Poreclă Sile this Millennium Pseudonime sile_this_millennium
sâmbătă, 17 noiembrie 2007
Zorpia: What's Your Pleasure? Group Homepage
Zorpia: What's Your Pleasure? Group Homepage:
"Description Welcome to 'What's Your Pleasure?', 'Where everybody knows your name'. 'What's Your Pleasure?' is a pub style place to gather with our friends to share our news, our photos, the hot topics of the day, our sorrows, our joys and hopefully laughter and friendship along the way. Please no nudity, profanity or violence. Thank you. Dawn A smile costs nothing, but gives much. It enriches those who receive it without making poorer those who give it. A smile takes only a moment, but the memory of it can last forever. No one is so rich, or so mighty, that they can get a long without a smile. And no one is so poor that they cannot be made richer by a smile. A smile creates happiness in the home, fosters goodwill in business and is the countersign of friendship. A smile brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad and is nature's best cure for trouble Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen for it is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give a smile so give them one of yours , as no-one needs a smile so much as he who has no more of his own to give. SMILE"
Zorpia: What's Your Pleasure? Group Homepage
Zorpia: What's Your Pleasure? Group Homepage: "Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for the good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke"
Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's BlogBiblioteca Judeteana va fi finantata de Bill Gates<
Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog
Biblioteca Judeteana va fi finantata de Bill Gates
Este stiut faptul ca bibliotecile din Romania sunt printre cele mai sarace din intreaga lume. Asta, nu pentru ca nu ar fi suficiente carti care sa umple rafturile acestora, ci pentru ca fondurile oferite acestor institutii sunt dintre cele mai mici. Din acest motiv, fundatia „Bill si Melinda Gates” va acorda bibliotecilor din Romania o finantare in valoare de 1,4 milioane de dolari, prin programul „Global Libraries”, care vizeaza informatizarea bibliotecilor publice. Este vorba despre o finantare nerambursabila, de care vor beneficia deocamdata doar cinci dintre orasele romanesti si anume Ilfov, Hunedoara, Iasi, Salaj si Tulcea. Timp de un an de zile, reprezentantii acestei fundatii au fost prezenti in tara noastra si au discutat cu directorii bibliotecilor publice si cu reprezentantii Ministerului Culturii, despre includerea Romaniei in acest program de informatizare, derulat prin intermediul organizatiei International Research & Exchanges (IREX). „De acest program au beneficiat deocamdata doar cele cinci orase, pentru ca au cele mai sarace biblioteci. Constanta va beneficia si ea de acest ajutor anul viitor, atunci cand se vor pune la punct si sumele alocate pentru fiecare biblioteca”, a declarat directorul Bibliotecii „I.N. Roman”, Liliana Lazia. Tara noastra este una dintre primele tari europene care va beneficia de rezultatele acestui program, prin intermediul caruia se va achizitiona un soft specializat.
vineri, 16 noiembrie 2007
Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog
396 x 296 - 23k - jpg
Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog
MPs undermine Romanian-American relations
The US ambassador's criticism of the way the Romanian MPs had passed the modifications on the Criminal Code made some Romanian politicians strongly react against Nicholas Taubman and accuse him of breaking diplomacy practices. Bogdan Olteanu, the speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, was most vehement, claiming the way Taubman had become an ambassador didn't entitle him to teach lessons against corruption. After the attempt to withdraw Romanian troops from Iraq, it is also the Liberals who are on the foreground of this new story that may undermine the Romanian-American relations. Liberal Bogdan Olteanu commented on the US ambassador's concern as follows: "It is notoriously public that Mr. Taubman financed George Bush's electoral campaign and became an ambassador in exchange. This is something acceptable in America. But to the European views and morality it is unacceptable." The Liberal was dissatisfied with the US official's comments. Had they been made by an European diplomat in the US, they would have triggered public criticism from the Congress. As for Taubman, Olteanu claimed, he is a diplomat who got such a high position in a way that would have been perceived as corruption in Romania. Bogdan Olteanu, the PRM and the PC Lucian Bolcas, a vice president of the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party), agreed with the above-mentioned Liberal's opinion. "To respect one's diplomatic rank one must act in keeping with diplomacy practices", he commented. He added the US ambassador's statements should make Romanians worry. As for Sergiu Andon, a representative of the PC (Conservative Party) and also a president of deputies' juridical committee, he was even tougher in his view that Taubman got unilateral information, disregarding the opinions of authorities at stake. The Conservative argued: "But he misinforms by announcing that he had talked to all the authorities. In fact, he listened to one single voice or to several unilateral voices. I hear he says he is neither a lawyer nor a judge. But I am calmly and frankly telling him that he is neither an ambassador." It is to be noticed that Liberal Crin Antonescu came out to say Bogdan Olteanu's statement was not representative of the official view of the National Liberal Party and he described his comments as "excessive" and "nervous". The PD and the PIN stand by the US ambassador On the other hand, there are politicians who stand by the US official. Cozmin Gusa, leader of the PIN (National Initiative Party), is one of them. He announced his intention to demand the Permanent Office in the Chamber of Deputies to take distance from the speaker's opinion. He argued: "Ambassador Taubman's attitude is correct and it can support the complicated fight against corruption in Romania". He added: "Apart from its unfairness, the opinion expressed by the speaker of the Chamber of Deputies may point to the Parliament's involvement in a subjective fight of the Liberal leaders, meant to protect their corrupted against the pressure from the National Anti-Corruption Department." Vasile Blaga, a general secretary of the PD (Democrat Party), commented in his turn that the Liberal official's attitude was typical of the officials in power. When they don't obey foreign commitments, the Democrat argued, they reply on behalf of national dignity. Theodor Stolojan, a president of the Liberal-Democrat Party), even asked Bogdan Olteanu to resign because of such an attack against the US, the first of the kind after the Ceausescu era.
"(...)Criticile lui Taubman Ambasadorul SUA la Bucuresti a declarat joi, ca propunerile de amendamente pentru Codul penal si Codul de procedura penala "sunt destul de ingrijoratoare, pentru romani si pentru prieteni ai Romaniei", transmite Mediafax. Taubman a apreciat ca fiind la fel de ingrijorator faptul ca recentele amendamente "au fost adoptate aprope fara dezbateri", aproape fara consultari cu autoritatile judiciare si cele responsabile de aplicarea legii, aproape fara transparenta sau responsabilitate pentru opinia publica.(...)
Adrian ILIE
ISSN 1583-8021, © 1998-2007 ziua "ziua srl","
396 x 296 - 23k - jpg
Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog
MPs undermine Romanian-American relations
The US ambassador's criticism of the way the Romanian MPs had passed the modifications on the Criminal Code made some Romanian politicians strongly react against Nicholas Taubman and accuse him of breaking diplomacy practices. Bogdan Olteanu, the speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, was most vehement, claiming the way Taubman had become an ambassador didn't entitle him to teach lessons against corruption. After the attempt to withdraw Romanian troops from Iraq, it is also the Liberals who are on the foreground of this new story that may undermine the Romanian-American relations. Liberal Bogdan Olteanu commented on the US ambassador's concern as follows: "It is notoriously public that Mr. Taubman financed George Bush's electoral campaign and became an ambassador in exchange. This is something acceptable in America. But to the European views and morality it is unacceptable." The Liberal was dissatisfied with the US official's comments. Had they been made by an European diplomat in the US, they would have triggered public criticism from the Congress. As for Taubman, Olteanu claimed, he is a diplomat who got such a high position in a way that would have been perceived as corruption in Romania. Bogdan Olteanu, the PRM and the PC Lucian Bolcas, a vice president of the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party), agreed with the above-mentioned Liberal's opinion. "To respect one's diplomatic rank one must act in keeping with diplomacy practices", he commented. He added the US ambassador's statements should make Romanians worry. As for Sergiu Andon, a representative of the PC (Conservative Party) and also a president of deputies' juridical committee, he was even tougher in his view that Taubman got unilateral information, disregarding the opinions of authorities at stake. The Conservative argued: "But he misinforms by announcing that he had talked to all the authorities. In fact, he listened to one single voice or to several unilateral voices. I hear he says he is neither a lawyer nor a judge. But I am calmly and frankly telling him that he is neither an ambassador." It is to be noticed that Liberal Crin Antonescu came out to say Bogdan Olteanu's statement was not representative of the official view of the National Liberal Party and he described his comments as "excessive" and "nervous". The PD and the PIN stand by the US ambassador On the other hand, there are politicians who stand by the US official. Cozmin Gusa, leader of the PIN (National Initiative Party), is one of them. He announced his intention to demand the Permanent Office in the Chamber of Deputies to take distance from the speaker's opinion. He argued: "Ambassador Taubman's attitude is correct and it can support the complicated fight against corruption in Romania". He added: "Apart from its unfairness, the opinion expressed by the speaker of the Chamber of Deputies may point to the Parliament's involvement in a subjective fight of the Liberal leaders, meant to protect their corrupted against the pressure from the National Anti-Corruption Department." Vasile Blaga, a general secretary of the PD (Democrat Party), commented in his turn that the Liberal official's attitude was typical of the officials in power. When they don't obey foreign commitments, the Democrat argued, they reply on behalf of national dignity. Theodor Stolojan, a president of the Liberal-Democrat Party), even asked Bogdan Olteanu to resign because of such an attack against the US, the first of the kind after the Ceausescu era.
"(...)Criticile lui Taubman Ambasadorul SUA la Bucuresti a declarat joi, ca propunerile de amendamente pentru Codul penal si Codul de procedura penala "sunt destul de ingrijoratoare, pentru romani si pentru prieteni ai Romaniei", transmite Mediafax. Taubman a apreciat ca fiind la fel de ingrijorator faptul ca recentele amendamente "au fost adoptate aprope fara dezbateri", aproape fara consultari cu autoritatile judiciare si cele responsabile de aplicarea legii, aproape fara transparenta sau responsabilitate pentru opinia publica.(...)
Adrian ILIE
ISSN 1583-8021, © 1998-2007 ziua "ziua srl","
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