nouvel Observateur, and his British-born wife Dorine, who was suffering from a fatal disease, has turned the love letter that he wrote to her into a surprise bestseller.

Gorz, 84, a friend of Jean-Paul Sartre, and Dorine, 83, committed suicide by lethal injection at their home in the village of Vosnon, east of Paris, on September 22. Two days later a friend found them lying side-by-side in their bedroom.

Gorz’s 75-page Lettre à D. Histoire d’un Amour (Letter to D. Story of a Love), published a year earlier, was a tribute to his wife. One French critic described the work, which won him a wider audience than his essays on ecology and anti-capitalism, as his “intellectual and emotional testament”.

The couple met by chance at a card game in 1947 and married in 1949. “You will soon be 82. You have shrunk six centimetres and you weigh just 45 kilos and you are still beautiful, gracious and desirable,” the book starts. “It is now 58 years that we have lived together and I love you more than ever.”

Gorz goes on to describe finding out in 1973 that Dorine, who managed foreign rights for the publisher Galilée, suffered from an incurable condition caused by the contrast agent lipiodol that was used for x-rays before a back operation that she underwent in 1965. Traces of the agent reached her skull and led to cysts in her cervix, painfully pressuring her nerves.

Two years later the couple learnt that she also suffered from another illness:

I took a photo of you, from behind: you are walking with your feet in the water on the beach of La Jolla. You are 52. You are amazing. It’s one of the images of you that I like best.

I looked at that photo for a long while after we got back home, when you told me you wondered if you didn’t have some sort of cancer. You’d already wondered that before we left for the United States but hadn’t wanted to say anything to me. Why not? ‘If I have to die, I wanted to see California beforehand,’ you told me calmly.

Your endometrial cancer hadn’t been picked up in your annual checkup. Once the diagnosis was made and the date of the operation set, we went to spend a week in the house you’d designed. I carved your name in the stone with a chisel. That house was magic. All the spaces had a trapezoidal shape. The bedroom windows looked out over the treetops.

The first night, we didn’t sleep. We were both listening to each other breathing. Then a nightingale started singing and a second one, further away, started answering. We said very little to each other. I spent the day digging and looked up from time to time at the bedroom window. You were standing there, motionless, staring into the distance. I am sure you were practising taming death in order to fight it without fear. You were so beautiful and so determined in your silence that I couldn’t imagine you giving up living.

I took time off from Le Nouvel Observateur and shared your room at the clinic. The first night, through the open window, I heard all of Schubert’s Ninth Symphony. It is etched in me, every note. I remember every moment spent at the clinic. Pierre, our doctor friend from the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), who came to hear your latest news every morning, said to me: ‘You are going through moments of exceptional intensity. You’ll remember this always.’ I wanted to know what chances the oncol-ogist gave you of surviving five years. Pierre brought me the answer: ‘50-50.’

When you came out of the clinic we went back to our house. Your spirit thrilled me and reassured me. You’d escaped death and life took on a new meaning and a new value. A friend immediately understood this when you saw him at a party. He stared into your eyes for a long time and he said to you: ‘You’ve seen the other side.’ I don’t know how you responded or what else you said. But these are the words he said to me, straight afterwards: ‘Those eyes! Now I understand what she means to you.’

You had seen ‘the other side’; you’d come back from the land no one comes back from. This changed your perspective. We made the same resolution without consulting each other. An English Romantic once summed it up in a sentence: ‘There is no wealth but life.’

During the months you were convalescing, I decided to take my retirement at 60. I started counting the weeks till I could pack up. I took pleasure in cooking, in tracking down organic produce that would help you get your strength back, in ordering the specially tailored medications that a homeopath had recommended you take.

Ecology became a way of life and a daily practice without ceasing to imply the requirement of a completely different civilisation. I’d reached the age where you ask yourself what you’ve done with your life, what you would like to have done with it. I had the impression of not having lived my life, of having always observed it at a distance, of having developed only one side of myself and being poor as a person. You were, and always had been, richer than I was. You’d blossomed and grown in every dimension. You were at home in your life; whereas I’d always been in a hurry to move on to the next task, as though our life would only really begin later.

I asked myself what was the inessential that I needed to give up in order to concentrate on the essential. I told myself that, to grasp the reach of the upheavals that were looming in every domain, there had to be more space and time for reflection than the full-time exercise of my profession as a journalist allowed.

I was amazed that my leaving the journal, after 20 years of collaboration, was neither painful to myself nor to others. I remember having written that, at the end of the day, only one thing was essential to me: to be with you. I can’t imagine continuing to write, if you no longer are. You are the essential without which all the rest, no matter how important it seems to me when you are there, loses its meaning and its importance. I told you that in the dedication of my last work.

Twenty-three years have gone by since we went off to live in the country, first in ‘your’ house, which radiated a sense of meditative harmony. A harmony we enjoyed for only three years. They started building a nuclear power station nearby and that drove us away. We found another house, very old, cool in summer, warm in winter, with huge grounds. It was a place where you could be happy.

Where there was only a meadow you created a garden of hedges and shrubs. I planted 200 trees there. For a few years we still did a bit of travelling; but all the vibrating and jolting around involved in any means of transport, no matter what, triggers headaches and pain through your whole body. Arach-noiditis has forced you, little by little, to abandon most of your favourite activities. You hide your suffering. Our friends think you’re ‘in great shape’. You’ve never stopped encouraging me to write. Over the 23 years we’ve spent in our house, I’ve published six books and hundreds of articles and interviews.

We’ve had dozens of visitors from every corner of the globe and I’ve given dozens of interviews. I surely have not lived up to the resolution made 30 years ago: to live completely at home in the present, mindful above all of the richness that is our shared life. I’m now reliving the instants when I made that resolution with a sense of urgency. I don’t have any major work in the pipeline. I don’t want ‘to put off living till later’ - in Georges Bataille’s phrase – any longer.

I am as mindful of your presence now as in the early days and would like to make you feel that. You’ve given me all of your life and all of you; I’d like to be able to give you all of me in the time we have left.

You’ve just turned 82. You are still beautiful, graceful and desirable. We’ve lived together now for 58 years and I love you more than ever. Lately I’ve fallen in love with you all over again and I once more carry inside me a gnawing emptiness that can only be filled by your body snuggled up against mine.

At night I sometimes see the figure of a man, on an empty road in a deserted landscape, walking behind a hearse. I am that man. It’s you the hearse is carrying away. I don’t want to be there for your cremation; I don’t want to be given an urn with your ashes in it. I hear the voice of Kathleen Ferrier singing, ‘Die Welt ist leer, Ich will nicht leben mehr’ and I wake up. I check your breathing, my hand brushes over you.

Each of us would like not to survive the other’s death. We’ve often said to ourselves that if, by some miracle, we were to have a second life, we’d like to spend it together.

Extracted from Lettre à D. Histoire d’un Amour by André Gorz. Translated by Julie Rose

duminică, 31 mai 2009

The last e-mail from Romanian Cemetery of Maramures


Entry for May 31, 2009 :The last e-mail from Romanian Cemetery of Maramures
Entry for May 31, 2009 :The last e-mail from Romanian Cemetery of Maramures magnify
Here are the latest updates for sin_dumitru2001@yahoo.com

Stephan Miller

"Stephan Miller" - 1 new article

  1. Just Write An Email
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  3. Search Stephan Miller

Just Write An Email

I wrote this article a long time ago, before I had a blog. It references Outlook, so it had to be a while ago. I haven’t used Outlook in a long time.

After reading the about William Saroyan and how he wrote The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze by writing a story a day for 30 days, I wrote 30 articles in the same time and spread them all over the internet.

This was one of those articles. One I read over and think, who wrote this. But it does make a lot of sense. I haven’t written many emails in a while and recently have had the chance to help show a few new people the ropes via email and other forms of communication. After reading through some of my emails, I remembered this article I wrote and tracked it down. It makes a still makes a lot sense and it does work.

How did you sell your last product? Imagine that I am a newbie writing you an e-mail after reading your ebook. How would you answer the question? I bet you could send me a 300 word reply in no time. Words would flow from your keyboard as fast as you can type. You have just written your next article. Don’t think so? Too easy? Read the next paragraph.

Robert Allen has written you an e-mail. He needs you to write a chapter in a new book that he is putting together and he needs it in a week. Are you up to the task? Can you have it done in time? The theme of the chapter: the unique way that you sold your last product. Okay, start writing. How long did it take you to write the first sentence? A hour, two. Remember, millions of readers will be viewing the results.

If you want to, do both exercises above and compare the results. Which piece reads better? Which one sounds like a high school textbook? Read them aloud and I bet the answer becomes clearer. You would be proud to let anyone read the e-mail addressed to the newbie but create a pen name for the book chapter. Why is there a difference here? Both of the subjects were the same. The same person wrote both pieces. Or was it the same person?

In example one, you were yourself. You were just answering a question. You were more than happy to explain your knowledge to someone who just casually wrote you an e-mail. In example two, you became "the author". Maybe you had to outline the chapter first, make notes, research it. In other words, do as many things as possible to put off what you really sat down to do. Just write. After all, with thousands of readers critiquing your work, everything has to be perfect. There is no room for mistakes. And yet the e-mail reads better.

So why not write an e-mail. The next time you have a great idea for an article, turn that idea into a question and e-mail it to yourself. Well, you don’t actually have to go that far, but if it helps, do it. Then all you have to do is reply to it. Don’t worry about grammar. Don’t worry about going off on a tangent. That tangent may be exactly what you need to make your article, oops, "e-mail" stand out. Just explain everything you need to in order to get your point across. If you need to, click "Create" in Outlook and start writing. Try it. And don’t follow the instructions in the next few paragraphs until you are done with your e-mail.

When you are done, read it out loud. Any time you slow down or stumble over the words, cut those word out. Any part that sounds like your sixth grade English teacher instead of you, chop it. Take no prisoners. You will know your own voice when you hear it. Just listen for it. Your readers want a new perspective just as much as they want information. You are not writing for the New York Times and you definitely don’t want to become Joe Friday. Slip the facts in with your personality and your readers will be flocking to your web site in search of more info. Or for that matter, they will be flocking just about anywhere you want them to flock.

Don’t forget to make sure you covered everything that you needed to cover. If you need add a word here and rearrange paragraphs there, do so. Once the idea is alive in your e-mail, it is hard to kill it. Don’t worry about that. Just make your e-mail complete. You will know when it is. You will get that feeling that is hard to explain, but involves printing your article out, sticking it to your refrigerator, telling your neighbors, and rehearsing for your Pulitzer Prize acceptance speech. If you notice any of these symptoms, your can now safely begin to refer to your "e-mail" as an article without killing it or triggering writer’s block.

Use this method as described and I promise you will become a much more productive writer. So how did you make your last online sale? Write me an e-mail.

P. S. I did write this in Outlook and addressed it directly to you.

Welcome to THE ANCIENT FUTURE, Dimitrio!



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