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duminică, 6 septembrie 2009

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Sile this Millennium

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Sile this Millennium

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Member Since: Oct '07
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Dear visitors

I am Sile this Millennium an tramp of the Net .I play a trump my intuition of the world`s Net

I t... more

Dear visitors

I am Sile this Millennium an tramp of the Net .I play a trump my intuition of the world`s Net

I think, I am self-taught I, learn alone P.C ! I am only intuitive person because I am myself made man

(Sile this Millennium) Male Constantza, NA 900597 Romania

Spirit of Unicorn http://silethismillennium.blogspot.com/


Sile this Millennium

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Presa ne semnalează din ce în ce mai des că trăim "VREMURI BIBLICE "

http://silethismillennium.blogspot.com/2009/03/youtube-broadcast-yourself.html04 septembrie 2009

[Sin -collage]
Descopera. E lumea ta!

Islamul va deveni religia

dominanta a Terrei

in doar 20 de ani

Islamul va deveni religia dominanta a Terrei in doar 20 de ani

Este o ipoteza socanta, si totusi cat se poate de reala,

aceea ca islamul sa devina religia dominanta

a planetei in mai putin de doua decenii.

Studiile demografice arata o recrudescenta

fara egal a numarului de musulmani din Europa,

Asia si Statele Unite ale Americii, acolo unde

numarul credinciosilor islamici a crescut de circ

a 90 de ori in ultimele patru decade.

Islamul va detrona crestinismul ca religie dominanta

atat in Europa cat si in Statele Unite ale Americii,

asta daca nu cumva comunitatile crestine

vor creste considerabil rata demografica.

In acest sens, imaginile de mai jos sunt cat se poate de elocvente...


Cuvinte cheie: islam, mahomed, crestinism, religie

2/ INVISIBLE LOVE : Classic Jazz................................and PARANAIV



[Sin -collage]

Paintings By Bruni
Check out her site Here


Jazz has been called America's classical music, and for good reason. Along with the blues, its forefather, it is one of the first truly indigenous musics to develop in America, yet its unpredictable, risky ventures into improvisation gave it critical cache with scholars that the blues lacked. At the outset, jazz was dance music, performed by swinging big bands. Soon, the dance elements faded into the background and improvisation became the key element of the music. As the genre evolved, the music split into a number of different styles, from the speedy, hard-hitting rhythms of be-bop and the laid-back, mellow harmonies of cool jazz to the jittery, atonal forays of free jazz and the earthy grooves of soul jazz. What tied it all together was a foundation in the blues, a reliance on group interplay and unpredictable improvisation. Throughout the years, and in all the different styles, those are the qualities that defined jazz.

Notice: If have a favorite video of your favorite artist please go to www.youtube.com Register its Free and upload your video
Then email me at hbloomfield@rogers.com and let me know and I will pick them up and load them on this site
Comments on the site can be also sent to the above address

Welcome to Jazz Tube
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This site is devoted to giving you the best videos on Jazz that have been collected by Jazz lovers thru out the world and made available on the great YOU Tube Web Site

Orin Keepnews: A Jazz Producer History Lesson

Thank You for all the great support
Check Out Music Video Search for all genres of Music Videos
Below is a new look with a search engine to help source all your jazz videos

Please note I am trying to keep this site up to date
From time to time some video's will not be available up due to copyright infringement and when that happens YOU Tube has to take down the videos from their site but I will try to find replacements when I can.

Thank You for Visiting
Another note sometimes when you click on a video it states it is not available and them starts playing
Must be the jazz gods

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Check out the top Classic Jazz Performances On CD and DVD
54 Classic Jazz CD Part 1
54 Classic Jazz CD Part 2

54 Live Jazz Performances ON DVD

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Cool Jazz evolved directly from bop in the late '40s and '50s. Essentially, it was a mixture of bop with certain aspects of swing that had been overlooked or temporarily discarded. Dissonances were smoothed out, tones were softened, arrangements became important again, and the rhythm section's accents were less jarring. Because some of the key pacesetters of the style (many of whom were studio musicians) were centered in Los Angeles, it was nicknamed "West Coast jazz." Some of the recordings were experimental in nature (hinting at classical music) and some overarranged sessions were bland, but in general this was a viable and popular style. By the late '50s, hard bop from the East Coast had succeeded cool jazz, although many of the style's top players had long and productive careers. Among the many top artists who were important in the development of cool jazz were Lester Young, Miles Davis, Gerry Mulligan, Stan Getz, Shorty Rogers, and Howard Rumsey (leader of the Lighthouse All-Stars). ~ Scott Yanow

Top Cool Jazz Artists Videos


More Cool Jazz Artists
Just copy and paste into the search box

Stan Getz
John Barry
Jimmy Van Heusen
Victor Feldman
Warne Marsh
Shelly Manne
Paul Desmond
Art Farmer
Helen Merrill
Lester Young
John Lewis
Bob Brookmeyer
Al Cohn
Chet Baker
Dave Brubeck
Kenny Burrell
June Christy
Chris Connor
Miles Davis
Herb Ellis
Bill Evans
Vince Guaraldi
Woody Herman
The Hi-Lo's
Ahmad Jamal
Barney Kessel
Julie London
Marian McPartland
The Modern Jazz Quartet
Gerry Mulligan
Red Norvo
Art Pepper
André Previn
George Shearing
Cal Tjader
Sarah Vaughan
Bud Shank
Lee Konitz
Chico Hamilton
Jimmy Giuffre
Kenny Clarke
Gil Evans
Zoot Sims
Krzysztof Komeda
Paul Smith
Sal Salvador
Stan Levey
Lou Levy
Cy Touff
Jerome Richardson
Magic RSS Feed Reader

In Memory of the Late Mr. and Mrs. Comfort

In Memory of the Late Mr. and Mrs.

Photographer: Richard Avedon
Magazine: The New Yorker
Date: November, 1995
Model: Nadja Auermann
Fashion Editor: Doon Arbus, Polly Mellen

(Source: ru_glamour)


Ceremonia solemnă de numire în funcție a Procurorului General, Ion Munteanu