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duminică, 31 mai 2009

The last e-mail from Romanian Cemetery of Maramures


Entry for May 31, 2009 :The last e-mail from Romanian Cemetery of Maramures
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Stephan Miller

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Just Write An Email

I wrote this article a long time ago, before I had a blog. It references Outlook, so it had to be a while ago. I haven’t used Outlook in a long time.

After reading the about William Saroyan and how he wrote The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze by writing a story a day for 30 days, I wrote 30 articles in the same time and spread them all over the internet.

This was one of those articles. One I read over and think, who wrote this. But it does make a lot of sense. I haven’t written many emails in a while and recently have had the chance to help show a few new people the ropes via email and other forms of communication. After reading through some of my emails, I remembered this article I wrote and tracked it down. It makes a still makes a lot sense and it does work.

How did you sell your last product? Imagine that I am a newbie writing you an e-mail after reading your ebook. How would you answer the question? I bet you could send me a 300 word reply in no time. Words would flow from your keyboard as fast as you can type. You have just written your next article. Don’t think so? Too easy? Read the next paragraph.

Robert Allen has written you an e-mail. He needs you to write a chapter in a new book that he is putting together and he needs it in a week. Are you up to the task? Can you have it done in time? The theme of the chapter: the unique way that you sold your last product. Okay, start writing. How long did it take you to write the first sentence? A hour, two. Remember, millions of readers will be viewing the results.

If you want to, do both exercises above and compare the results. Which piece reads better? Which one sounds like a high school textbook? Read them aloud and I bet the answer becomes clearer. You would be proud to let anyone read the e-mail addressed to the newbie but create a pen name for the book chapter. Why is there a difference here? Both of the subjects were the same. The same person wrote both pieces. Or was it the same person?

In example one, you were yourself. You were just answering a question. You were more than happy to explain your knowledge to someone who just casually wrote you an e-mail. In example two, you became "the author". Maybe you had to outline the chapter first, make notes, research it. In other words, do as many things as possible to put off what you really sat down to do. Just write. After all, with thousands of readers critiquing your work, everything has to be perfect. There is no room for mistakes. And yet the e-mail reads better.

So why not write an e-mail. The next time you have a great idea for an article, turn that idea into a question and e-mail it to yourself. Well, you don’t actually have to go that far, but if it helps, do it. Then all you have to do is reply to it. Don’t worry about grammar. Don’t worry about going off on a tangent. That tangent may be exactly what you need to make your article, oops, "e-mail" stand out. Just explain everything you need to in order to get your point across. If you need to, click "Create" in Outlook and start writing. Try it. And don’t follow the instructions in the next few paragraphs until you are done with your e-mail.

When you are done, read it out loud. Any time you slow down or stumble over the words, cut those word out. Any part that sounds like your sixth grade English teacher instead of you, chop it. Take no prisoners. You will know your own voice when you hear it. Just listen for it. Your readers want a new perspective just as much as they want information. You are not writing for the New York Times and you definitely don’t want to become Joe Friday. Slip the facts in with your personality and your readers will be flocking to your web site in search of more info. Or for that matter, they will be flocking just about anywhere you want them to flock.

Don’t forget to make sure you covered everything that you needed to cover. If you need add a word here and rearrange paragraphs there, do so. Once the idea is alive in your e-mail, it is hard to kill it. Don’t worry about that. Just make your e-mail complete. You will know when it is. You will get that feeling that is hard to explain, but involves printing your article out, sticking it to your refrigerator, telling your neighbors, and rehearsing for your Pulitzer Prize acceptance speech. If you notice any of these symptoms, your can now safely begin to refer to your "e-mail" as an article without killing it or triggering writer’s block.

Use this method as described and I promise you will become a much more productive writer. So how did you make your last online sale? Write me an e-mail.

P. S. I did write this in Outlook and addressed it directly to you.

Welcome to THE ANCIENT FUTURE, Dimitrio!



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Sky Sky created this social network on Ning.

Create your own social network!


sâmbătă, 23 mai 2009

Cum sa-ti conduci compania pe timp de criza? Invata de la Confucius!... Twitter face concurenţă You Tube


Twitter face concurenta YouTube cu doua platforme video

15:05 - Twitter face concurenta YouTube cu doua platforme video

Twitter a preluat modelul YouTube prin lansarea a doua platforme video online, TwitVid si Twiddeo, care dau posibilitatea utilizatorilor sa posteze fisiere video proprii, informeaza presa...

Sambata, 23 Mai 2009, ora 15:05


Sursa: NewsIn


Ieri, 21:38 - Opinii Andreea Vass: Scepticismul lui Stepic

Exercitiile de admiratie a autoritatilor austriece care promoveaza investitorii prin programul Go International (strategie pentru promovarea antreprenorilor austrieci in strainatate) sau prin...

5 comentarii

Opinii Andreea Vass: Scepticismul lui Stepic

Vineri, 22 Mai 2009, ora 21:38

Opinii Andreea Vass: Scepticismul lui Stepic

astazi, 11:11

Iată o abordare cat se poate de inteligentă pentru un candidat la EURO-PARLAMENTARE

Observ că de această dată euro-candidata "NU MAI PLÂNGE PE UMĂRUL ALEGĂTORULUI " impărtăsind cu acesta vinovătiile -fără să facă mea culpa politicianului care se propune in fruntea cetătii tocmai pentru a rezolva ce colegii săi nu au rezolvat- ci iată ia atitudini politice cu competentă si claritate :"Am incercat sa le induc optimismul unei economii partial protejate de efectele crizei financiare si economice europene.

Pentru Romania, dependenta relativ redusa a PIB fata de exporturi este o binecuvantare in perioada asta. In schimb, tarile baltice sau Ungaria cunosc contractii economice brutale date de diminuarea cererii de pe pietele lor de export."
Asa da stimată euro-candidată !


prea f
Liberalul Ciocanel, adjunctul lui Ion la ITC

Liberalul Ciocanel, adjunctul lui Ion la ITC
Chiru, „lucrat” de Iustian la examenul pentru Inspectoratul in Constructii?

  • Este Este oficial
  • pedelistul 
  • Gigi Chiru (foto) a pierdut sefia Inspectoratului Teritorial in Constructii Sud-Est. Potrivit procesului-verbal incheiat in urma sustinerii proiectelor de management pentru ITC, in dreptul lui Gigi Chiru (sustinut dePD-L) scrie negru pe alb “respins”, in timp ce Florentin Ion (sustinut de PSD) a fost declarat “admis”. De asemenea, comisia - formata din Ovidiu CordoneanuMircea Iustian (foto), Adnan OmerVictor Candea-Muntean si Adrian Morariu - a decis ca adjunctul lui Florentin Ion sa fie nimeni altul decat liberalul Niculae Ciocanel, fostul sef al institutiei. Interesant este ca din respectiva comisie care a evaluat proiectele a facut parte si subprefectul pedelist Mircea Iustian. Cum insa postul nu i-a revenit lui Gigi Chiru, desi PD-Constanta sustine cu vehementa ca institutia ii revine, conform protocolului incheiat cuPSD, concursul a fost contestat. Mai exact, in cursul zilei de vineri, 22 mai a. c. , Gigi Chiru a depus o contestatie, prin care solicita sa i se explice care au fost motivele pentru care contracandidatul sau a fost declarat admis si nu el. Chiru sustine ca a obtinut un punctaj similar cu Ion. La randul sau, presedintele PD-L Constanta, senatorul Mircea Banias, a declarat ca daca se constata nereguli in decizia luata de comisie, organizatia va face “scandal”. (Alexandra ANTON)
  •  Maioru - 23.05.2009, 12:22 
  • Stavrositu = Iustian, toata lumea stie. Astia trebuie starpiti din partid. Aveti noroc ca Banias este un lider cu coloana vertebrala si inca va mai suporta.
  •  Draga trotineta - 23.05.2009, 10:54 
  • Nu degeaba ti-ai ales nickname-ul pentru ca ti se potriveste perfect. Emiti niste ineptii fantastice! Iustian o lucreaza si pe Stavrositu iar daca stau sa ma gandesc mai bine el lucreaza pe toata lumea. Informeaza-te intai si dupa aia poti sa ragi
  •  manevre - 23.05.2009, 10:45 
  • astia din comisie sunt doar tapii ispasitori. deciziile se iau la bucuresti,iar chiru mai bine si-ar baga piciorul in partidul asta de rahat care nu-si sustine proprii oameni,ci doar ii foloseste in campanii !
  •  Trotineta de Iustian - 23.05.2009, 09:12 
  • Iustian asta nu mai trebuia sa fie nimic. Dar Stavrosita l-a ajutat sa fie sybprefect. Stavrosita sa plece la fel si Iustian
  •  redivivus - 23.05.2009, 07:56 
  • Iustian,figura anodina de frizer cu mandolina,nu este chiar atat de inofensiv cum pare la prima vedere. A fost un element de descompunere in organizatia PNL din care a facut parte,si,oportunist din fire,si-a asumat rolul de gloaba troiana dezertand in PD care avea mare nevoie de \"elemente devotate\" pentru a lichida propria organizatie. Acest felcer ratat,care a inceput sa se specializeze in depunerea de coroane,a depus deja una pe organizatia PD-L Constanta.
  •  un cetatean model - 23.05.2009, 02:19 
  • Dle Banias !
    acest soricar ajuns subprefect a votat impotriva tuturor pedelistilor la concursuri !!! sa speram ca nu il prinde luna iulie pe acest post
    sparam sa ramanetii acelasi om cu coloana vertebrala si sa scapati de el

  • Cum sa-ti conduci compania pe timp de criza? Invata de la Confucius!

    Ieri, 23:43 - Cum sa-ti conduci compania pe timp de criza? Invata de la Confucius!

    Cum sa-ti conduci compania in vremuri in care nicio regula nu se mai aplica, cand singura certitudine e incertitudinea? Managerii au cautat indelung raspunsul la aceasta intrebare. Insa raspunsul a...

    prototipul politicianului ,FĂRĂ VIRTUŢII, 



    citez un pasaj edificator din comentariul jurnalistei Alexandra Sandu :
    "Confucius spune ca majoritatea liderilor uita sa aibe grija de cei pe care ii conduc. Isi pierd prea mult timp incercand sa adune cat mai multa glorie si bogatie pentru ei fara sa se mai gandeasca si la ceilalti.

    Pe timp de criza, insa, aceste naravuri se intaresc si mai mult, luptandu-se sa-si pastreze pozitia cu orice pret. Acesta este exact opusul la ceea ce ar trebui sa faca pentru ei si organizatiile lor."

    Felicitări jurnalistei ALEXANDRA SANDU

     cu această ocazie .



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