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luni, 1 decembrie 2008

Au cîştigat toţi alegerile ...să vedem cine guvernează ?!... Citiţi REPLICA de CONSTANŢA unde UNUL îl blesteamă pe Scaraosky altul se roagă la ÎNGER.

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Nov 29 1:34 PM
Rick says:
howdy Photobucket


Cotidian de atitudine bine informat de Constanta
Local Petrecaret ajuns la spital cu gatul taiat Violator pus in libertate Muncitor prins la furat pe santier Inselaciune cu incaltaminte Fost militar, spanzurat din dragoste Economic Concedieri in Dubai din cauza crizei economice Masuri pentru stabilizarea pietei de petrol Viitorul gazoductului Nabucco nu este incert Bancile, inchise de Ziua Nationala Reguli concurentiale nerespectate Cresteri la Bursa Negocieri pentru un nou acord Sport Partidele Forex Brasov-Dunarea Giurgiu si Petrolul Ploiesti-Prefab Modelu, anulate Chelsea promoveaza meciul cu CFR Cluj si la posturile comerciale de radio Peseiro este multumit de jocul rapidistilor Jula a inscris golul cu numarul trei Uhrin, la un pas de demisie Derby baschetbalistic Bayer s-a impus A jucat 500 de meciuri Meci in Bundesliga Poli Iasi are nevoie de trei achizitii Cotidian Inca o explozie subterana in Tomis Nord Carambol cu patru masini pe DN 22 Tom Cruise si Katie Holmes vor juca intr-un film erotic Nava ucraineana, eliberata de piratii somalezi Bijutier italian, ucis de un roman 30.000 de turisti la munte Microbuz plin cu pasageri, furat Hot din apartamente, tinut dupa gratii Monden Amy Winehouse a fost invatata de sot sa consume heroina Jennifer, speriata de tehnologie A-Ray isi neglijeaza copiii pentru Madonna Timp liber Actualitate A furat sapte perechi de blugi Politica Incidente cu nemiluita la alegeri: bani contra voturi si voturi pe intuneric 43,33% dintre constanteni s-au prezentat, ieri, la urne Mapamond Planul teroristilor de la Bombay era uciderea a 5.000 de oameni Relatia NATO – Rusia, in tratative la Bruxelles Hillary Clinton, membra a „echipei de rivali” a lui Obama Grenada explodata intre 2.000 de protestatari Macel in Niger Detinuti eliberati in Israel Masina a Ambasadei Germaniei, atacata Cersitul, o traditie a romilor Societate Pelerinaj la Manastirea Sf. Andrei Pasari si pisici otravite in Tomis Nord Concursul „Stop violentei!”, la final Ziua Nationala a Romaniei, sarbatorita in lume Oficii postale inchise Bolnavii de scleroza, sprijiniti Contestatii pe bani la Bac Articole prima pagina PSD a castigat alegerile, dar pierde la masa verde Fostii distribuitori de cosmetice Oriflame, cautati de recuperatori Un sot gelos, posibilul incendiator de la Murfatlar Petromin se privatizeaza cu angajament de confidentialitate pentru participanti Caracatitele Politiei Locale au blocat aproape 10.000 de masini A murit tanarul care cerea sa fie eutanasiat Castigatoarea rubricii “Tentatia zilei” Marinarii romani blocati in portul Toulon si-au primit banii Piturca a anuntat jucatorii convocati pentru cantonament

Gigi Becali, presedinte PNG-CD
E clar ca politica este pentru mine o necunoscuta. Diavolul m-a invins!

Theodor Stolojan, rugandu-se ca tot el sa fie propunerea PD-L pentru functia de prim-ministru

Inger, ingerasul meu,
Prim-ministru as vrea eu!

Am un vis de cand ma stiu,
Premier eu ca sa fiu.
De m-alegeti eu ma bucur,
Daca nu, am sa scutur.
Cred c-am sa fac un puseu
Si ma rog la Dumnezeu,
Sa va dea ce imi doriti
C-am sa va conduc, sa stiti!

Boc pupa unde a scuipat

sâmbătă, 29 noiembrie 2008


Să V O T E Z , să N U V O T E Z ? ! ...
Entry for November 29, 2008 - ON SUNDAY : TO VOTE OR NOT TO VOTE ?!...
Entry for November 29, 2008 - ON SUNDAY : TO VOTE OR NOT TO VOTE ?!...
Entry for November 29, 2008 - ON SUNDAY : TO VOTE  OR NOT TO VOTE  ?!...

Saint Andrew the First-Called
November 30th

Although his brother Peter tends to get a good deal more attention, St. Andrew is a man who got around. The list of places of which he is the patron is extensive, including Achaia, Constantinople, Greece, Romania, Russia, and Scotland. He did not visit all of them (as far as we know), but his influence, and in some cases his relics, have. His patronage of so many eastern venues, together with the fact that he was invited to be a disciple before his brother Peter, reminds us of the rivalry between the great Churches of the East and West. However, such a rivalry would have been far from the mind of this simple fisherman from Galilee. In spite of his status as the first-called and his blood relationship to Peter, Andrew is not mentioned as a member of the inner circle of Jesus that consisted of Peter and the brothers James and John. On the other hand, Andrew does play a unique role in the Gospels. Andrew leads his brother to Jesus and Andrew leads others to Jesus, as well, including the Gentiles who come to him and Philip in John 12 asking if they might see Jesus. It is also Andrew who identifies the boy with the loaves and fishes when a crowd has gathered around Jesus in the wilderness with nothing to eat.

Tradition has Andrew preaching the Gospel in Scythia and, of particular interest and importance, traveling as far north as the future site of Kiev in Ukraine, where, nine centuries later, Prince Vladimir and the Rus accepted Christianity and were baptized. Andrew died a martyr's death at Patras, in Achaia, where he was condemned by the proconsul to be tied to an x-shaped cross. For two days Andrew preached to the crowds who came to see his execution. The x-shaped (saltire) cross came to be known as St. Andrew's Cross and is his principal symbol. St. Andrew's relics (or a portion of them) were taken to Scotland by St. Regulus, who was custodian of the relics in Patras in the fourth century. In a dream, an angel told him to travel to the far north. He ended his journey in Scotland where he built a church and became the bishop of St. Andrew's. From there he evangelized Scotland for thirty years.

The modern shortened Advent begins on the Sunday nearest St. Andrew's Day, so this feast marks the end of the liturgical year. Since weddings were traditionally forbidden during Advent, there are some folk customs and superstitions related to marriage on St. Andrew's Day. In Hungary, unmarried girls put slips of paper with the names of potential husbands in a pasta dish that is eaten on this day. Since Andrew was a fisherman, this is a day to pray for fisherman, a custom that has special resonance in countries like Greece and Scotland where fishing is an important part of the economy. The Scots have many national customs on their patronal day and, not surprisingly, food plays a major role. The Scottish specialty called haggis (a concoction of oatmeal and various parts of the sheep, stuffed into a sheep's stomach and cooked) is served with great ceremony and some people actually eat it. Scones and fish are also served. We think this is also a good day to eat shortbread. In England, there is a pastry called Tandra Cakes, which take their name from "Tander", a name sometimes given to the feast.

Blessed Nicholas Ferrar
December 1st

This Anglican worthy has his own page on Full Homely Divinity.

The Ancient Future
Check out the video '2012: DNA Upgrade, the Shift and Ascension'

2012: DNA Upgrade, the Shift and Ascension
2012: DNA Upgrade, the Shift and Ascension
Video link:
2012: DNA Upgrade, the Shift and Ascension

2012: DNA Upgrade, the Shift and Ascension

Atenţiune - Foarte important!

Citiţi cu atenţie acest mesaj şi expediaţi-l apoi şi celorlanţi corespondenţi AI D-vs.

Dacă primiţi un mesaj electronic care vă sfătuieşte să înbunătăţiţi reînoind programul D-vs MSN actual. Cu o versiune nouă mai avansată:

"MSN - 0.8" SĂ NU ACCEPTAŢI sub niciun motiv!!! Căci vă instalează un Virus Nimicitor încă necunoscut!!!

Dacă primiţi o cerere de a va informa şi de a vă alătura în agenda corespondenţilor MSN, de asemenea să nu aprobaţi şi să nu acceptaţi! Vă instalează un Virus aprig care în timp de trei minute vă şterge tot Hard Discul (HD).

Fiţi extrem de vigilenţi în zilele apropiate ce urmează! Să nu deschideţi niciun mesaj la care e alipit, anexat vreo filă cu vreo "INVITAŢIE" - nu contează cine v-a expediat-o (cunoscut ori necunoscut).

CNN a anunţat că e vorba despre un Virus dintre cel mai dăunător şi nimicitor ce a fost vreodată.

Iar MICROSOFT recunoaşte de asemenea că acesta e cel mai aprig Virus nimicitor dintre toţi Viruşii existenţi până în prezent.

Acest Virus a fost descoperit de către McKaffe şi până la ora actuală încă nu există leac Antivirus contra lui.

Fiţi deci extrem de vigilenţi, expediaţi şi cunoscuţilor corespondenţi, informându-I de acest pericol!

Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 06:51:13 +0200
From: corinar@bezeqint.net
To: mnadia@013.net
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Fw: Atentie


TUPEU de AUR: Au adus ura, balamucul și agresivitatea în Parlament, acum...