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vineri, 16 noiembrie 2007
Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog " .. despre viaţa ţiganilor nomazi ca ..."
Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog
Entry for November 16, 2007
Entry for November 16, 2007 magnify
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.. despre viaţa ţiganilor nomazi ca ...
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Evenimentul Zilei Nr. 4994
Vineri, 16 Noiembrie 2007, 10:14
Olteanu lupta cu coruptia din America
16 Noiembrie 2007
Mircea Marian, Romulus Georgescu
Foto: Codrin Prisecaru
Presedintele Camerei Deputatilor, Bogdan Olteanu, a atacat ieri in mod incalificabil o declaratie a ambasadorului SUA la Bucuresti, Nicholas Taubman. In replica la o declaratie a ambasadorului SUA, presedintele Camerei a spus ca Taubman a fost numit prin mijloace imorale.
Bogdan Olteanu si-a descoperit o noua vocatie: antiamericanismul. Bunica sa, Gizela Vass, care coordona relatiile internationale ale Partidului Comunist Roman, ar fi mandra nepotul liberal
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miercuri, 14 noiembrie 2007
“Tot ce se intampla fiecaruia, foloseste intregului.” (Marcus Aurelius) « ECHILIBRU
“Tot ce se intampla fiecaruia, foloseste intregului.” (Marcus Aurelius) « ECHILIBRU
"Bunicuţei" ca Frate mai Mare!
Welcome in our world mister Big Brother of Romanian People (in Really Politics Show) here in virtual global show ,will you be kind enough to?
“Brave New World Revisited” (1932) is a novel by Aldous Huxley,
failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions." In “1984”, Orwell added, people …we are in this situation “mister NET” added people like is Big Brother who have all control of the INTERNET ?In the future this Mega Star who will goes there in the what sense ill will or good will? That is the question in the future it is born in the past millennium of old Will ?
Sile this Millennium
Serialul de groază "MOARTĂ şi NELINIŞTITĂ" la al 60-lea episod
Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog
Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog: "Collage: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Going Green? photo courtesy of PR Photos/www.prphotos.com Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were spotted getting into a hybrid car while in L.A. Are they going green now? Or are they green only in L.A. due to peer pressure because many other celebrities have jumped on the green bandwagon. They were reportedly using SUVs non-stop while in NYC though. Hmmm. It's great if they're getting a little more conscious of global warming as we all should be, but why not be green a little more often? The above photo is of Brangelina at the Beowulf movie premiere in L.A. on November 5th. Source Babbled by gdaysunshine at 9:44 AM Read More: Brangelina Add to: lipstick Add to Newsvine del.icio.us Furl Stumble It! Technorati BlinkList reddit zorpia_story_url = ' 1 babblicious comments: 8sin49 said... 8sin49 spunea... .......on special occasions .....in virtual....virtual focus .....that`s the idea! Sile this Millennium November 13, 2007 10:01 AM November 13, 2007 10:07 AM Advertise on Gabby Babble"
Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog
Yahoo! 360° - Sin D's Blog
marți, 13 noiembrie 2007
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