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joi, 30 iulie 2009

Pericolele nebanuite ale telefonului mobil -Autor: Valentin Dimitriu "


Pericolele nebanuite ale telefonului mobil

Joi, 30 Iulie 2009, ora 06:30

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Pericolele nebanuite ale telefonului mobilfoto: CBS News
In ultimii ani, opinia publica a fost asaltata de sute de zvonuri alarmiste despre radiatiile ucigase emise de telefonul mobil, care pot creste riscul aparitiei cancerului la creier, afecteaza copiii nenascuti din burta mamelor sau chiar pot fi folosite pentru a praji oua.

Ultimele studii ale cercetatorilor arata insa ca nu exista in clipa de fata niciun efect negativ al radiatiilor emise de telefoanele mobile asupra sanatatii oamenilor, iar singurele reactii adverse descoperite totusi de specialisti vin din cu totul alte cauze, total surprinzatoare, potrivit ABC News.

"Desi au fost raportate efecte negative asupra sanatatii umane asociate cu expunerea la radiatiile radio de frecventa joasa, aceste efecte nu au fost pana acum confirmate si numarul lor nu a crescut", arata un studiu al Administratiei Alimentelor si Medicamentelor din Statele Unite, publicat in luna mai.

Asadar, cei care cred ca radiatiile din telefon le vor praji creierul pot sta linistiti, concentrandu-se mai bine asupra altor probleme reale cauzate de mobil, de data aceasta, verificate de specialisti.

Neatentia, cel mai grav efect secundar

Daca radiatiile emise de telefoane nu pot afecta creierul, conversatiile purtate sunt insa deosebit de periculoase pentru activitatea lui.

Cercetatorii de la Universitatea Carnegie Mellon din Statele Unite au descoperit ca simpla ascultare a unui interlocutor iti reduce activitatea cerebrala cu 37%, cauzand astfel o "deteriorare semnificativa" a capacitatii de a conduce masina.

Si nu doar cei aflati la volan sunt pusi in pericol de folosirea telefonului mobil. Un studiu realizat de medicii pediatri americani arata ca gradul de atentie a pietonilor ce traverseaza strada scade cu 20% in timpul folosirii telefonului mobil.

In cazul copiilor, care din pricina varstei sunt prin definitie mai neatenti, riscul de a fi loviti de o masina in timp ce traverseaza, vorbind la telefon, creste cu 43%.

Telefoanele doctorilor sunt pline de microbi

Cercetatorii de la Universitatea din Samsun, Turcia, au descoperit ca telefoanele mobile ale doctorilor si personalului din spitale sunt pline de microbi periculosi pentru sanatate.

Cercetatorii au descoperit ca 94,5% din telefoanele testate in cadrul studiului erau contaminate cu diverse bacterii extrem de rezistente la antibioticele normale.

Din pacate, studiul arata ca numai 10% din posesorii telefoanelor mobile obisnuiau sa le dezinfecteze la intervale regulate de timp.

Degete ranite de mesajele scrise

Cand vine vorba de neplacerile cauzate de telefonul mobil, multi utilizatori se plang ca au facut bataturi sau basici la degete, din cauza tastarii excesive.

Desi cele mai multe dintre ele sunt rani minore, iar aparitia lor repetata este pusa pe seama stresului, doctorii avertizeaza ca fenomenul poate duce la probleme medicale serioase.

"Consult din ce in ce mai multi pacienti care au semnalat dureri frecvente in zona tendoanelor de la degete", spune doctorul Richard Brown, chirurg ortoped la spitalul Scripps Memorial din California.

"De obicei le recomand terapie de recuperare sau le prescriu medicamente, insa unii dintre ei ajung chiar la operatie", a mai precizat doctorul.

Alergia la telefonul mobil

Persoanele alergice la diverse metale, cum ar fi nichelul, pot experimenta alte efecte neplacute ale folosirii telefoanelor mobile: dermatitele de contact.

In ultimii ani, dermatologii au sesizat un numar din ce in ce mai mare de dermatite de contact, aparute la pacienti alergici la componentele metalice din telefoanele lor mobile.

"Unii oameni sunt extrem de sensibili la nichel. Banuiesc ca reactiile lor sunt mult mai comune decat credem, insa nu sunt recunoscute la scara larga", spune doctorul Lionel Bercovitch, profesor de dermatologie la Scoala Medicala Brown, din Statele Unite.

Printre simptomele alergiei la nichel se numara inrosirea usoara a degetelor sau chiar mancarime si aparitia basicilor.

Muzica din casti afecteaza auzul

Nu in ultimul rand, telefoanele mobile sunt vinovate pentru expunerea urechilor noastre la zgomote daunatoare, pe masura ce noile aparate incorporeza din ce in ce mai multa tehnologie, fiecare telefon mobil reprezentand in ziua de azi si un dispozitiv de stocare si ascultare a muzicii, deseori cu volumul la maxim.

Potrivit statisticilor realizate de Centrul pentru Prevenirea si Controlul Bolilor din Statele Unite, 12,5% dintre copiii cu varste cuprinse intre 6 si 19 ani, si 17% dintre adultii cu varste intre 20 si 69 de ani sufera de afectiuni permanente ale auzului, provocate de expunerea excesiva la zgomot, totalizand aproape 30 de milioane de persoane.

Specialistii avertizeaza ca sunetele cu o intensitate mai mare de 85 de decibeli pot afecta auzul, in conditiile in care cele mai multe casti de telefon sau MP3 ajung la un maxim de 100 de decibeli.

Vibratiile fantoma

Desi acest efect nu este nici pe departe la fel de grav ca neatentia la volan, "vibratiile fantoma" reprezinta un efect secundar foarte enervant al folosirii intensive a telefonului mobil.

Multi utilizatori de telefoane mobile au raportat vibratii ciudate ale aparatelor, chiar si atunci cand acestea sunt inchise.

"Daca folosesti foarte mult telefonul mobil, acesta devine o parte din tine", spune doctorul William Bart, seful catedrei de neuropsihologie al Universitatii de Medicina din New York.

"Este ca si cum ai purta niste ciorapi stramti toata ziua. Chiar si dupa ce i-ai dat jos, poti sa ii simti in continuare in picioare", explica doctorul, citat de ABC News.
Sursa: Ziare.com
Autor: Valentin Dimitriu "

2- Invite your friends :Memorable Days




August 2008 - We came to know that 15th August falls on friday.Hooray...we got 3+1 days. This time planned to go Wayanad- Kerala which is approximately 280 kms from Bangalore. First we planned to go by bike later at the end of the day before we start, we changed our plan to go by car. We prepared our route as Bangalore>Mudhumalai>Sulthanbathery>Nagarhole>Bangalore. Here we go with our few memorable moments in our trip to Wayanad.



I have started to upload the new songs in my website. Thanks for box.net for its wonderful feature. Now you can hear or download the latest Tamil, Hindi songs here. I have uploaded the latest Tamil and Hindi songs here. Songs will be uploaded here in mp3 format. Check out the menu...for the latest songs from the Tamil movies such as Pasanga, Kandaswamy, Thoranai, Moskovin Cauveri, Mutthirai, Vamanan, Ayirathil Ooruvan.... and from Hindi movies such as Kaminey,Kambakkht Ishq,Luck,Agyaat.....



Staying in bangalore myself and prem never visited Shivanasamudram. So we planned to have one day bike trip to Shivanasamudram. Sathish told that we can also go for Barachukki falls which is near by Sivasamudram. We set our plan and started from Ulsoor early morning at 6 am. Having a lot of break...reached Barachukki falls at 1 pm.



On 1st of April, Sathish asked me - How about a bike trip to Coorg? I was stunned by the name "Bike Trip" and that too Coorg which is approximately 250-260 kms from Bangalore [One way]. But later i was convinced by Sathish and finally we decided to move on... Days we planned [From 5th to 7th of April 2008] Here we go with our memories starting from 5th April 2008 - Day 1



"There is no I in TEAMWORK." - unknown "Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships." - Michael Jordan Here is our team ....



Vijay Samraj - One of our office colleague got engaged and gave invitation for his marriage to us. Marriage was on 14th July 2008 - Monday. Its really tough for us to attend his marriage on Monday morning. So we planned to attend his engagement function which was on 13th July 2008 evening. We started from Bangalore by car on 12th July 2008 evening at around 3pm. We got struck in huge traffic near electronic city and it took more than an one hour to cross electronic city. We reached hosur at around 6.30 pm. After having a short "commerical" break, we started to move to Dharmapuri - the marriage place.



Feb 14th 2009 - Valentine's Day.... Our Sangam members [See last picture for our Sangam members] don't have any valentine to celebrate the day...What to do.... Suddenly we got an idea to have a trip to Kollimalai...Some of the members in our Sangam got afraid by the name of the place...KOLLIMALAI...[The Mountains of Death]!!!! Later we consolidated everything and we started to execute our plan. We kicked our bikes at early moring 6 am to move to Yelagiri... Nothing much to say about Yelagiri since we didn't find any enjoyable place .Immediately we turned our bikes to Kollimalai. Our plan is Bangalore > Salem > Rasipuram> Kollimalai> Raasipuram> Salem > Bangalore.....

Total Solar Eclipse - July 22, 2009

Of all the dramatic displays that nature treats us to, a total eclipse of the sun is the most awe-inspiring. It begins with a gradual darkening of the sky that progresses to an eerie gray. It’s strangely quiet, prompting people to speak just above a whisper as they watch a flat, black disk slide slowly across the sun. The moment when the last crescent of sunlight vanishes is unnerving, recalling ancient fears that an eclipse was signaling the end of the world. Then suddenly the sun’s corona bursts forth—a shimmering halo of light that seems to surround a black hole in the sky. This is the magic moment; this is why eclipse chasers are willing to travel to the ends of the earth. Then the moon moves on, uncovering a sliver of sunlight, and everyone cheers the sun’s return.
This is the official statement from NASA:
On Wednesday, 2009 July 22, a total eclipse of the Sun is visible from within a narrow corridor that traverses half of Earth. The path of the Moon’s umbral shadow begins in India and crosses through Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar and China. After leaving mainland Asia, the path crosses Japan’s Ryukyu Islands and curves southeast through the Pacific Ocean where the maximum duration of totality reaches 6 min 39 s. A partial eclipse is seen within the much broader path of the Moon’s penumbral shadow, which includes most of eastern Asia, Indonesia, and the Pacific Ocean.
The path of totality
At sunrise on July 22, 2009, (the evening of July 21 PDT), the moon’s umbra—the cone-shaped part of the moon’s shadow—will fall on India’s Gulf of Khambhat. The shadow will sweep across Asia and the South Pacific before leaving the earth near the Marshall Islands about 3½ hours later. The path of totality will cover a distance of approximately 9,500 miles (15,200 km). The maximum duration of totality is an exceptionally long 6 minutes and 39 seconds, which will come while the shadow is over the Pacific.

Trip to Kollimalai - "The Mountains of Death"

Feb 14th 2009 - Valentine's Day....
Our Sangam members [See last picture for our Sangam members] don't have any valentine to celebrate the day...What to do....
Suddenly we got an idea to have a trip to Kollimalai...Some of the members in our Sangam got afraid by the name of the place...KOLLIMALAI...[The Mountains of Death]!!!!
Later we consolidated everything and we started to execute our plan. We kicked our bikes at early moring 6 am to move to Yelagiri...
Nothing much to say about Yelagiri since we didn't find any enjoyable place .Immediately we turned our bikes to Kollimalai.
Our plan is Bangalore > Salem > Rasipuram> Kollimalai> Raasipuram> Salem > Bangalore....
We reached Rasipuram some where around 11pm. Our bad luck, next day is a marriage day in Tamil calendar. Rasipuram is a small place where only 3 lodges were there and we didn't find any rooms to stay...;)
One person told that the only way is to move back to Salem for boarding. We don't want to think more since the time was 1am. We moved back to Salem and found a good hotel to stay in outer place at 3 am.
We decided to stay in that hotel and move back to Bangalore since going to Kollimalai is again a job of double driving. We closed our chapter for the day...
But the next day we woke at 10 am and suddenly we discussed why can't we go to Kollimalai since we came till here.Within 1 hr we are ready to move to Kollimalai....Here we go with our few memories taken in Kollimalai
Kollimalai - A beautiful view from a distance of 5 kms
We heard that there will be 70+ hair pin bends...After going there 70+ is only to the destination to reach. After that where ever you go to see places, you need to drive a minimum of 20-30 hair pin bends.
Few hair pin bends while moving towards Kollimalai
Our bikes at 32nd hair pin bend ...Taking rest..Since we need to move a lot.

A beautiful view from 32nd hair pin bend..

Way to Agasa Gangai Falls...

We reached Agasa Gangai falls at 3pm..Persons over there said that there will be a minimum of 1000 steps to go down to see the falls. There was a person also who collected Rs 1.00 to see the falls !!!
We paid the "Toll Fee" of Rs.1.00 to that person and started our journey to move towards the falls. It was strange for us to see some persons are sleeping and taking rest in walls of the steps. We chuckled our selves and our eagerness made us to step down the steps too fast and reached the falls with in 30 mins.

View of zig zag steps to Agasa Gangai falls..

Wow..finally we found the falls ..The destination arrives
Here we go with some complete view of Agasa Gangai Falls in different angles...

We took an "Adventurous" bath in the falls and started to move from that place. Now we realized our mistake - chuckling on others when we started to move from top to falls. It was really a hard time for us to step up back to the top where we parked our bikes.

Turn back photos - Taking a picture to remember how we stepped up these steps..???

Snap taken from a view point..in the mid when we took some rest..

Our rest is not enough...Its me over there climbing with the help of a support...Too tired...

Hurray...we reached our destination and we reached here at 6pm. Almost it took 1 1/2 hrs to reach here.

Our bad for the day was still alive...When we reached top, we found one of our bike is punctured...In mid of the village one person helped us to solve our puncture..Really we are so thank full for that unknown person who trusted us by giving his air pump to re-fill the air to reach the shop.

Our punctured bike..

While returning back we took some night view from Kollimalai....Down is the excellent view...

Here is our Sangam...From right to left [ Jaffer, Prakash, Nagaraj, Prem and me...Missing Satish is taking this picture]

We reached down hill at 8pm and started our journey back to Bangalore. We reached Bangalore at some where around 3am on the next day...

We immensely enjoyed this trip even though we started the day with bad luck....


De ce nu pierde (încă) Rusia războiul, Ce a vrut Biden de la Iohannis